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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Lose Love Handles- The Top 5 Ways to Lose Them!

Image result for Down with love handles

When working with clients, it seems like the phrase, “I want to lose the love handles!!!” is thrown around a lot. This statement is totally understandable! Love handles are one of the most frustrating parts of the body to work on. Not only are they unwanted, they also raise the risk of developing dangerous visceral fat that builds up around vital organs.
But despite what any infomercial says, there’s no way to lose weight in one specific area around your body (sorry, but if you think something like the Waist Trainer will really work, you’ve got another thing coming). The only real way to lose the love handles is through hard work, exercise and changing your diet.
Here are 5 things you can start doing right now that’ll help you lose those love handles!!! We know firsthand that these work. Don’t believe it? These Hitch Fit before and after pictures may make you a believer.
1. Change your diet
The most basic method of all! If you want to slim your torso, start by decreasing fatty foods you consume and increase vegetables, lean meats and some fruits (some of the best foods can be found in this blog about super foods!). By making these changes, you’ll avoid consuming those awful empty calories and accelerate your weight loss. Remember: the key to weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise.
2. Get your blood pumping
Aerobic cardio exercises like cycling, running and jumping rope are great way to burn overall body fat. Performing aerobic exercises anywhere from 4-6 times per week (at a minimum of 40 minutes each time) will slim decrease the appearance of love handles. Don’t have time for a 40-minute workout? Check out how much you can accomplish during a 15 minute workout (bye-bye belly fat!!!).
3. Give interval training a go
Sometimes, plain old cardio may not be enough (or you may experience a plateau after awhile). Interval training is a great break from the norm; it has also been proven to burn calories like wild fire. If you’re running on a track, sprint the straights and jog or walk the curves—interval training is as simple as that!
4. Hammer those love handles away
Probably the most unconventional ways to send those love handles packing, but effective nonetheless, are sledgehammer workouts. Sledgehammer workouts help burn fat all over the body. At the same time, this exercise also builds muscle in the upper body and strengthens the core.
5. Total body exercise 
We’ve got news for you–ab exercises will NOT get rid of your love handles!!!  No matter how many crunches, Russian twists or oblique sit-ups you do, you will not burn those love handles away without hardcore cardio, overall body strength training and proper diet.  Ab exercises alone won’t actually do anything to reduce body fat (in fact, you burn very few calories doing ab exercises, although they are GREAT for the core!!).  The best way to shed body fat is through nutrition, cardio and strength training all combined together.
No one should be doomed to a life with love handles. You can get rid of them starting today!! The decision to live with love handles is up to you. If you’re like us and hate those pesky love handles, join the Hitch Fit revolution today and change your mind, body and life (and kiss those love handles goodbye!).

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