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Saturday, March 31, 2018

CoachTube-Gus Malzahn: How to Run the Stop Route

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE WHOLE THING: Learn how Gus Malzahn teaches his receivers how to run the stop route! In this course Gus Malzahn will comprehensively break down the Malzahn Offensive Strategy by taking you through three courses in one. The Hurry-Up, No-Huddle: Learn how changing the traditional dynamics of football can give a team a major advantage over its opponents. The Hurry-Up, No-Huddle: An Offensive Philosophy highlights the revolutionary concept of a team running its offense at a 2-minute pace for the entire game. The coaching videos featured in this first course discuss the philosophy and principles attendant to the hurry-up, no-huddle and explain the relevant responsibilities of coaches and players. Shotgun Running Game With Play-Action Complement: The Shotgun Running Game With Play-Action Complement presents a step-by-step review of how to develop and implement a successful running game out of the shotgun formation. The detailed instructional videos in this section also explain the positional responsibilities for the running game and offer coaching pointers and game footage for seven proven running plays out of the shotgun. Teaching Routes With Quarterback and Receiver Responsibilities: Teaching Routes With Quarterback and Receiver Responsibilities offers a detailed overview of what you should expect of your quarterbacks and receivers concerning how wide receivers should run their routes. In an easy-to-understand and apply manner, this section of the course explains and demonstrates the responsibilities of the quarterbacks and his wide receivers on seven of the most commonly run routes. CLICK HERE TO GET THE WHOLE COURSE:

In Gus Malzahn's first year at Auburn he received national acclaim for overseeing one of the biggest turnarounds in college football history. Coach Malzahn inherited an Auburn Tigers football team that did not win a single SEC game in the 2012, then led them to an SEC Championship and an appearance in the 2014 BCS Championship Game.

Broyles (2010)
SEC Coach of the Yeat (2013)
Home Depot Coach of the Year (2013)
Sporting News Coach of the Year (2013)
Eddie Robinson Coach of the Year (2013)
AP College Football Coach of the year (2013)
Paul "Bear" Bryant Award(2013)
Liberty Mutual Coach of the Year (2013

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