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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

FINDING YOUR SOUL MATE and Understanding God’s Priority and Primary Interest



by Creflo Dollar 

Navigating life in a spiritually dark world is tough. God made us to be in relationship with each other, so finding our way can feel even tougher as a single person. Finding that one individual to share our hopes and dreams with can seem like finding a needle in a haystack; however, it isn’t God’s will for us to be alone. Prayerfully asking Him for direction on where to look gets results.

Everything in life has a season, including being single or married. When we’re dating, relying on our own efforts to develop relationships can result in frustration and discouragement. In this area, it’s wise to trust God, who is a master at bringing people together. Opening ourselves up to His guidance allows Him to tell us the specifics of what we need to know. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5, 6).

Successful marriage relationships are based on a personal relationship with God, first. He knows how to pair people who need to be together much better than we do. It all began in the garden of Eden when God gave Adam the kind of relationship he needed to succeed in life.

Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him...” So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the LORD God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man. “At last!” the man exclaimed. “This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called ‘woman,’ because she was taken from ‘man’” (Genesis 2:18, 21-24, NLT).
Godly relationships enable men and women to complement each other.

God knows just who will bring out the best in us. A strong woman won’t just passively sit back and let her husband make the wrong decision; sometimes her strong opposition to a bad choice he’s about to make is based on biblical wisdom that allows her to see the issue from a different perspective. “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend”(Proverbs 27:17, NLT). In a marriage relationship operating correctly, the wife keeps the husband sharp and on his toes. This is because the marriage began as a friendship between two people who genuinely care about each other’s well-being.

Letting God choose our “one and only” far surpasses us trying to do it ourselves; we run the risk of ending up unequally yoked in a bad relationship. It’s tempting to get impatient, but God operates according to His own timeline. “The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake…” (2 Peter 3:9, NLT). God knows things we don’t; His Spirit will lead us away from dangerous relationships and toward the ones that cause us to grow and flourish.

In the meantime, we must love ourselves for who we are. God made us in His own image, and He doesn’t make mistakes. “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well” (Psalm 139:14). When He finally presents us with that special and unique someone, our hearts can give Him thanks and praise.

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Sunday, December 26, 2021

US Sports Football: Simple RPOs to Take Advantage of Defensive Movement

 by IHSFCA Illinois High School Football Coaches Association

Simple RPOs to Take Advantage of Defensive Movement


Do you want to step up your RPO game and be able to take advantage of any defense? Well, you've come to the right place! in this course, Coach James Vint shows off drills and game footage you need to create an explosive RPO offense that can penetrate through any defense. He covers topics such as RPOs and 3rd level RPOs that will enhance your game. If you are a coach who uses or wants to use an RPO package in your offense, then this course is a must!


The Coach

James Vint | Lubbock Estacado | Offensive Coordinator

Coach Vint has been an offensive, defensive, and special teams coordinator for 20 years at the high school and college levels. He is currently the offensive coordinator at Lubbock Estacado, where they have built one of the top 4A programs in Texas. In 2019, Vint led a Matador Offense that racked up 6,000 yards of total offense while averaging nearly 9 yards per play. Book this course......

Saturday, December 25, 2021

The StrengthCast Power Show and Do You Need Motivation To Get Fitter and Healthier? An Online Fitness Program May Be The Answer

  •  Author Julia Mccabe

During COVID-19 lockdowns, many of us turned to online fitness classes.

Some people followed celebrities on YouTube, others signed up to companies that offered a range of online classes, and others logged onto Zoom classes that their local gym teachers were running. There were lots of choices available for the few months spent at home during lockdown.

When the COVID-19 restrictions lifted, most people then returned to their local gyms or outdoor classes as they were keen to see other people again and get back to some normality.

How has your fitness progressed since then? Has everyday life got in the way of training? Are you skipping classes when you are tired after a day’s work in an office? Are you needing motivated again?

At fitandhappy, we have continued offering our clients online personal training and online classes. They have proved to be popular for many reasons. Some clients found they just preferred training at home, others are still nervous about catching COVID-19, and a few like a mix of outdoor classes and online classes.

Types of Online Fitness Classes

Online classes vary from you following a recorded class to a fully interactive class using a video conference application like Zoom.

With a recorded class, you can take part at whatever time you want but no one will know if you work hard, skip part of the class, or do the exercises correctly. If you are new to exercise there is a chance that you could hurt yourself by not following the instructions properly.

An interactive class will cost more but the instructor will provide you with individual feedback and encouragement and will motivate you to keep going. They will also ensure that you are doing the exercises correctly without damaging your back or straining muscles.

Benefits of Online Training

The main benefit of online training is that you can work out at home.

If you choose a pre-recorded class, you can work out at any time that suits you whether that is at 6am when you get up or at 10pm when your children have gone to bed.

Many people who are carers find online training suits them best. It means they can do a workout but if needed by the person or child who they are caring for, they can just leave the class and be of assistance immediately.

People who have never attended a fitness class before often find that it is easier to start getting fit by being in the comfort of their own home. They might feel they are too unfit or overweight and want to gain some confidence before joining a class in a gym.

Fitandhappy online training for women

At fitandhappy in Edinburgh, we offer both pre-recorded classes and an online personal training programme. We want our clients to be able to get fitter, healthier and happier no matter what their circumstances.

Our online personal training programme is about more than just personal training sessions. To ensure you do get fitter and have more confidence and energy to live your life, we also include nutrition advice, sleep and stress management, access to live classes, good habit tracking, and results tracking. With so much interaction from our expert personal trainers and coaches, you won’t want to miss your personal training sessions or classes.

And remember, whether you choose to go to a gym, take part in an outdoor boot camp or try online fitness classes, they will all help you get fitter and healthier. The endorphins released during exercise will make you feel good and improve your mental health too.

Julia McCabe is the owner of fitandhappy and a qualified personal trainer and nutrition coach.

Online Personal Training:

Home Workout Online:

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Friday, December 24, 2021

Great Guide To Having A Healthy Body and High Cholesterol Freaks Doctors Out, Order an ApoB Test Instead


  • Author Mahima Aryal

Some people are positive that nutrition is a niche topic and thus, they seek out professional nutritionists for their information. This can be a waste. You don't have to go this route. Nutrition information is everywhere, including in this article via some great tips. Check it out and learn about nutrition.

Standard lipid panels are actually mathematical approximations. Emerging data suggests using the very affordable ApoB to ApoA1 ratio as well as lipoprotein particle subtraction testing more accurately assess cardiometabolic disease risk.
Eat Like Your Life Depends on it Tee Shirt:
Save on your Omega-3 Index Test by MYOXCIENCE Nutrition:

Consume 600-900 mg of garlic, about 1 fresh clove, daily to help lower your cholesterol. There have been many studies where people have used garlic for health reasons. These studies have proven garlic is extremely beneficial in helping to lower total cholesterol, and in particular, LDL, the bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

When it comes to nutrition, we all seem to have trouble doing it properly. Our problem areas vary though and sometimes, we need help identifying these problems. Look at your eating habits and decide which one you pick. Is it the salad or the cheeseburger? The soda or bottled water? The healthy choices are obvious and if you don't pick them as often as you should, that may be your problem.

Oatmeal for business is what you need to begin your day. When you eat oatmeal in the morning it will keep you full.

Avoid using too many condiments if you're trying to eat a healthier diet. Dips, sauces, spreads and dressings may jazz up a meal and taste delicious, but they are often full of fat, salt and calories. Try cutting back on how much dressing you put on your salad and how much mayonnaise you use on your sandwich. Celebrities like Luke Evans also follow the same tips.

To maintain good nutrition it is important to avoid trans-fats. Trans-fats damage the cardiovascular system. Labels can lie about the presence of trans-fats. Look for hydrogenated oils in the ingredients. Hydrogenated soybean oil is a common trans-fat. Foods can claim they do not contain trans-fat even when they do. Companies set the serving size so they can round the number of trans-fats down to zero, but if you eat the whole bag of chips you have still consumed plenty of harmful trans-fats. Be careful, vigilant, and check the ingredients closely.

Smoothies make a tasty and healthy treat. If you'd like to amplify the healthy effects of your next smoothie, give this tip a try. A little bit of omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in flax-seed oil, is a perfect addition to a smoothie or protein shake. This should also improve the flavor of your beverage and boost your immune system.

You might buy ground turkey thinking that it's lower fat, and therefore better for you nutritionally. But you should always read the labels, and ground turkey is no exception. Ground turkey contains both white and dark meat, the latter being high in fat. And ground turkey, though certainly leaner than ground hamburger, is actually higher in fat than ground sirloin.

As you can probably deduce from having read the article and the tips within, it doesn't take a schooled professional to figure out nutrition. If you can focus on the tips you've read here and practice healthy eating, you should have no problem receiving all the nutrition you need to remain strong, vibrant and healthy.

I am an enthusiastic personality. I like to read and write blogs.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Merry Christmas From US Sports Network!

 The Savior must have been

A docile Gentleman—
To come so far so cold a Day
For little Fellowmen—

The Road to Bethlehem
Since He and I were Boys
Was leveled, but for that 'twould be
A rugged Billion Miles— 

Which States Have the Most Gun Owners? by Matthew Maruster


Firearm ownership is somewhat uniquely American. Of course, citizens of other countries own firearms. However, firearms have played a critical role in America throughout every period in our country's history.

America tops the list —

According to a 2017 ‘Small Arms Survey,' America boasted 120.5 per 1,000 citizens. That works out to roughly 200 to 250 million firearms. Unfortunately, we can't know the exact number because not all states require gun registration.

Second place was the Falkland Islands at 62.1 per 1,000 citizens. Of course, that is is a skewed number, as the Falkland Islands population is probably around 3,000. Anyhow, you get the point, Americans own lots of guns.

But when it comes to our country, which states are top of the list in gun ownership? By taking the tada gathered by Pew Pew Research Center, we can rank the states by the percentage of guns owned based on population.

Ranking the U.S. by region–

Remember, these percentages reflect the percentage of adults who own a firearm based on the state's (or region's in this case) population.

  1. Southern States — 36%
  2. Midwestern — >30%
  3. Western States — >30%
  4. Northeastern States — 16%

States with the highest percentage of gun owners —

  1. Montana  — 66.30%
  2. Wyoming — 66.20%
  3. Alaska — 64.50%
  4. Idaho — 60.10%
  5. West Virginia — 58.50%
  6. Arkansas — 57.20%
  7. Mississippi — 55.80%
  8. Alabama– 55.50%
  9. South Dakota — 55.30%
  10. North Dakota — 55.10%

States with the lowest percentage of gun owners —

  1. Massachusetts — 14.7%
  2. New Jersey — 14.70%
  3. Rhode Island — 14.80%
  4. Hawaii — 14.90%
  5. New York — 19.90%
  6. Connecticut — 23.60%
  7. Illinois — 27.80%
  8. California — 28.30%
  9. Maryland — 30.20%
  10. Delaware — 34.40%

If you live in one of the 30 states that didn't make the top 10 or bottom 10 on the list, here is a screenshot of the graph from the actual report.

state gun ownership

Finally —

If you would like to read the full report, which includes more data like projected trends in state gun ownership, you can view it by clicking here.

The numbers seem to bust a few strongly held misconceptions about guns.

First, that everyone in Texas owns a gun. That is factually incorrect, as Texas ranked 27th.

Next, is that more gun ownership always equals less crime. Mississippi and Alabama are ranked 1 and 3 for homicide rates. This isn't to suggest that gun ownership doesn't deter crime, just that there is a multitude of factors that drive the crime rate in any given location. Gun ownership or restrictive gun laws are not the sole determinate.

Gun ownership rates vary across the country, and so do gun laws. So if you travel with your firearm and want to remain law-abiding, you need to know and understand that state's gun laws.

The best way to do that is to pick up a copy of the number one resource on the topic called Legal Boundaries by State. The book is available in digital or physical copy and goes way beyond simply providing a reciprocity map. Each state has a page dedicated to explaining the gun laws of that state and instructions on how to fly with your firearm or federal laws related to gun possession.

LBBS book

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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY. And The Rock Almighty Merry Christmas!



by Creflo Dollar 

The choices we make today affect what will happen tomorrow. This is critical information for living a successful life, but many people don’t put much thought into just how much of a difference the decisions they make right now will make on their future.

Sometimes the impact of a decision we make doesn’t become apparent for months, or even years. When we think we won’t see immediate results, it’s easy to dismiss the importance of choosing wisely; however, the Bible provides us with truth and clarity on the topic. (Continued below.....)

I cannot thank you enough for tuning in to The Rock Almighty, and I pray, being blessed from these rock blocks and inspiration. We've got big things planned for 2022, and with God's ever-present help, we will all be blessed to be a blessing! As always, the best way to support us is to download the music that is blessing and rocks your soul! Do I need to mention that Christ-centered Rock n' Roll makes a great last minute gift! :)

on Apple Music - -
on Amazon Music - -

on Apple Music - -
on Amazon Music -

on Apple Music - -

on Amazon Music - -

(....Continued.....)God gives us a freewill choice in every area of our lives. He’ll never force the issue, but living life without His guidance and protection is never a good idea. In the Old Testament, Joshua wisely chose the type of lifestyle he wanted. “And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15, AMPC). This choice is just as relevant today as it was then.

A commitment to serve God profoundly impacts everything in our lives, on every level. How we handle our finances, choose a spouse, raise our children, and interact with others, are all influenced by whether or not we put God first in our lives. It goes well with us when we seek Him, because He wants only good for us. “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV). On the other hand, when we fight against God and go our own way, we suffer the negative results of our own actions. “But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who ‘will render to each one according to his deeds’” (Romans 2:5, 6, NKJV).

We’ve all seen or heard stories about people making a personal decision to join a gang, be part of a robbery crew, or abuse drugs or alcohol. The results of those actions may not manifest themselves immediately but continuing down those paths has consequences. “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death” (James 1:14, 15). This isn’t God’s will for anyone, but He allows us to decide for ourselves.

Good or bad, choices made in secret are bound to be discovered. God knows us inside and out, and there’s no fooling Him. “I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings” (Jeremiah 17:10, NKJV). When we ask God to open our minds to the truth when reading the Scriptures, the right choices for us will become plainly obvious. No matter who we are or what our circumstances may be, He is waiting for us to decide for ourselves.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Leadership Philosophy For National Leaders and Church Growth - Why 98% Of Pastors Have NO Church Growth


  • Author Earl Hall

Most pastors have ministries that are stuck, struggling, or just not growing fast enough. The average size church in the United States is only between 60-75 active members. This is due to just a few core things being done incorrectly or simply not at all. There are just a few core things about church growth that if done right, will change the course of a stagnated ministry.

Most seminaries around the world do an outstanding job of educating preachers, pastors, and Christian leaders to the understanding and application of scripture. What they do not do is really give newly ordained members of clergy a solid foundation of how to grow a ministry. Most pastors worldwide rely on leadership staff to come up with church growth plans that will work. The simple fact is that most of them do not even know where to begin. They have no solid plan of church growth that has been proven to work. In essence...there is a lot of guess work going on.

In order to achieve successful church growth there are a 5 things you must know;

  • What is your unique gift
  • How do you position yourself as an authority in that area
  • How do you attract ONLY those people into your ministry that WANT what you offer
  • What is the decision making process of those people
  • How do you inspire them to work, give financially, and never leave your ministry

Technology plays a huge role in church growth in the 21st century. One of the great new services that is out there can be found at The core strategy involved at Church Growth is working 1-On-1 with all of its members. There are many different church growth DVD's, eBooks, websites, etc. that are out there. None of them have a core program that will literally work 1-On-1 with you to develop a measurable plan of church growth.

At you can get an assessment of your current ministry, your church growth plan, and vision goals. This assessment is done at no cost. You will walk away with a great idea of why you are where you are and ultimately how to get exactly where you have the vision for your ministry to be. we show pastors the exact process to grow a church, increase revenue, and realize their vision

Monday, December 20, 2021

US High School Baseball Featuring One Of Kentucky's Best Prospects and Hitting Tips From Big Poppy!


Red Sox Player Instructionals

by NESN Clubhouse

Boston Red Sox players David Ortiz, Clay Buchholz, Jackie Bradley Jr., Xander Bogaerts and Steven Wright show us how they raised their games to an All-Star level and how young players can improve aspects of their game. Book this course.....

Master Softball

The Coach

Boston Red Sox players provide instructionals on NESN Clubhouse, NESN’s commercial-free pre-game show for kids, which airs live on Sundays, 90 minutes before the network’s traditional pregame coverage. The show -- which also features player interviews and segments on science, fitness and much more -- includes a studio audience comprised of Little League baseball players and girls softball teams from throughout New England. For more, visit

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