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Sunday, February 4, 2018

VALENTUS - 2 Fantastic Ingredients in Weight Loss Coffee

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Happy Superbowl Sunday! 

Just saying, our SlimRoast coffee is not just coffee. Here's why. SlimRoast controls your appetite and you really make better food choices, regulates sugar absorption so it is diabetic friendly, regulates fat absorption so your body is not absorbing fat, promotes brain health & focus - helps with the brain fog, elevates your mood and you feel happy, and is a antioxidant. SlimRoast is Not just coffee. Does your coffee do that? I thought not. So change your 1st cup of morning coffee to SlimRoast and get all these benefits! Even have a 2nd cup before lunch. That's all it takes. 

Two ingredients in our coffee are L-Theanine and Cocoa. Look what they can do for you! For more information go to

I took this info from an article when I googled L-Theanine.
Health Benefits of Theanine
  1) Reduces Anxiety and Stress
  2) Improves Brain Function

  3) Reduces Negative Effects of Caffeine and Improves Its Cognitive-Enhancing 
  4) Protects the Heart and Blood Vessels
  5) Is an Antioxidant
  6) Increases Sleep Quality
  7) Reduces Symptoms of Schizophrenia
  8) May Enhance Th1 Immunity and Combat Stress-Related Weakened Immunity
  9) Theanine As an Adjunctive Cancer Treatment
10)  May Reduce Symptoms of Depression
 11) Helps with Weight Loss
 12) May Heal Stomach Ulcers

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