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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Still Getting Huge Results Today!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

It is going to rain today, so I have to hurry and drive to town (45 min.) so this is a short post today about Shiela. Our products were getting huge results in 2016 and continue to get huge results today! We don't make any medical claims

I am blown away by how effectively this coffee is working on me and I am not even a coffee drinker to begin with! I fully embraced the coffee habit and it sure is easy to sustain. I started drinking the coffee on 06/08/16 through 08/21/16, it's not even a full 3 months yet and I already dropped 20 lbs, more in inches, but I didn't measure, however I could feel it in the way my clothes fit. For the very first time in a long time, I enjoyed shopping for clothes because I'm down a couple of sizes. I could just feel a new sense of self-confidence that I'm regaining. My body is in a better overall state. My doctor called and said my hemoglobin A1C has dropped that they had to reduce my meds. I have no doubt that I will be medication-free in no time. I've been often told to diet and exercise by my doctor as well as concerned family members; although I am aware of what I had to do, I can't seem to follow-through with action steps. But with the results I've seen in just a few short months, it was easy to get motivated to start exercising and to keep up with it. I feel much happier and the joy exudes from the inside out. This space is not enough to write about what I have in my heart to share! I won't ever forget how this weight loss coffee is changing my life, and this is only the beginning.

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