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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa-Marie Featuring: Elevated Goblet Kettlebell Squats

"I learned about BodyRock about a year and a half ago, and I have LOVED working out with you guys every week day. Truly. I love what you do. I love working out in my own living room. I've dropped weight and I feel REALLY great in my own skin! Thank you for all you do! I LOVE it!


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Chris Beat Cancer Featuring: Protect yourself from pesticides and Book Review: Andrew Kimbrell's "Your Right To Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food"

My book CHRIS BEAT CANCER is a National Bestseller ranked by USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly! Get it on Amazon here: *Also available in audio book, read by yours truly. :)

 Book Review: Andrew Kimbrell's "Your Right To Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food"

 YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food by Andrew Kimbrell,foreword by Nell Newman ISBN1932771190

*A comprehensive reference guide to the hidden facts of genetically modified food with a pocket guide for informed choices in the supermarkets.

*The Deluxe hardcover edition features a DVD, The Future of Food, produced and directed by Deborah Garcia.

Three Important Questions:

1. Did you know that the US Government holds a patent on “Terminator Technology”, developed by Monsanto, that makes plants sterile after a single growing season?

2. Are you aware that the UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that three-fourths of agricultural genetic diversity has been lost in the past century?

3. Did you realize that the Grocery Manufacturers of America estimate that 75% of all processed foods contain Genetically Modified ingredients?

If fish tomatoes and human pigs are frightening concepts to you, if organic foods matter to you, if you are concerned about the impact of toxic genes on human health, this book is a must read for you. More than half of America's processed grocery products from cornflakes to granola bars; from milk laden with growth hormones to diet drinks containing genetically altered ingredients. They are unlabeled, untested ... and we Americans are unwittingly consuming it all. Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food is a complete reference outlining how unmarked, genetically modified foods find their way onto our dining tables impacting the food supply, our health and our lives.

There are charts linking the men and women of Monsanto/Searle to the halls of power in Washington, where they, as policy makers, control the outcome of such tampering, including: John Ashcroft, former US Attorney General, Margaret Miller, of the FDA, Linda Fisher, of the EPA, Michael Friedman, MD of the FDA, Michael Taylor of the APHIS – Plant Health Inspection Service, Anne Vaneman, of the USDA, Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court, and Michael ‘Mickey’ Kantor Secretary of Commerce. If that doesn’t set your alarm bells off, you may also remember that when Donald Rumsfeld was on the Board of Directors of the Chicago Tribune and CEO of Monsanto, he cut a deal with soon to be President of these United States, Mr. Ronald Regan, the upshot of which was that if elected with Rumsfeld’s help, he was to remove the road blocks at the FDA to approve the poison Aspartame for human consumption after more than ten years of rejection by that agency. (See our page “You Are What You Eat” and read the section on artificial sweeteners.)

Turning a spot light on genetically engineered foods and the corporations who profit mightily from them, this definitive book is for all concerned consumers, from parents to the general public who need to know more about the inherent health risks involved. It also covers organic options and other food choices available to us as well as ways through which we can fight corporate agribusiness and the industrial takeover of the food supply which imperils us all.

 Bette Drew: Vegetarian Chef with over 30 years of professional cooking experience, also holding degrees in Philosophy and Fine Art; I have owned two restaurants and served as chef/manager in several other venues cooking for as many as 1200 people at a time.

Good Cops, Great Cops Featuring: The Police Academy: Week 1 and Texting While Driving Can Be Deadlier than DUI

Tactical Workouts 

Texting While Driving Can Be Deadlier than DUI

By: Aaron Crane
 Texting while driving takes the driver’s attention away from the road or traffic around them. These actions can lead to an accident, as part of which severe injuries can result from the driver’s negligence. Although texting is a simple daily activity, all senses are impaired during the act, making texting behind the steering wheel of a moving car worse than driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

When a driver is texting, his or her full focus and attention are invested in the phone. This attention is diverted while traffic, pedestrians and objects continue to move past the vehicle on the road. Research has proven that texting does not just take the driver’s attention while they are engaged in the act, but also seriously impairs their ability to manage their vehicle for several seconds afterward while their attention must be refocused back on the road. Time lost during texting and when readjusting to driving can lead to serious accidents, injuries and death.

Texting is an immersive activity used throughout the day to communicate with others. But when texting is a constant focus, it can be difficult for the driver to leave the phone alone while operating their vehicle. Such individuals know it is safer to pull to the side of the road if they must use their phone or text. Instead, they continue driving, pick up the phone and even text while they are supposed to be paying attention to traffic and the road in front of them.

Even when the driver only reads texts and does not type a response, the momentary loss of focus on driving is long enough to cause a traffic accident. Lapses like these are the same as lapses when the driver has been drinking or using drugs. Impairment from texting is at its most basic level the same as other impaired driving, but may be worse than DUI in many instances. Law enforcement personnel frequently note the same erratic behaviors and mistakes made by texting drivers, as they do those made by drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

--- Continually Increasing Texting Accidents in the U.S. ---

Texting accidents are replacing DUI accidents as more common and deadly in the U.S. Although the blood alcohol content of someone who has been drinking cannot exceed 0.08 percent BAC before they are considered illegal for driving and legally drunk, texting while driving has been criminalized by many states. Texting is provided with a zero tolerance status, with any texting behind the wheel being an offense in states with these laws. This is much more progressive toward accident prevention than DUI laws that allow a minimal tolerance to some drinking before driving.

Texting is criminalized in some states because it only takes a moment of distraction to cause a catastrophic collision. When looking at a phone, a driver loses many such moments and gains many opportunities to cause damage, injuries and even death.

Although DUI violations continue to increase, texting while driving has been pushed to lawmakers’ forefront in many states. The National Safety Council revealed in its recent reports that accidents caused by texting drivers number over 1.6 million wrecks per year. More than ten teenagers or passengers in their vehicles die each day from texting while driving in the U.S.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that a person must consume four beers and drive, before being as dangerous as someone texting while driving. A texting driver is six times more likely to cause an accident than someone who drives while intoxicated.
Educating Drivers about Dangers of Texting While Driving

Many groups and associated programs have been developed to increase awareness of the public regarding dangers of texting while driving. Unfortunately, there is not yet a group as powerfully driven to educate the public about texting and driving as the 1980s-developed Mothers Against Drunk Driving. MADD has extensive support, resources and political power compared to any anti-texting campaign, program or agency in America. It will take time for anti-texting programs to develop and gain the power of those associated with DUI prevention.

Although DUI campaigns have often caused differences in opinion and even controversy regarding methods of educating the public, efforts by anti-DUI groups have led to criminalization of DUI offenses. These actions have indeed saved lives through education of the public, political influence, resulting legislation and law enforcement.

A big question is whether the same type of laws could be effective in prevention of texting while driving accidents. Some agencies questions whether consequences and criminal outcomes should be harsher for these types of offenses.

--- When You Are Injured in a Texting While Driving Accident ---

If you or someone you love have been injured or suffered serious damages in a texting while driving accident, you can seek compensation for your injuries through a personal injury claim. With the expert help of a well-established personal injury and auto accident attorney, your case may lead to compensatory and even punitive damages.

Call the Law Offices of Cantor Crane today at 602.254.2701 for a free, no-obligation consultation regarding your auto accident and personal injury case.
 Aaron Crane, a recognized Phoenix car accident lawyer, has often times seen accidents and injuries caused by distracted drivers. Contact Cantor Crane today about getting the compensation you deserve.

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The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Guardian

April 30 from CDM

“This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23).

Words are powerful; thinking according to God’s Word ensures that what we say is always true. In this way, when God causes good things to happen in our lives, we automatically give Him—not ourselves—the credit.
When you purchase music from the links above. below or donate; you are supporting music ministries big and small around the world through The Rock Almighty's Music Ministry Outreach 
 Support Christ Center Music Ministries Worldwide. Give to the Rock Almighty's Music Ministry Outreach. Your donation of any amount will go to help music ministries share the word of God through song. No amount is too much or too little. Click on the link below to donate and know that your giving has a supernatural reciprocal effect on your life too! Thank you and may God Richly Bless you!

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Believer's Voice Of Victory Featuring: Take a Victory Stand to Receive the Promise and Be a Cheerful Giver

The curse is forever destroyed! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches you the importance of getting aggressive about taking the promises of God. When you get a revelation that the battle has already been won, you can take a victory stand to receive the promise! 

Get more out of this broadcast! Download the notes @ Livestream more episodes for FREE @ Subscribe to get a daily faith boost from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland delivered to your inbox @

ABOUT THE BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY TV BROADCAST: Believer’s Voice of Victory (BVOV) is a daily Christian TV broadcast produced by Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) that teaches Christians how to live a life of faith and victory using principles from the Bible. Learn more about KCM and how we can help you live an overcoming, victorious and successful life @

Be a Cheerful Giver

2 Corinthians 9:7-8, The Amplified Bible

Some people say you need to “give till it hurts.” Don’t you believe it. God doesn’t want gifts given in pain. He wants gifts given in joy! In fact, those are the only kinds of gifts that please Him.
That’s why He tacked His promise of abundance onto His command about cheerful giving. The two are connected.

Cheerful, full of faith, even hilarious giving—that is the key that unlocks the treasure house of God. Have you ever seen a group of people give that way? I have. I’ll never forget it. I was at a camp meeting years ago when offering time turned into a spontaneous, supernatural celebration. Ken was singing Bread Upon the Water, and the people were just dancing their way down the aisles to give their money. The joy in that place was glorious. Great healings and miracles were done that night.
But what stood out to me above all was how joyously and hilariously the people brought their offerings to God. The offering wasn’t extracted from them like a dentist extracts teeth. It was brought forth gladly.
The concept of “giving till it hurts” didn’t come from God. He’d rather you give 10 dollars with that kind of joy than 20 dollars grudgingly. In 2 Corinthians 8:11-12, the Apostle Paul urges the church in Corinth to give with eager willingness. Eager willingness. That’s what God looks for!
If you haven’t given that way in the past, make a firm commitment to start. Repent for the times you’ve given grudgingly. Then spend some serious time with God and His Word in your prayer closet, so when you give again, you can give from a willing heart.
Put the “pain” of giving behind. Become “a cheerful, (joyous, ‘prompt to do it’) giver,” and believe me, your blessings will abound! 

Scripture Reading:
2 Corinthians 9:6-15

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications    All rights reserved.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Trending Sports News On US Sports Net Featuring: Ziggy Ansah taking free-agency visit with Seahawks, per report

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