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Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sunday Devotional: From that "tiny seed".......

In Touch Ministries


Mustard Seed Faith Moves Mountains

Every step taken with trust in God has tremendous potential for impact in His kingdom.

From Intouch Ministries

December 31, 2023

Matthew 17:14-21

In Matthew 17:20, Jesus tells the disciples, “Truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”

All of us should be encouraged by these words. Do you hear the power in them? Remember, a tiny seed of faith can unleash extraordinary possibilities. What matters is not the size of our faith but the object of it—namely, the One who created heaven and earth and holds all things in His hands. In the presence of our omnipotent God, no obstacle is insurmountable and no challenge too great.

When towering adversity confronts us, there might be a temptation to doubt and fret. But at such times we can choose to trust in God’s sovereignty. It helps to find scriptures like Jeremiah 32:17 and to lean into those truths. We can also ask the Lord to give us grace and make faith arise within us.

Keep in mind that God is always on our side, and that means we have no reason to fear (Ps. 118:6 ESV). So, in times of uncertainty, let your mustard-seed faith blossom into bold prayers and courageous action!

Bible in One Year:  Revelation 18-22

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Dr. John Campbell On US Sports Featuring: The Death of Science

 Professor Angus Dalgleish, physician, oncologist, pathologist, medical researcher and author. Get your copy of The Death of Science,

 Also by Professor Dalgleish, The Origin of the Virus: The hidden truths behind the microbe that killed millions of people,

US Sports Partner Spotlight: Reebok


Reebok's New Year Clear Out: Up to 70% Off!

Reebok is an American-inspired, global brand that creates and markets sports and lifestyle products built upon a strong heritage and authenticity in sports, fitness and women’s categories.

Reebok is dedicated to providing each and every athlete - from professional athletes to recreational runners to kids on the playground - with the opportunity, the products, and the inspiration to achieve what they are capable of. We all have the potential to do great things. As a brand, Reebok has the unique opportunity to help consumers, athletes and artists, partners and employees fulfill their true potential and reach heights they may have thought un-reachable.
Browse our selections today!

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The Rock Almighty Saturday On The Rocks With Whitecross & Bloodgood


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Your donations are always appreciated. A portion of your donations will be given to Christ-centered ministries and organizations doing the Lord's work in these last days. May God richly bless you!
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2024 is shaping up to be the year the body of Christ rises up and claims its place as the most influential force on Earth! Just watch.
Trust in God
From Intouch Ministries
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Faith lets us lose our fear and trust God for the impossible.
Hebrews 11:1-7
Faith isn’t a passive belief. It’s an active confidence that stirs within our soul—an unwavering trust in God’s promises and a firm conviction about His trustworthiness. When we’re surrounded by uncertainty, our faith guides us and illuminates the path.

Music video credit:
Bloodgood & Whitecross-Versailles, OH
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Wildman & Steve

The Rock Almighty.
Part of the US Sports Network

Friday, December 29, 2023

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. The Rebirth In Amazing Grace!


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Your donations are always appreciated. A portion of your donations will be given to Christ-centered ministries and organizations doing the Lord's work in these last days. May God richly bless you!
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Through his amazing grace, we are new creatures. Creatures that have never before previously existed.
Grace and New Beginnings
From Intouch Ministries.
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Because of the immeasurable grace of God, it’s never too late for a new life.
2 Corinthians 5:16-18
After a long winter, cherry blossoms emerge in splendor, signaling the arrival of spring and new life. Visitors travel great distances to experience the glorious spectacle in cities like Tokyo and Washington, D.C.

Music video credit:
Saint - Primed And Ready
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Real 80s CCM

The Rock Almighty
Part of the US Sports Network

Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Mighty Stalks From A Seed Of Faith


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Your donations are always appreciated. A portion of your donations will be given to Christ-centered ministries and organizations doing the Lord's work in these last days. May God richly bless you!
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Faith is acting on what you believe. Imagine our actions if we believed in an all-powerful life-giving God!

Nurturing Our Faith
From Intouch Ministries. Get more with the app
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Almighty God—who protects, provides, refreshes, and renews us—is worthy of our trust.
Proverbs 13:12
Today’s verse gives language to a truth that resonates deep within us all: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.”

Music video credit:
Bride - Until The End We Rock
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Real 80s CCM

The Rock Almighty
Part of the US Sports Network

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

US Sports Partner Spotlight: Qatar Airways



Qatar Airways is an award-winning airline and one of the fastest growing carriers in the world with unprecedented expansion, flying to over 160 destinations worldwide.
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US Sports Radio affiliate partner

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. The Fruit Of Hope


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Your donations are always appreciated. A portion of your donations will be given to Christ-centered ministries and organizations doing the Lord's work in these last days. May God richly bless you!
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Hope springs from an ever-increasing relationship with Christ.

Hope in Every Season
From Intouch Ministries.
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We can be sure of the Lord’s never-ending love and compassion for us.
Lamentations 3:21-23
As we close out 2023, it’s natural to consider this period as an ending. But each ending is also a beginning; it’s a matter of perspective. And while it’s healthy to reflect on the year we’ve completed, it’s important to embrace each day God gives us and approach it with openness, gratitude, and hope. With His help, we can be like the snowdrop flower—the first to emerge from the winter ground and bloom.

Music video credit:
Close To The Edge - Michael Lee (of Barren Cross)
Put Michael Lee and Barren Cross on your playlists today!
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Michael Drive

The Rock Almighty
Part of the US Sports Network

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Fearless With Jason Whitlock on US Sports Featuring: What Makes a Black Man in Today’s America?

 Delano Squires joins “Fearless” to discuss his recent op-ed on what it means to be a black man in America’s modern age.

Crain & Company on US Sports Featuring: Most Controversial Sports Moments of 2023

 2023 was a year full of great sports and controversy. We go through the year and cover the most controversial sports moments and how they affected our culture and the sports we all love.

Dr. John Campbell on US Sports Featuring: Dr Clare Craig, Part 3

 This excellent scientific analysis of recent events continues in interview three of this series. Follow Dr. Craig on SubStack, COVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig. Get your copy here:

US Sports Partner Spotlight: Pier1 Imports


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The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Pick Up Your Cross & Go To Work!


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Your donations are always appreciated. A portion of your donations will be given to Christ-centered ministries and organizations doing the Lord's work in these last days. May God richly bless you!
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It would be an honor to have to have you Like, (Rumble) and Subscribe to this channel. We pray it's an inspiration to you and fam'

We all have assignments in the Kingdom of God. True and whole contentment in life is pursuing what God has laid up for you with everything you've got!
Developing Godly Habits
God blesses those who persevere, working hard to carry out His will.
December 26, 2023
Proverbs 10:4
Picture this: In a field nestled among rolling hills, a hardworking farmer toils day after day, sowing seeds and nurturing tender plants. From dawn till dusk, he tends to the crops, knowing that lazy hands yield no harvest. With unwavering faith and persistence, the farmer trusts that the output of labor will be rewarded.
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White Metal Clips 777 - Gospel Rock

The Rock Almighty
Part of the US Sports Network.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

US Sports Partner Spotlight: Office Depot & OfficeMax


Save 20% on qualifying Print Services purchase (excludes same-day service) with code WINTER20

US Sports Radio affiliate partner

Sunday Devotional: More From The Promise Man

In Touch Ministries

 A Name Full of Promise

God, who has always been and always will be, promises to be with us—always. 

From Intouch Ministries

December 24, 2023

Exodus 3:13-15

When God identified Himself to Moses, He said, “I AM WHO I AM.” This may seem like a strange name to us, but in essence, it’s saying He is completely self-existent from eternity past through the present and into eternity future. In other words, God’s presence is a sure thing.

However, His presence took different forms throughout Jewish history. For example, when God led the children of Israel through the wilderness, He went before them in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night (Exodus 13:21). After they built the tabernacle, He met with Moses there, speaking to him from above the mercy seat on the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:22). While these were visible, physical manifestations, they were also symbolic of His everlasting presence.

Then, when Joshua finally led the Israelites into the Promised Land, God said, “I will be with you; I will not desert you nor abandon you” and “The Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:5; Joshua 1:9). These promises are for us as well—offering reassurance that God will never leave His children.

So remember that our Father goes ahead of you and me to prepare the way, and He walks with us through every situation. Let us pray for awareness of His presence today.

Bible in One Year: 2 Peter 1-3

Saturday, December 23, 2023

FlashPoint on US Sports Net: 2023 Christmas Special! w/ Special Guests


Go Victory

High Intensity Health on US Sports Fearturing: NAC & Glutathione: Health Benefits + Testing Explained

 Let's discuss some new research re: NAC and glutathiione. Support glutathione synthesis and detoxification of environmental pollutants* with NAC Glycine Supreme from MYOXCIENCE:


US Sports Partner Spotlight: Noom

 Learn how to navigate your environment, challenge your thoughts, master your triggers, and overcome any barrier that might come your way. Noom's scientifically backed-solution will help you create a plan to overcome any obstacle!

US Sports Radio affiliate partner

The Rock Almighty Saturday on the Rocks. If It's Christmas, it must be time for TSO!


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Your donations are always appreciated. A portion of your donations will be given to Christ-centered ministries and organizations doing the Lord's work in these last days. May God richly bless you!
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Merry Christmas from The Rock Almighty! Enjoy the time of giving, loving, and most of all praise and happy (celebrated) birthday to our lord and savior.

Desire of Nations
From Intouch ministries
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Are you praying for the day when our conflicts will end and we will all be united under the King of Peace?
Isaiah 60:2-3
When nations, communities, and even families are at odds, the list of things that separate us seems long. The divide widens further as more differences are shoved into the gap, until eventually the vision of Revelation—a multitude from every corner of the world worshiping in unity (Revelation 7:9)—becomes impossible to imagine.

Music video credit:
Trans-Siberian Orchestra 2019 Multi-cam Complete Christmas Eve & Other Stories Worcester
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Friday, December 22, 2023

Fearless with Jason Whitlock on US Sports: Jason Whitlock REVIEWS Obamas’ Netflix Film ‘Leave the World Behind’ | Ep 589

 “Leave the World Behind,” the Obama-backed Netflix film, is #1 worldwide on the streaming service. The post-tech apocalypse thriller stars Julia Roberts, Ethan Hawke, Kevin Bacon, and Mahershala Ali. Of course with Barack and Michelle attached to the project, the movie is getting tons of hype on social media. Is there any substance or entertainment value to the film, or is it another Hollywood production taking aim at the American values and ideals that we hold close? Shemeka Michelle and actor Siaka Massaquoi join “Fearless” to debate the film.

Crain & Company on US Sports: Florida State Expected to Leave ACC

 Florida State's board of trustees is set to meet Friday morning to discuss exiting the ACC; South Florida rolls Syracuse 45-0; and the Rams beat the Saints for their 5th win in six games. Click here to join the member exclusive portion of our show:

Dr. John Campbell On US Sports Featuring: Changing minds and funding

 This excellent scientific analysis of recent events continues in interview two of this series. Follow Dr. Craig on SubStack, COVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig. Get your copy here:

US Sports Partner Spotlight: Martha Stewart & Marley Spoon

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US Sports Affiliate Partner

The Thrivetime Show On US Sports: The Bible | Pastor Hotsenpiller + Tucker Carlson On Alex Jones- "Whether You Believe Revelation (& Daniel) Or Not They Are Building the Mark of the Beast Cashless Society." + Understanding CBDCs, BRICS, Quantum Dots & Dedollarization


The Bible | Pastor Hotsenpiller + Tucker Carlson On Alex Jones- "Whether You Believe Revelation (& Daniel) Or Not They Are Building the Mark of the Beast Cashless Society." + Understanding CBDCs, BRICS, Quantum Dots & Dedollarization

Hold The Line with Sean Feucht on US Sports Net: A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken


Sean Feucht joined Life Fellowship Church speaking on how the Church can make it through times of shaking. As the darkness gets darker, the light will also get brighter.
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