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Showing posts with label PEA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PEA. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

LEAN TRIM COFFEE IS BACK!!! BUT Now Calling my blog "Healthy Cells 4 You"

Hi. Healthy Cells 4 You here!

What has everyone been up too?  Missed blogging!  But I'm back with new special business that everyone should be in with 3 healthy products. Can't make any medical claims, but boy oh boy are we getting stories!

My son, for one, has had his severe panic and anxiety attacks actually calm down for the first time in about 10 months! The only thing he has changed is he has been taking product. I am so grateful.

Message me and I will give you more info on my son's progress.

In the meantime, I'm looking for entrepeneurs that want a business that is ground floor and products that work and a great income.  Yes, you really have to understand what ground floor business means to understand the importance of this business. click on below, then get back to me by messaging me for more info.

Start Here

Bye for now!

Saturday, April 21, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!
I've been on vacation, but I am back. Granddaughter got married.

If you want more information, leave a comment how to contact you:)

Ingredient Information:
I like our Italian coffee,organic and non GMO, 
Our Italian has an ingredient in it "Cissus Quadrangularis" here are the benefits. H

What is Cissus good for?
It is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in Thailand, and is also used in traditional African and Ayurvedic medicine. All parts of the plant are used for medicine. Cissus quadrangularis is used for obesity, diabetes, a cluster of heart disease risk factors called “metabolic syndrome,” and high cholesterol.

Monday, April 9, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

I hope you enjoy my posts and tidbits of information. I am opening this blog up to answer any of your questions. You can go to my link, give your information and I will contact you. Or you can leave a comment, but give me a way to contact you.

Ok, I'm headed to make my mocha coffee.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - You Should Know Me By Now

Lean Trim Diana Here!

If you have been following my posts, you know by now I am dedicated to helping people get healthy, whether it is losing weight, less brain fog, more energy, better mood, and helping the body with immune boost, blood pressure and so much more. Every day, I have watched my products work and I pass the information onto you. I hope you enjoy reading about mine and others awesome results.

ROSE - I have been drinking our products using the 12 in 24 program for 5 months now. These products work differently depending on the person and the situation he or she's dealing with if you are happy , non stressed, the results are tremendous and fast. If You are stressed, dealing with negatives environment at home, at work and you have a bad eating habit on top of that, the results take time to show up. But the funny thing is even though you don't see the results with the scale, people will start noticing that you are getting slimmer and your clothes will start being too big. Whether or not the scale show you lose weight, you are gonna lose inches. You are going to feel great, light, amazing. And at a certain point 2 to 3 months, the scale becomes your best friend; you are eager to weigh yourself every weekend!

I am able to tell because I am a witness. I was introduced to our products by my husband who wanted to help me realize my dream : "to get back to the same weight I had before my 4 kids". I started to take my products the same time as one of our customer ; we didn't change our eating habits. The first week she lost 5 pounds and I didn't. The second week she lost 7 pounds and I lost 3. The third week she lost 4 pounds and I gained 3 +2 pounds and the fourth week she lost 5 more and I was stable.
But surprisingly my pants were too large and I started wearing other clothes that I couldn't put on but didn't want to let them go . My close friends also started noticing that I was losing weight even though the scale was telling me the contrary. Two of them also bought the products after seeing my transformation.
Like I said I am dealing with a lot of stress in my life at this time... but during the second month my body started to feel the pleasure of losing weight. So far I lost 20 pounds !!! I have 45 more to lose to reach my goal but I am confident !!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Still Getting Huge Results Today!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

It is going to rain today, so I have to hurry and drive to town (45 min.) so this is a short post today about Shiela. Our products were getting huge results in 2016 and continue to get huge results today! We don't make any medical claims

I am blown away by how effectively this coffee is working on me and I am not even a coffee drinker to begin with! I fully embraced the coffee habit and it sure is easy to sustain. I started drinking the coffee on 06/08/16 through 08/21/16, it's not even a full 3 months yet and I already dropped 20 lbs, more in inches, but I didn't measure, however I could feel it in the way my clothes fit. For the very first time in a long time, I enjoyed shopping for clothes because I'm down a couple of sizes. I could just feel a new sense of self-confidence that I'm regaining. My body is in a better overall state. My doctor called and said my hemoglobin A1C has dropped that they had to reduce my meds. I have no doubt that I will be medication-free in no time. I've been often told to diet and exercise by my doctor as well as concerned family members; although I am aware of what I had to do, I can't seem to follow-through with action steps. But with the results I've seen in just a few short months, it was easy to get motivated to start exercising and to keep up with it. I feel much happier and the joy exudes from the inside out. This space is not enough to write about what I have in my heart to share! I won't ever forget how this weight loss coffee is changing my life, and this is only the beginning.

Monday, March 19, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Lose Weight and Earn Residual Income

Lean Trim Diana Here!

I love drinking my weight loss coffee, cocoa and keto creamer and getting weight loss results and losing inches. Better yet, I love helping others get healthy. There are more benefits with our coffee and beverages business. We are Global! Yes, we are in 70 countries now. So now is the right time to join me, get healthy and help others get healthy. You can also earn residual income and bonuses for your efforts. Real Simple and Easy. "Drink Coffee Lose Weight Ask Me How".

And yes, our business is Absolutely Network Marketing or I would not touch it. Did you know Network Marketing is 182 billion a year income stream? Did you know that in the US, 17 million people are Network Marketers? That has to say something about this business. Wow, lots of us looking to add extra income or tired of the 9-5 grind and want more freedom to be with your family, kids making your own daily schedule. You have to have products that people want, that work and are simple to talk about to others. With our weight loss coffee and beverages, our target market is pretty much, everyone! We can reach out to everyone! So go to my link, watch the 4 min movie and then take the tour putting in your info. That way I can contact you and find out how our products and business can help you

Sunday, March 18, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Goals for Happy Health

Lean Trim Diana Here!
Good Morning! Hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day and are going to have a Wonderful Relaxed Sunday.

Let’s talk about your goals. If it’s weight loss, how much; if it’s getting healthy; if it’s earning an extra income. You want to have a plan and put your plan into action. Here are 10 steps to success I googled.

Love the saying “If You Believe It, You Can Achieve It”

When I see a picture of a girl, on tv or in an ad that has the shape I want, I picture myself with that shape. I say gratitude every day for my weight loss, my products that help me and everything that I am grateful to achieve and have in my life. I see myself slim and fit as I have been in the past. I see it and I believe!

1. Belief. The first step to goal setting is to have absolute belief and faith in the process. Everything you can see began as a thought. Make your thoughts turn into reality.

2. Visualize what you want. Think of what you deeply desire in your life or where you want your health, weight loss, your business, your life

3. Get it down! Writing down your goals is key to success. By writing down your goals, you become a creator.

4. Purpose. Knowing why you want to achieve your goals is powerful. Identifying the purpose of your goals.

5. Commit. This might sound obvious to you but it’s a step that has disastrous consequences when it’s taken lightly. Write a few pages about why and how you are committing to each goal; why it’s important to you, what it means to you, why the outcome is necessary and what are you going to do to make it happen. Without strong commitment you aren’t likely to follow through.

6. Stay focused. By focusing on your goals, you manifest.

7. Plan of action. Being really clear about what you want, knowing your purpose, writing your goals down, committing to them, and staying focused gives you the power of clarity to write down a list of action steps. You may not know all the steps ahead of time but you will know the next steps that take you in that direction.

8. No Time Like the Present. To show how committed you are to your goals, think of something you can do right now that will get you moving toward fulfilling your goals. Even if it’s just making a phone call, do it now. You will be surprised how this simple step reinforces.

9. Accountability. To push through when things get tough, you have to hold yourself accountable.

10. Review. Make it part of your day to review your goals and take action. This keeps your goals alive and top of mind

Follow these simple steps, practicing your goals each day, and you have all elements you need to succeed and achieve your goals. It isn’t always easy to push through. Some days will be easier than others but keep focused on your goals you will be amazed at the progress you make. Remember, almost everything begins as a thought. You can be what you imagine if you follow these simple steps.

I would say Nicole and Hubby reached their goals:
Nicole: Our MIRACLE baby girl, arrived March 11th. When we started trying for a baby in 2015 nothing was working, my hormones were out of whack, I was not ovulating, I had PCOS, type 2 diabetes, my irritable bowels (IBS-D) were not just irritable they were flat out ANGRY and my age was not in my favor. My Obstetrician said I would need fertility treatments and to try to lose weight. It was that same month I was introduced to the weight loss coffee. In 8 months I lost 63 lbs., I was ovulating regularly, I was off my diabetes meds and less than a year after seeing my OB, I went back to him PREGNANT and HEALTHY, NO FERTILITY TREATMENTS NEEDED and my BOWELS WERE HAPPY for the first time in as long as I can remember. I cannot express how blessed we feel to have her and it is ALL THANKS TO OUR WONDERFUL PRODUCTS. Health from the inside out!  I used the weight loss coffee for the first 5 months and lost 50 pounds then added the 12 in 24 and lost another 13. So, 63 pounds in total. 

Friday, March 16, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

Trust me enough now to put in your info, look at the products and try our weight loss coffee and other beverages? And I will call/ contact you

I love sharing people's results on our products. Our products always amaze me how with the products, we are helping people with their health, Big Time! And I can help you too!

From David~
At one time I was 342 pounds. As an ex college football player and power lifter I had an appetite that was HUGE and I never had to worry about controlling it. I was to the age where I knew I needed to do something about the weight for the sake of my health. Never been a smoker or much of a drinker but boy did I like food! And as an always active person I never had to worry much about it but as time went on and I grew less active, my appetite got the best of me. It was a long struggle and then I was introduced to the weight loss coffee and it helped immensely in getting my appetite under control. Appetite is the hardest thing to overcome when you have not had to control it for most of your life. Regular use of the coffee to help control my appetite and the other health promoting functional beverages has helped me to get down to 238 lbs. I'd like to lose about 15 more lbs or so but am extremely happy with where I am at with this weight loss and health journey. My "light weightlifting" routine has helped to "re-appropriate" some inches and wake up the old muscles, perhaps toning is a better word. I am 62 years old and feel great!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Which Number are You? I am a D2

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Got a doc. appointment so today will be short. When I started on our coffee I was an A1, but I've been adding our Keto Creamer to my coffee for about a month now and some cocoa for that chocolate taste. So Yummie! Now I am a D2!  

Well, the creamer has broken my plateau! I was at 13 lbs. for a couple months, but seeing some inches come off. Since I've added our creamer, the creamer has boosted my fat burning and I've been slowly dropping pounds down to 23 lbs, which is terrific!. But in the last 3 days, I've lost 3 lbs, so I am down 25 lbs.!!! Our company said the creamer would boost our weight loss and it does. I am on Cloud 9 with my weight loss progress. I went from a size 16 pant to now a size 12!!!  Let me help you get results! Take the tour at

Saturday, March 10, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

I'm up bright and early this morning. I have a Crafts Fair I will be displaying my coffee and our other products. I did want to post another remarkable results story. Enjoy reading. Gotta run for now:)

Jennifer's Story - Been doing the 12in24 since march 3/2016 down from size 22/24 to size 8!!! Started at 317lbs now 180!! Another 25 to go to make goal!!

Friday, March 9, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Had To Show You This!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Happy Friday! Just had to show you this as I am always amazed on how quickly people get results with our products.

Nora's, the hairdresser, results with our weight loss coffee, our Trim and our cleanse:
good morning. its my 4 month weigh in. today im down 43.6 pounds . ive dropped 6 sizes. literally !!! im no longer taking crestor . my cravings gone . my sleep amazeballs. no more night sweats . the energy to die for. i feel 25 on the inside. not bad for an almost 50 year old whos battled cancer and fibro for years . no more pain. life is amazing. ty so much for these products changing my life from the inside out !!!

i used the coffee, added the trim when i hit a plateau. i still drink the coffee daily and the max spray as well. its my fav as i suffer from headaches. just finished my 5th cleanse . i lost crazy inches from the cleanse. im now at 60 pounds lost !!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Health Never Tasted So Good!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Great Good Morning to You!  Today I share mine and my company's mission. 

To have a new line of products, and the highest level of manufacturing facilities on the planet, with a compensation plan that is unparalleled in the networking marketing industry, we help people prevail in ALL aspects of your life!

Do you often feel fatigued? Are you struggling to lose weight or maintain active lifestyle? Do you get sick more often than others?

If any of these are what is happening to you, you are not alone. The majority of the population reports suffering from these common troubles, and now there is a clear solution, our weight loss products and healthy beverages.

Our products are formulated with the purest natural ingredients from some of the most pristine locations o the planet. We pride ourselves creating great-tasting, nutritious solutions that are good for you, your body, and the goals you set for yourselves. It’s simple, we are all about helping you be the best possible you!

Our proprietary formulas are loaded with antioxidants, natural stimulants and other healthy ingredients. If you're looking to maintain a healthy weight and/ or find the energy to power through the day, our products can help if you give them a chance.

Friday, March 2, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

For most people, today is TGIF (Thank God For Friday). For me, I left my 8-5 hr job and now work from home or wherever as a Global Weight Loss Coffee Distributor. Did I mention my weight loss coffee business is Global?  We are in 70 countries! My website translates to those 70 different languages. Wow!  go to 

Chloe's Story:
I am super excited, I have been itching to share my results since week 1!
*2 week results*
>>Personal review – seeing is believing<<
When I was first introduced to our products, strangely enough I knew it was the one seeing as I was already familiar with most of the ingredients and have always known that they are key factors in natural fat burning. I have never doubted that our product would work (let’s say I was 99% sure) TODAY, seeing my results I am now 110% sure that this product truly is a miracle!
>>Personal journal<<
Day 1:
With my first cup of coffee I felt an amazing buzz of energy before I had even finished my cup.
I actually felt like I needed more tasks to do during the day otherwise I got bored! Lol
The best thing is, my body didn’t adapt to this sudden flow of energy, I felt it each time I had my cup of coffee and it was consistent!😊
At the end of week 1:
The scale was very disappointing, it would constantly fluctuate, and I felt like I wasn’t losing any weight, although my bloating had disappeared completely, and I could actually see a bit of definition in my tummy. (I was happy with this but wondering why I wasn’t losing cm’s like some others have in just a week.) Still.. I had loads of energy and felt great. Was this a waste of my time and money? NO!
At the end of week 2:
So as promised in my previous personal review post I took an after picture of myself and am just so blown away by what I saw! Bloating still gone and below are my cm’s lost:
• Waist – 3cm GONE
• Tummy – 4cm GONE
• Arms – Still as stubborn as ever! Lol
• Thigh – 1cm GONE
This is just in 2 weeks with no special diet or extreme exercise.
I feel great, energized, ready to take on anything and in general just feel uplifted.
This is just the start of my new journey, and I am never turning back! 

Thursday, March 1, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

Good Morning World!  Today is a very rainy and stormy day up North and it's looking to be that way until the weekend! The wind is blowing, I would guess, about 25 mph. The house doesn't feel too cold, but I know it is cold outside. In the mountains, about a 40 min. drive, they are getting snow and we do need the rain and snow. Haven't had too much this winter.

I am sitting here drinking a hot cup of our weight loss cocoa with our Keto Creamer.. Yum, it is soooo good! Yes, with our Keto Creamer because I want my system to be super charged and be in a fat-burning mode. I am seeing the inches come off me. I can actually see my ribs again!!! I am hoping by weekend, I will be 20 lbs down. Oh, I can't wait. When I moved here some 20 yrs ago, I was in a size 7 pant. I've gone up to a 16 pant and now I am back in a size 12 pant, Whoop Whoop! Throughout those 20 yrs. I have steadily gained. I've always tried to keep my weight in check and I've tried most of the diets and pills out there. Some cost a little and 1 supplement, shake, cleanse diet cost me $300 a MONTH! Wine or any drink always put an extra 5 lbs on me for 1 silly glass. Oh yes it does and that was at holidays. Because of that, I don't drink any alcoholic beverages at all. Yip, boring, but I would rather keep my weight down, then take 1 drink of any kind, and gain another 5 lbs.

When a multi-millionaire friend of mine that made most of his money in the "Network Marketing" business called me and told me I had to get into this global weight loss coffee as a distributor, I said "No I don't". You see Network Marketing is a 182 Billion dollar a year profession. 17 Million in the USA alone are in a Network Marketing business. So Network Marketing is BIG business because people need an extra residual income.) Scott said "Yes you do; it is weight loss coffee and everyone is losing weight! It's a Win Win. Everyone drinks coffee and most everyone wants to lose weight". I had just put on another 4 lbs in the last 3 months and was looking for a weight loss program to try to lose weight, so I said "Ok, tell me about this weight loss coffee". When Scott was done explaining, my gut told me "this sound very simple to do. I can lose weight, help others do the same and I can make an extra income too"! So I told Scott I was late for an appointment and here is my credit card. Put me in as a Business Builder as that position allows me to get top pay 7 ways. I've never done that before; got in a business (I've been in several in a 20 yr period) over the phone and given out my credit card. But you see, I saw this weight loss coffee as a real winner and I would lose weight too.

I've never been happier and so glad I didn't miss this opportunity to lose weight, help others get healthy, and make an income. Everyone is different, but when my products came and I tried the coffee, in the morning an hour before I ate. Ot my surprise and delight, I was NOT hungry ALL day. My coffee suppressed my hunger, I stopped snacking, I stopped wanting sweets and I was in control of my eating. I could look at sweets, foods and say "I really don't want and need that". I've never, ever been able to do that in my lifetime and I've struggled with my weight since I was 14 yrs old. 

So that is a little about me and my weight loss journey. I hope you don't pass this opportunity to lose weight and get healthy. This coffee has change my life (I know, that is what everyone says, but it is true) and I am losing weight and inches, helping others lose and get healthy and earning a residual income!

Here is my direct link where you can read all about the products and order as a customer or be a distributor and order, your choice.  Here is my business link  where you can watch the 4 minute video and the take the tour and put in your info so you can go to the next screen to read all about our healthy products. I will also get an email that you looked and I can contact you to answer any of your questions.

Have a great prosperous day!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Another 40 lbs Down!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Today is short and sweet! WOW Mona, your results are Terrific! Congrats!
 I can't make it any more plain! Want to lose weight and get healthy, click on my link below.

Please pause and clap it up for Mona She decided to commit to a healthier lifestyle and reclaim her life back! Her A1C levels are down along with almost 40lbs gone forever! We are on this journey together changing lives one cup at a time, one day at a time!

My direct link:

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE AND MORE - Picture of..., 45 lbs Gone!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

We are off to a great Tuesday!  This is Treena's results! WOW - There are no other words!  Check out my weight loss coffee and more at
put in your information and I will contact you today!

My Friend Treena - The first photo was in August and the second one is now not only does she look fantastic she feels fantastic and she keeps thanking me for introducing her to these products her daughter and my daughter were best friends in h school and graduated together! I'm so proud of you Treena this is living proof if you just give something a try and see if it works for you and it has definitely worked for her and it can work for you it's a perfect time of the year to get started! 45 lbs she wants to lose 15 more.

Monday, February 26, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Ingredients are Important!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Monday, the start of another week! Here's hoping you have a Great, Prosperous Week!

Knowledge is powerful. When you are informed about things or items you are interested in, then you have the knowledge to understand how things function/work. 

I know my weight loss coffee, cocoa, trim, and keto creamer work. People want to be healthy and lose weight, so I help them everyday understand why my weight loss beverages work by giving people knowledge about our products.

Again, I am posting my direct link to my website where you can read all about our products and be informed so you can determine which products will help you achieve your goal of health.  You can order as a Customer. You can become a distributor and order as a distributor our business pack when you want to help people get healthy like I am doing

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Valentus Weight Loss Coffee - Great Story!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Happy Sunday!

Another story to share with you. We have  so many. Don't they look fabulous?  I know, crazy radical, ridiculous results! Contact me by

Mina - My husband and I started taking Slimroast coffee last December 2015. We love the result so much, although my husband is sufferring from Hypertension, Diabetes and heart failure. He's a coffee lover, He didn't feel any palpitation. We feel so alive and energetic with Valentus Beverages. Thank you we've met you VALENTUS.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

VALENTUS - 2 Fantastic Ingredients in Weight Loss Coffee

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Happy Superbowl Sunday! 

Just saying, our SlimRoast coffee is not just coffee. Here's why. SlimRoast controls your appetite and you really make better food choices, regulates sugar absorption so it is diabetic friendly, regulates fat absorption so your body is not absorbing fat, promotes brain health & focus - helps with the brain fog, elevates your mood and you feel happy, and is a antioxidant. SlimRoast is Not just coffee. Does your coffee do that? I thought not. So change your 1st cup of morning coffee to SlimRoast and get all these benefits! Even have a 2nd cup before lunch. That's all it takes. 

Two ingredients in our coffee are L-Theanine and Cocoa. Look what they can do for you! For more information go to

I took this info from an article when I googled L-Theanine.
Health Benefits of Theanine
  1) Reduces Anxiety and Stress
  2) Improves Brain Function

  3) Reduces Negative Effects of Caffeine and Improves Its Cognitive-Enhancing 
  4) Protects the Heart and Blood Vessels
  5) Is an Antioxidant
  6) Increases Sleep Quality
  7) Reduces Symptoms of Schizophrenia
  8) May Enhance Th1 Immunity and Combat Stress-Related Weakened Immunity
  9) Theanine As an Adjunctive Cancer Treatment
10)  May Reduce Symptoms of Depression
 11) Helps with Weight Loss
 12) May Heal Stomach Ulcers

Friday, January 26, 2018

VALENTUS WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - MORE of What's in it and Why it Works!

Lean Trim Diana Here:)

Hope everyone is having a great Friday!  I want to continue where I left off yesterday. Below are more ingredients in our SlimRoast weight loss coffee.  Make sure you read each ingredient and what that ingredient does for you when you drink our coffee.  More tomorrow:)

Garcinia Cambogia
An incredibly efficient fat burning ingredient, Garcinia Cambogia has received much media attention for it’s effect on weight loss and food consumption control. This pure ingredient is 100% natural; it is sometimes referred to as Tamarind, and it grows primarily in the lush green mountains of India, southeast Asia as well as in Central Africa. Its primary ingredient is the dietary super supplement known as HCA, which is proven in scientific studies to stop hunger in its tracks. The tamarind fruit has traditionally been used in soups as appetizers before meals, because of the smaller portion sizes due to limited amount of food. It’s appetite suppression qualities helped make villagers feel more full (satiety) and the fruit would increase the workers’ fat burning skills (thermogenesis) providing an increase in energy and productivity.

Phenylethylamine HCL

Also known as PEA, Beta-Phenylethylamine or 2-Phenylethylamine, is a supplement used for different purposes, among them cognitive enhancement, mood improvement, weight loss, and as a concentration aid.

It naturally occurs within the nervous systems of humans and other mammals, where it is thought to act as a type of neuromodulator. Within the human brain it causes the release of norepinephrine and dopamine, two very powerful brain chemicals involved in attention and alertness.

PEA is contained in chocolate and has been affectionately referred to as the ‘love drug,’ since it is released by our brains when we have feelings of romantic love. This is also what helps us to feel more alert and have a greater sense of well-being and contentment.