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Showing posts with label fat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fat. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Great Results Story!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Boy is it cold outside today. I have to go into town and meet with clients.
Love our stories of people having weight loss success and in general, feeling more healthy.

More info go to 
I would be happy to talk to you, answer any of your questions about our products and/or our business. 

This is Christina's story. 
Here is my progress report, I have done the 12/24 for one month then did 2 coffees a day for 4 months and finished the first breakthrough detox . This is not by working out and I had wine🙊

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Valentus Weight Loss Coffee - Great Story!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Happy Sunday!

Another story to share with you. We have  so many. Don't they look fabulous?  I know, crazy radical, ridiculous results! Contact me by

Mina - My husband and I started taking Slimroast coffee last December 2015. We love the result so much, although my husband is sufferring from Hypertension, Diabetes and heart failure. He's a coffee lover, He didn't feel any palpitation. We feel so alive and energetic with Valentus Beverages. Thank you we've met you VALENTUS.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

VALENTUS - 2 Fantastic Ingredients in Weight Loss Coffee

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Happy Superbowl Sunday! 

Just saying, our SlimRoast coffee is not just coffee. Here's why. SlimRoast controls your appetite and you really make better food choices, regulates sugar absorption so it is diabetic friendly, regulates fat absorption so your body is not absorbing fat, promotes brain health & focus - helps with the brain fog, elevates your mood and you feel happy, and is a antioxidant. SlimRoast is Not just coffee. Does your coffee do that? I thought not. So change your 1st cup of morning coffee to SlimRoast and get all these benefits! Even have a 2nd cup before lunch. That's all it takes. 

Two ingredients in our coffee are L-Theanine and Cocoa. Look what they can do for you! For more information go to

I took this info from an article when I googled L-Theanine.
Health Benefits of Theanine
  1) Reduces Anxiety and Stress
  2) Improves Brain Function

  3) Reduces Negative Effects of Caffeine and Improves Its Cognitive-Enhancing 
  4) Protects the Heart and Blood Vessels
  5) Is an Antioxidant
  6) Increases Sleep Quality
  7) Reduces Symptoms of Schizophrenia
  8) May Enhance Th1 Immunity and Combat Stress-Related Weakened Immunity
  9) Theanine As an Adjunctive Cancer Treatment
10)  May Reduce Symptoms of Depression
 11) Helps with Weight Loss
 12) May Heal Stomach Ulcers

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Valentus SlimRoast Weight Loss Coffee Results

Good Morning! Lean Trim Diana Here.

I want you to see my results so far so here are 3 pics 10 lbs down. Remember, I am down 13 lbs now.

And as promised, here is "Sue's" results story on our SlimRoast coffee.

Sue - excited to share these new pictures. want everyone to see the difference, May to now. still OFF all my meds.(blood pressure & mental health as well). I am Loving my coffee. In 1st picture May 16-18 stretch jeans & 2x shirt. Next Pic mid-September in a large legging type capri pants & large shirt. See the change in my face, stomach, legs, arms, a whole body change. Plus the coffee gives me energy & mental clarity. Hope you enjoy your coffee like I enjoy mine.. It's the real deal!!

Click on My Website, put in your information and I will contact you and answer your questions.  Till tomorrow. Have an awesome day!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


HI! It's Lean Trim Diana here:)

Continuing my weight loss coffee journey and my results.
Tried my first cup of SlimRoast and I was not hungry all day at all!!! That is not like me. I am a stress eater, a movie watcher eater, a snacker, etc., etc., etc.,  I was always thinking about my next meal. NOT ANY MORE! My coffee curbs my appetite where I have cut my meal portions, I wasn't craving candy and sweets, I've been in a great mood everyday and have energy throughout the day even when I wake up at 5am in the morning. AND most important, I've lost 13 lbs. in a few short weeks and losing inches. It is real easy to talk to people about these products as everyone wants to get healthy in some way.  I'm putting people on the coffee and our other healthy beverages because people need to get healthy, lose weight, breath better and just generally feel good! I welcome anyone wanting to help me help people and there is a great income opportunity too. Take a look at my link, put in your information so I can get back to you, and try these products. You will also be able to read about each product and why they work. Just click on Learn More under each product. Let me help you get healthy. You won't be sorry.  Tomorrow I will talk about some people's results on these products:)
Click Here

Monday, January 22, 2018


Lean Trim Diana here!
To continue with my journey of weight loss and getting healthy...I placed my order (actually, became a Ruby distributor without trying the coffee. I was also looking for an extra income.). At last my order was came in and I tried the SlimRoast the next morning. 5 oz of water and I coffee. OMG, after drinking the coffee, I was NOT hungry all day. I couldn't believe it. Never! has anything I've tried suppressed my hunger like this coffee. I was on top of the world! Tune in tomorrow for my results...Lean Trim Diana

Coffee Info

Sunday, January 21, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

Happy Sunday! Today marks the first day I am blogging:) I wanted to tell you a quick story about my new journey I started mid September 2017. A friend told me "Diana, if I told you to drink 1 cup of our Valentus SlimRoast coffee and lose weight, would you be interested?" I said "What! It's that Simple? He said "Yes, you need to try the coffee." You see, I trusted this friend and I need to lose weight, so I said yes. Oh my gosh am I ever so glad I did...Stay tuned for more of my journey with my weight loss coffee. 

Lean Trim Diana signing out!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Get Your Revved Up Edge With Your Motorcross Power Program!

NateLewis1.jpgDo you know that Motorcross, Race car driving, and other motor sports require just as much skill, strength, power, agility, and balance as many of our traditional sports that require human horsepower?
Learn why its just plain smart to train to handle these powerful machines and to work with rough terrain and other different conditions.
And I got news for you. These same types of programs can help any athlete or warrior excel on and off the track.
Motocross racers need a program that will help guard them against injuries and give them enough strength and muscular endurance to help them be as competitive as possible. In addition to the strength training exercises, specific plyometric exercises that will help condition the legs for the riggors of landing from jumps and handling whoops have been added to all Motorcross Programs. The 4-Day Motorcross Program is great for the off-season, or for non-racing weeks. The 2-Day Motorcross Programs are perfect for racing weeks. It is recommended to have 48 hours of rest before the next race!

Throughout the length of the Motorcross Program, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts.

View a sample of this program:
Week 1 - Day 1 (Monday) of Motorcross ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium
 View Printer Friendly Version

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes
2 Video
18 reps @ 135 lbs,15 reps @ 150 lbs
3 Video
Machine Leg Curl
15 reps @ 70 lbs,10 reps @ 60 lbs
4 Video
Dumbbell Bench Press
15 reps @ 45 lbs,15 reps @ 40 lbs
5 Video
Dumbbell Military Press
15 reps @ 30 lbs,15 reps @ 25 lbs
6 Video
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 12 lbs,10 reps @ 11 lbs
7 Video
Dumbbell Biceps Curl
15 reps @ 25 lbs,10 reps @ 20 lbs
8 Video
Dumbbell Triceps Kickback
15 reps @ 11 lbs,10 reps @ 10 lbs

The starting point of the Motorcross Programs are based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best!

Our trainers are ready to help you excel! Go to US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning and fill out the fitness profile form to get started.

US Sports Strength and Conditioning Powered By:
Discover The Awesome Healing Power Of SOUL!
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The Fat Burning Workout! Burn The Fat and Build Muscle. The Workout Program Everyone Is Talking About.
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Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
BodyByBoyle OnlineShapeShifter Yoga
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US Sports Recruiting Assistance.

Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance!
For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team!
Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
Sign up for US Sports Recruiting Assistance here.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Flipping the Switch: Turn Your Motivation On

United-Games-728x90.pngHave you ever wondered how some people are able to maintain amazing bodies while you struggle with your weight?

They make it seem so easy to achieve and maintain results. What do they know that you don't? When you boil it down, the answer is quite simple.

The missing link between you and your ideal body is good old motivation.

A healthy dose of motivation coupled with determination will get you almost anything in life. So how do you know if you're genuinely motivated?
  • Motivation will tell you to get out of bed for an early workout.
  • Motivation will nag you to put down the doughnut.
  • Motivation makes passing on fries a reflex.
  • Motivation makes a sweat drenched workout exciting.
  • Motivation constantly reminds you why you do what you do.
If your motivation levels are lacking, read the following four steps to turn on your motivation.

Step #1: Pinpoint Your Motivator. 

Motivation stems from having a goal. What is your goal? Why do you want to get into great shape?

Once you uncover your personal motivator you'll find that motivation flows quickly your way.

Take a minute to really uncover the reason that you want to lose the weight. Don't say something vague like you want to 'Be thinner' or 'Look more attractive.' Dig deeper – there is a very specific motivator in your life, you simply need to uncover it.

Here are some possible motivators...
  • I want to have more energy to keep up with the kids.
  • I want to improve my health through weight loss to extend and improve my life.
  • I want to lose 15 pounds before my vacation.
  • I want to restore my confidence to wear sleeveless shirts.
  • I want to regain my figure to impress and attract my significant other.
Step #2: Make It Official.

When you write something down it suddenly feels official, doesn't it? Write down your motivator for getting into great shape, and post it where you will see it often - next to your alarm clock, on the bathroom mirror, or in your car.

Each time you see your written motivator take a moment to visualize yourself accomplishing your goal. Try to make the scene as clear in your mind as possible. This is a powerful tool for maintaining your focus and direction.

Step #3: Be Practical.

It's game plan time. You know what you want, and now you need to map out exactly how you'll achieve it. It is important to be practical in your planning, rather than throwing out ideas that you know you won't stick with.

With any weight loss goal it is important to 1) maintain a healthy low-calorie diet, and 2) participate in a consistent and challenging exercise program.

Plan a routine that will fit into your schedule and you'll be more likely to stick with it. Also choose an exercise program that you enjoy - don't force yourself to jog everyday if you hate jogging.

Step #4: Call For Backup. 

Enlist the support of your friends, family and co-workers. Tell everyone about your goal to lose weight and get fit, you'll be surprised how supportive most people will be. By being open about your goals you'll likely be an encouragement to others to make healthy changes in their own lives.

The most effective way to ensure that you meet your goal is to enlist my support, your personal trainer. Together we will identify what really motivates you. Together we will design a workout routine that fits into your schedule and into your life. And together we will see it through until your goal is met.

Call or email me today to get started on the program that will transform your life.

Athlete/Coach Resources...
Get Paid To Play Live Online Sports Games Free!
The Fat Burning Workout! Burn The Fat and Build Muscle. The Workout Program Everyone Is Talking About.
Athletes! Improve Your Strength, Speed, Agility, and Reaction With The #1 Online Strength Coach
Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
BodyByBoyle OnlineShapeShifter Yoga
Discount Sports Supplements

US Sports Recruiting Assistance.

Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance!
For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team!
Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
Sign up for US Sports Recruiting Assistance here.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Clean Burritos


Here’s a healthy burrito recipe to sink your teeth into. Whole grains, lean protein and crunchy veggies make this a recipe that you’ll come back to time and again. Serve with a side of your favorite salsa. Servings: 1

Here’s what you need…
  • 1 sprouted grain, flourless tortilla
  • 1 Tablespoon hummus
  • 1/3 cup cooked brown rice
  • ¼ cup cooked black beans
  • ½ cup cooked chicken, chopped
  • 2 Tablespoons fresh corn kernels
  • 2 Tablespoons chopped cucumber
  • ¼ cup shredded arugula
  • 3 cherry tomatoes, chopped
  1. Warm the tortilla in a dry skillet. Spread the hummus evenly over the tortilla.
  2. Top the tortilla with rice, beans, chicken and veggies.
  3. Fold the two sides of the tortilla in over the filling, then flip up the bottom edge and roll tightly.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 380 calories, 7.8g fat, 45g carbohydrate, 7g fiber, and 31g protein.

Motivate your friends, family and co-workers! Forward this newsletter and let them know that we have many more cool, fitness, tips, workouts, help all around to help anyone on the journey to total fitness!
Athlete/Coach Resources...
Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
BodyByBoyle OnlineShapeShifter Yoga
Discount Sports Supplements

US Sports Recruiting Assistance.

Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance!
For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators.
Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
Sign up for US Sports Recruiting Assistance here. Recovery Supplements

Thursday, March 10, 2016

US Sports Was Voted The Best Of 2016!

Please excuse this communication as a possibly a little "unpolished" as I got some great news today and it is in big part because of YOU!

Here is the news as reported on our website just a few minutes ago:

We Won! :) For the 2nd Year In A Row US Sports Strength and Conditioning System Has Been Awarded The Best Of 2016 Award By One Of The World's Top Service Websites: Thumbtack!
A coach is only as good as his/her players and support team. Its YOUR hard work that makes me look like a genius. I humbly accept this award! Thank you Thumbtack and Thank you clients, subscribers and friends. And now on to bigger and better success!

Its you that trusted me with the design, delivery, and execution of your programs in person or online, and I do not take that trust lightly.

Its you that showed up some of you as early as 5:30am in the morning. Some of you in the afternoon after a long day at work or school at times when you might rather be doing something a little more relaxing than squats, dead lifts, lunges, bench press, kettle bell swings. core work and on and on.

Its you that followed the meal plans even when it was inconvenient to properly energize your bodies and help convert body fat to fuel.

Its you athletes that got bigger, faster, stronger, and better to the point where you are now able to attend college tuition free and for some of you the opportunity to play your favorite sport and get paid handsomely to do so! (I think a few parents or guardians like this statement too! ) ;0)

I could go on but I promised myself I would make this short. Thank you does not convey my appreciation for the opportunity to help you. I can only pray that I am able to help you for many years to come as many more athletes and warriors seek my help.

You see, we win awards such as this because I personally got tired of all the hype, lies, and rip-offs in the fitness world that have worsened in the last 10 years. I decided that if I was going to be in this business I am going put the success of my clients programs as top priority. By applying sound exercise and fitness science, and leaving the hype to the crooks out there and believe me, there are many. And because I have been blessed to work with a winner like you, that made my job awesome! I just can't stop thanking you!

If you are one of our new subscribers and would like for me to design, deliver, and allow me to help you execute your customized fitness/strength and conditioning program, feel free to visit our site hereand see why US Sports Strength and Conditioning is one of the top online and offline services in the Washington D.C. are and the world.

I look forward to helping you.

Athlete/Coach Resources...
Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
BodyByBoyle OnlineShapeShifter Yoga
Discount Sports Supplements

US Sports Recruiting Assistance.

Athletes! All Registered Athletes Will Have Their Huddl Or other Highlight Video Reel Priority Posted on Our Athlete Highlight Video Reel Center! We have Thousands Of College Coaches and Recruiters Visiting Our Network Daily. Get More Exposure With US Sports Recruiting Assistance!
For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators.
Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
Sign up for US Sports Recruiting Assistance here. Recovery Supplements

Saturday, December 6, 2014

How To Lose Belly Fat

There is a simple formula to losing Belly Fat, and NONE of them involve a restrictive diet. -Nate

Get Lean Workouts
The Get Lean Programs were designed to have higher repetitions. This higher volume causes a greater amount of calories to be burned. Higher repetitions during weight training helps maximize the body’s metabolism to create a caloric burning effect long after the workout is completed. There are also individualized cardio workouts that are based on V02 max and age predicted max heart rate. 

Throughout the length of the Get Lean Programs, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workout. This variation provides a more consistent "programmed response" to exercise which will help to avoid those depressing plateau's in progress. 

The regular Get Lean Programs are designed so that each muscle is trained twice per week to give the body a much leaner look and stronger, healthier muscles. The Get Lean EXPRESS Programs offer a shorter workout for those busier times when you simply can't spend as much time in the gym. They are also great for those who physically respond better to a program with less overall volume. Give these programs a try and prepare to feel the burn!Click here and sign up for US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning With 7 Day Free Trial

 The Fat Burning Workout

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Does It Matter When I Exercise?

Its more so how your energy levels operate at certain times of the day as opposed to what the clock says. -Nate
(MSNBC) It's true that studies have suggested the body functions more efficiently at different times of the day. Some reports, for instance, have shown that the body's processes are slowest in the morning. Others have found that in the afternoon, strength and aerobic capacity are greatest, suggesting that it might be best to exercise at this time.
However, there are two basic principles to exercise that are even more important: If you're both consistent and patient with your training, you'll reap the benefits, says Joel Friel, author of: The Cyclist's Training Bible, and:The Triathlete's Training Bible.
Friel, an exercise science expert, points out that studies done in the past several years have shown that important aspects of a person's workout are not affected by time of day, such as how long you can go before exhaustion. Perceived effort remains the same throughout the day, too, meaning a workout doesn't feel harder in the evening than it would in the morning.
Other factors play a part as well. Pollution is heavier in the afternoon, which may affect your breathing. So running, cycling and other outdoor activities done in the early morning or after the evening rush hour may be better. The hot afternoon sun may also be a factor that makes early morning or evening exercise a better choice.
The bottom line, says Friel, is that it's most important to find what time of day works best for you and to commit to a fitness routine. So if exercising at night works best because you work full-time, stick with it.
10 Rules of Fat Loss

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Your Personal Fitness Trainer On-Call 24/7

Hi Nate Lewis Here!
Look, I know you want to do something to improve your
fitness level…
I know you want to get in the best shape of your life.
In fact I know that if you had the time, (and if you were here in town) you'd be in here
working out with me a few times per week.
But the reality is you're a busy person. You've got places
to go and people to see…. families to raise and folks to
take care of.
So you need another solution.
And so because of that, I've crafted a personal training
program that involves technology, where you can actually
login and do your workouts, in the middle of the night,
early in the morning, anytime throughout the day, when
you're traveling… in between taking your kids to school and
picking them up.
You do it in the comfort of your own home or in the gym.
You select what exercise you want to do, based on the
equipment you have.
And best of all, each workout is crafted to be completed in
only 30 minutes or less.
Oh, and one more thing, it's only 66 cents per day.
Click Here To Start Training Today!
I know, that's not a typo… it's only 66 cents per day.
But there's oooone more thing that I want to tell you and
that one more thing is…
You don't have to pay a dime for the first 30 days.
Click Here To Start FREE
I want you to try it out. See if it's right for you… drop a
few pounds, lose a few dress sizes…
…and then you're welcome to hop on board for only 66 cents
per day where you get direct personal access to my big
brain of workout knowledge.
To your success,
Nate Lewis 
P.S. I bet you have a friend or family member who would
love their very own personal trainer for just 66 cents a
day. Go ahead and forward this email over to them :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Excess calories, not sugar, make people fat

Simple equation: If you burn more calories than you intake, Your 'trained body' has to adapt, by buring fat. All US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Programs come with our state-of-the-art nutritional meal planning software. Sign Up Today. Try it FREE
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -- There is no link between obesity and sugar intake, according to two studies presented this week at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity annual meeting in Charleston, South Carolina.
"The bottom line is increased calories are the culprit" behind obesity, not sugar, Dr. Maureen Storey said in an interview with Reuters Health. "Choosing smaller portions is difficult," she added, but "people need to eat less and exercise more."
Storey and Dr. Rich Forshee, of Georgetown University in Washington, DC, studied data from a survey conducted by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). They constructed a model that estimated how closely people follow the USDA Food Guide Pyramid, and the percentage of the US recommended daily allowance of selected nutrients they consume, based on the amount of added sugars, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and alcohol they consume.
According to the model, "added sugars have a minimal... negative effect on consumption of most of the food groups and nutrients," Storey and Forshee report. The researchers found that alcohol had a much larger negative effect on diet than sugars.
"According to our model, it would take 1,695 additional grams of added sugars or 43.5 (12 oz.) cans of soda pop to replace one serving of dairy foods," the investigators explain. In comparison, "an additional 182 grams of alcohol, the equivalent of 14 (12 oz.) cans of beer or 18 (3.5 oz.) glasses of red wine, reduced the predicted number of dairy servings by one."
"Pragmatically, added sugars have virtually no effect on diet quality whereas other dietary components, such as alcohol, have a relatively greater negative impact on diet quality," Storey and Forshee conclude.
In the second study, Dr. D.R. Keast and colleagues, of the Michigan State University in East Lansing, asked nearly 16,000 adults about their consumption of sugar, fat, carbohydrates, and total calories. They also measured the participants' body mass index (weight divided by height).
Keast's group reports that obese adults consumed fewer total calories than non-obese adults, but fat made up a higher percentage of their calories. The obese adults obtained a lower percentage of their calories from carbohydrates and total sugars than the non-obese adults.
These results held true in both men and women, the investigators say. The research team concludes that there is a "seesaw" relationship between sugars and fat: as fat intake goes up, body mass index goes up, but as sugar intake goes up, body mass intake goes down.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Cutting Fat Wisely

A good meal plan is not about what you take out. It is more about what you replace with what? Meal planning software included in all US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Programs
From: Living Better Features
Quality may matter just as much as quantity when it comes to consuming fats. In fact, diets with a higher percentage of fats -- if they are the right kind -- can actually be better for you than their lower-fat counterparts, according to a recent report issued by the American Heart Association (AHA) and published in the journal Circulation.
Make sure you include healthful fats in your diet by stocking your kitchen with olive, canola and peanut oils -- examples of monounsaturated fats. The AHA's recommendation is that no more than 30 percent of your calories come from fat. But a diet rich in these monounsaturated fats, according to the September report, can help lower the risk of heart disease -- even if your fat intake somewhat exceeds 30 percent.
Take a good look, too, at how much of your diet includes saturated fats -- fats that come from animal and dairy sources and some plant oils, such as coconut and palm oils. These can increase your cholesterol level and should be avoided.
One of the study's authors is Penny Kris-Etherton, Ph.D. -- a distinguished professor of nutrition at Penn State University and a member of the AHA nutrition committee. Her study suggests that a fat intake as high as 35 percent can still be healthy -- but she stresses that this is only true if the fats are monounsaturated.
The AHA also recommends that saturated and polyunsaturated fats should make up less than 10 percent of your calorie intake, and that monounsaturated fats should make up no more than 15 percent.
All Fats Are Not Created Equal
Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) help lower LDL cholesterol, the kind that can build up on arterial walls and increase your risk of heart attack and stroke, says Kris-Etherton, even if they make up as much as 35 percent of your calorie intake. But a diet high in saturated and polyunsaturated fats, even if kept within the 30-percent limit, can lower HDL cholesterol -- the kind that helps protect against heart attacks -- and can raise the level of triglycerides, the chemical form of most fat in the body.
Still, a diet high in MUFA can have drawbacks. "When people start adding olive oil and other rich sources of monounsaturated fats, maybe they'll run the risk of adding too many calories to their diet," Kris-Etherton says. But she adds that a high-MUFA diet may be a good alternative to a diet that severely restricts fat, for people who can maintain a healthy weight while on it.
"We have to figure out which diet is going to work best for different people," Kris-Etherton says. "It doesn't have to be a low-fat diet for everybody. What is nice about all of this is now we have another option in the prevention and treatment of heart disease."
Healthy Choices
No matter how healthy you are, make sure you don't consume too many saturated fats, which can raise cholesterol levels, says Alice Lichtenstein, a professor of nutrition at Tufts University and member of the AHA nutrition committee. To decrease saturated fats, buy lean cuts of meat and take advantage of low-fat and nonfat dairy products.
"It may not be exactly what you want, but you can make the substitution and not feel deprived," Lichtenstein says.
It's in the Calories
While Americans have somewhat decreased their saturated fat intake, they have more than made up for the calories in carbohydrate consumption, says Lichtenstein. As a result, the nation is getting heavier, opening the door for health problems such as heart disease and diabetes, which are associated with increased weight.
Lichtenstein explains that avoiding weight gain means taking every calorie into account, remembering that "fat-free" or "low-fat" does not mean "calorie-free." And keeping track of how many of those calories you expend, rather than just how many you consume, is also important in maintaining a healthy weight.

10 Rules of Fat Loss

Friday, August 15, 2014

Ok, see you Monday :)

Hey, I have posted a couple of times about the "16 Day Sexy Slim Down" starting Monday.

I have two spots left and I wanted to make sure you got in.

16 days from now you're going to be a new sexier, slimmer you...

And you're gonna LOVE IT!


Like I said, the 16 Day Sexy Slim Down starts Monday 08/18/2014
Train online with our US Sports Strength Coaches at your favorite gym, at home, or at your favorite workout space. On your schedule!

So just call click here and I'll get you all dialed in.

Just picture stepping on that scale and being 8-12 LBS Lighter...

Fitting back into your "skinny jeans"...

And seeing the new sexier, slimmer YOU in the mirror.

Ah, you're going to feel so PROUD of yourself :)

Anyone can commit to just 16 days, right?

Besides, its FREE for the 16 days and up to 30 days thereafter!

Don't you owe it to yourself to see how this amazing new system can help you achieve the body you deserve?

So just take two seconds and click here and I'll get you scheduled in for Monday.

You'll be so glad you did.

Nathan Lewis CSCS

Monday, August 11, 2014

(Embarrassing) her pants fell off

Recently I did a little fat loss experiment with a few of my clients and something REALLY EMBARISSING happened to one of them.

She was using both hands to carry a hot casserole dish to her car when she felt her jeans begin to slip off.

Since both of her hands were holding the heavy casserole dish, all she could do was hope to make it to her car before her pants fell off.

Whelp, she DIDN'T make it and had to waddle to her car the last five feet with her pants around her ankles before she could set the hot dish down and pull them back up.

Luckily, no one saw.


She was a "victim" of the rapid fat loss workout I recently developed.

It's called the "16 Day Sexy Slim down."

The way it works is you do 3-5 high intensity boot camp style workouts and follow some very LOOSE but EFFECTIVE eating guidelines for 16 days.

You can expect to lose 8-12 LBS and up to two pants sizes.

The 16 Day Sexy Slim Down starts next Monday 08/11/2014

Just click here and sign up to get your program

Oh, and the best part is that Its FREE to start for up to 30 days then its only about 66 cents per day

Fair warning though, you can expect to lose up to two pants sizes so don't get caught carrying a hot casserole dish - loose pants have been known to fall off :)

- I only have about 20 spots so if you want "in" on the 16 Day Sexy Slim Down, click here to reserve your spot