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Showing posts with label fat burning workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fat burning workout. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

You've Got The SWOD? You've Go The Power!

Good Morning Athletes and Warriors!
Today's SWOD is not for the faint of heart as Strength and Power are at he core of any fitness endeavor.  The stronger you are, them more weight you can lose, the leaner you can get, your heart and lungs can work better and on and on. Now pumping 'de Ions' is not the only factor, but a great foundation to work from.

Remember to consult a Doc' before engaging in any fitness workout or program. To get your very own custom program designed for you, click here and fill out the fitness profile form and we can have your program designed and delivered to you in as little as 24 hours.

And now as the prophet Rock Speaketh: "Just Bring It!"

Image result for The Rock animated

-Coach Nate.

Strength and Power Workouts

The Strength and Power Programs were designed to maximize the body's ability to generate strength. There will also be a certain amount of muscle mass developed through the stimulus of using progressively heavier weights! 

Throughout the length of the Strength and Power programs, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workout. 

The Strength and Power EXPRESS Programs are for those people short on time that still want a very effective workout. An EXPRESS Program will give you most of the benefits of the regular programs, but will take less time each day to complete. It will not change the primary emphasis of the program, it simply reduces the number of assistance exercises for the calves, forearms and neck muscle groups. 

The Strength and Power ADVANCED Programs will really push you physically. Make sure to pay high attention to recovery processes such as eating quality foods and keeping the body properly hydrated. Sleeping at least 8 hours per night is also key. And, stretching or massage both before and after the workout is also vital. This will help to stimulate passive blood flow to the muscles aiding the removal of metabolic waste products. Crank it up!

Today's SERIOUS WORKOUT OF THE DAY is from US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning's Strength and Power Menu The 3 Day Strength and Power Express.

Week 1 Day 3.

Week 1 - Day 3 (Friday) of Your Strength and Power ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium
  View Printer Friendly Version
(Print Friendly Version and Exercise Descriptions Are Available to Fully Registered Clients)

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise

SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Bench Press
10 reps @ 100 lbs,5 reps @ 120 lbs,
10 reps @ 130 lbs,12 reps @ 120 lbs,
10 reps @ 110 lbs 
Dumbbell Seated External Rotation
12 reps @ 11 lbs,10 reps @ 12 lbs 
Dumbbell Step Up
12 reps @ 25 lbs,10 reps @ 30 lbs 
Lat Pulldown Wide Grip Front
12 reps @ 80 lbs,10 reps @ 85 lbs 
Dumbbell Shrug
12 reps @ 50 lbs,10 reps @ 55 lbs,
10 reps @ 50 lbs 
Dumbbell Biceps Curl
12 reps @ 25 lbs,10 reps @ 30 lbs 
Cable Triceps Pushdown
12 reps @ 70 lbs,10 reps @ 75 lbs 
Reverse Crunches
23 reps,23 reps 
Theraball Weighted Crunches
15 reps @ 15 lbs,10 reps @ 15 lbs 
Your Program Is Ready! Are You? Click Here Fill Out The Fitness Profile Form To Get Started

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Exercise As An Antidepressant

One of my favorite guest articles. Always timely regardless of the time Athletes and Warriors!.
Experts have estimated that every living human being has or has had to deal with some degree of depression in their lives.
Some more severe than others, but it is a real tangible problem in the world.
Imagine never needing any medication with its sometimes dangerous side effects and multiple doctor visits to deal with depression's many symptoms by making one simple inexpensive lifestyle change. Check out today's guest article then click here, fill out the fitness profile form to get your exercise prescription for a happier, healthier life.

Exercise As An Antidepressant
Exercise is being touted as a viable component for treating depression, schizophrenia and alcohol addiction, according to a report published in the American Psychological Association.
This is a review of studies going back to 1981, so it's not new research. One thing that's interesting is this review finds non-aerobic exercises such as weight lifting to be just as effective in treating psychological ailments as aerobics.

The researchers say most regular exercises, including simply going for a 20-minute walk three times a week, is apparently more effective than placebo pills in reducing symptoms of anxiety in some patients.

In my view, this study almost nailed it, but not quite. In my book, drawing on the best research, I contend exercise is a placebo. And while it makes you feel better, let's not give it more curative power than it deserves.

Just taking the time off to go exercise is something that can be psychologically good for you because you're taking a break from what's bothering you.

If you enjoy exercising, do it, and you'll probably feel better. But this isn't true if you hate it. The main point in my book, "Eat, Drink and Be Merry," is to embrace those activities that you have fun doing because, ultimately, they'll be the most beneficial.

Source: Professional Psychology: Research and Practice,

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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Grandma To Be Got Fit and Healthy- So Can You

Ladies and Gentlemen, Athletes and Warriors,
Thanks to the Creator of the Universe and the sound science that proves how nature truly works, excuses are nothing more than our own building blocks of failure.
Imagine if you and I made a decision that no matter what comes up in our lives that we are not going to quit pursuing health, prosperity, and happiness.
I don't want to turn all political here, but a revelation hit me and convicted me at the same time during the 2016 presidential campaign. Regardless of what you think about president-elect Donald Trump, did you know that he has been working on becoming president since 1999? I always have to watch it doing math but I believe that is a 17 year effort!
Bottom line Athletes and Warriors and proven once again in today's transformation you can change your body and your life based on your decisions that become commitments, that become convictions. Then whatever your convict yourself to will find you. Never, never, never give up!

Fit Grandma to be

Grandma To Be Got Fit and Healthy- So Can You

What an Amazing Transformation I have to share with you today. Karissa which will be a Grandma very soon had the goals of losing 25-30 lbs and getting down to a size 6. Well she smashed those numbers. What an inspiration and fantastic job in only 4 months. Results like this happen when you follow the Hitch Fit Plan!!


Weight- 161

Bodyfat- 34%

Hips -42″

Waist- 35″

Dress size – 12

4 Months Later

Weight- 131

Bodyfat- 21%

Hips 37″

Waist 29″

Dress Size -4


I have been through SO much, and this transformation has inspired me to make a lot of other changes in my life as well. You have truly been an inspiration to me. I have lost over 5 inches from my hips, 4 and a half from each thigh and my scale weight was 131 this morning. That’s over 30lbs gone from my life! Haha! And, I am going to be a grandma in 4 months. I think I’ve redefined “grandma.”


Karissa’s Program Choice- Couples Bootcamp


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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Fitness Model Plan Transforms Dad Body- Ripped in Only 12 Weeks

Athletes and Warriors!
The sound science of fitness that worked in 2016 will work in 2017 and beyond!

Savvy athletes and warriors understand that as long as they are alive, they can take another step forward. Much like the young man in today's feature transformation. Take note of the fact that it took him 2 years to commit once he was convinced that it was not another online scam. Can you identify with that line of thought?

When you run out of excuses and reasons to not take action. All you have left is to act. I pray that today's transformation will inspire at least one person to act and stay in action mode in their fitness progress for life!

Lose Weight Dad

Fitness Model Plan Transforms Dad Body- Ripped in Only 12 Weeks

Dan did So Amazing in Only 12 Weeks. Week by week I would see him getting in better shape, losing weight and feeling great.. He dropped 19+ lbs, 6″ off His Stomach and 6+ % Bodyfat!!

Dans Stats

Week 1-

Weight- 190.7 lbs

Waist- 37″

Bodyfat%- 16.33%

Week 12

Weight- 171.3 lbs

Waist- 31″

Bodyfat%- 9.91%

Dan’s Story

I came across the Hitch Fit website a few years ago and always thought the results were too good to be true and that is was another online scam. Despite my initial impressions, I was still curious, then one day I recognized an old work colleague on the website and this then gave me the reassurance Hitch FIt was the real deal. It still took me a couple more years to finally commit, I was always concerned how I would manage the requirements of the program around my shift work and family life, but I am glad I finally did, my only regret was putting off the decision for so long.

Micah is very clear at the beginning of the program, you need to be 100% committed to changing your life. I can only reinforce this point, the program is tough, it does impact your lifestyle, your family, and your kids. However, 12 weeks is such a short period of time in your life to ensure you are the fittest and best version of yourself you can be. The effort required to complete the program is worth every bead of sweat and every ounce of pain, as you will NEVER look back once you complete the program.

Fit Dad

The first week was brutal, I struggled with the volume of exercise and my body struggled to recover, but as time went by all the unnecessary wasteful things I was doing at home, like watching TV, especially watching nothing in particular became not so important and this freed up time for exercise or food prep. The results as very quick, even at the end of the first week, (despite giving up coffee) I noticed increased energy levels, consistent energy levels, and improved sleep length and quality.

Well the day finally came to see my progress from week one, I was apprehensive, I had worked so hard during the week I did not see any difference in the mirror and did not want to be disappointed. I stepped on the scales, well was I surprised, I had lost 3.3 lbs in the first week, whilst some of this is probably water weight, I continued to lose weight and inches every week, in numbers I would never have expected to be maintained.

Week five came along and I hit a hurdle, I injured my back and couldn’t move for two days, I was flat on my back in bed. I thought the week was going to be a write off, the world was working against me to stop me completing the program. I sought treatment and rested for the two days and managed to continue the program for the remainder of the week.

“I found the program interesting and the changing weight program every four weeks, helped keep the motivation levels high.”

12 weeks to awesome

Another challenge I found was the nutrition plan, whilst I generally enjoy most foods, I have never enjoyed or even liked oatmeal. It was a real struggle for me and the beginning of the program, well it’s amazing what 12 weeks does, as it is now my preferred breakfast, even after finishing the program.

The program is both physically and mentally exhausting, my main advice to anyone contemplating the program, trust yourself, commit to the journey, commit to becoming the best version of yourself, and trust the program. You will have highs and low through the program, enjoy the highs, work hard through the lows. You will have obstacles, these are to test you, not to stop you. The results and benefits are worth every bit of energy you expend on the program.




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Sunday, January 8, 2017

Ten Gym Mistakes Beginners Make

NateLewis1.jpgGood Morning Athletes and Warriors!
As the New Year rolls along I am almost tempted to not share this next message. As US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning caters to Serious Athletes and Fitness Warriors like yourself, many of these training tips are a given.
However it is so easy for even the smallest wrong idea turn into a failed program or worse yet an injury so its always good to review and if you are a beginner, take note here and you will be miles ahead towards your fitness goals.

Ten Gym Mistakes Beginners Make Ten Gym Mistakes Beginners Make
Originally featured in: Men's Fitness Written by: Bobby Lee Ten Gym Mistakes Beginners Make And How To Avoid Them 
Image result for Gym mistakes animated
Being new at the gym is awkward enough, but starting a workout program without knowing what you're doing is far worse. In our attempt to impart enlightenment for the weight-room initiate, we present 10 common mistakes you should know about -- immediately.

Using incorrect form while bench pressing (dumbbell or barbell):

Regardless of whom you see doing it at the gym, don't pick your feet up from the floor when you bench. Some people tell you to keep your feet up so you don't arch your back during the movement. But if you have to arch your back, you're benching way beyond your abilities. Switch to a lighter weight to ensure that your feet are always solidly planted. This will keep you from toppling off the bench and injuring yourself or others.

Holding your breath:

This may seem ridiculously obvious, but remember to breathe when you lift. Sometimes, when an activity is new, you concentrate so much on doing it correctly that you forget to let your body do its natural things, like breathing. The breathing pattern for lifting is to exhale on the positive phase (pushing or pulling the weight) and inhale on the negative (lowering the weight). Holding your breath can raise your blood pressure and, if you hold it long enough, cause fainting.

Not using collars:

Always use collars on the bars when you're working without a spotter. Everybody has a weaker side of the body, and this weakness is exaggerated in the initial phases of weight training. During a lift, the bar may begin to lean imperceptibly toward the weaker side of the body. As it tilts, the plates slide downward until they suddenly spill off the bar and the opposite side drops in a quick seesaw action-- accompanied by a loud clanging of iron. You're left standing or lying red-faced, not physically hurt, perhaps, but definitely diminished in the pectoral pecking order. Use collars.

Fearing that you'll get too big:

Don't ever say this in the gym, or you'll instantly be branded a gymbecile. The reality is that few people put on as much muscle as they want; most settle for a physique better than the one they started with, but hardly the one they idealize. Remember: A pound of muscle is approximately the size of a baseball, while a pound of fat is about the size of a softball. In other words, you can add plenty of lean muscle before your biceps burst through your shirt sleeves.

Spotting incorrectly:

Hang around a gym long enough and, sooner or later, you'll either be asked to spot or need one yourself. If you suspect you're going to need a spot, ask for it. Gym rats are always more than willing, and it's much better to ask quietly for a spot than to scream loudly for help once you're in trouble. If you're asked to spot a guy who's benching 500 pounds and you know you couldn't roll that, much less lift it, be honest and say so. To fail as a spotter and endanger someone is unforgivable.

Trying to spot reduce:

There's no such thing. If you have a belly, wearing a plastic suit or some sort of gizmo around your stomach as you exercise won't transform your legendary flab into equally fabulous abs. Neither will doing 20,000 crunches a day. The only way to develop and see your abs is to exercise and watch your diet. You can have the strongest abs in the world, but if they're swathed in fat, no one will ever see them.

Starting too heavy:

Resist the temptation to lift as much as you can the first few times in the gym, even if the smaller guy next to you is lifting more. While your muscles may be able to lift the weight, your connective tissues probably aren't ready for it. Go for high reps the first few times and gradually work your way heavier, especially in pushing exercises such as the bench press and any of the shoulder exercises. There's no sense in building stronger muscles without corresponding strength in the connective tissue to avoid injury. And there's no sense in trying to outlift that smaller guy if you shorten your limbs in the process.

Playing a personal stereo too loudly:

Wearing a personal stereo is a good idea if you don't like the music in the gym. We all know music picks up spirit and energy, but remember to keep it low. Headphones regularly emit more than 100 dBA. Sustained exposure to sounds over 85 dBA can cause temporary damage or permanent hearing loss. If you can't hear somebody speaking to you in a normal voice, turn it down. No sense becoming buff and deaf.

Not drinking enough water:

Your blood is 85 percent water, your brain 75 percent and your muscles 70 percent. Drink lots of it. If a muscle is dehydrated by 3 percent, it loses 10 percent of its contractile strength. Drink before you're thirsty. By the time you're conscious of thirst, you're already partially dehydrated, which can adversely affect stamina and concentration. To keep from becoming a stumbling, mumbling gym zombie, drink water. It's even calorie-free.

Wearing a weight belt:

Don't wear a weight belt when you're just starting out. The weight you use shouldn't be so heavy that you need a belt to lift it (if you have back problems, see a doctor before starting). Wearing a belt can cause you to develop poor lifting habits, such as not consciously tightening your abs as you lift. If you have to wear a belt, remember to loosen it between sets. A tight belt can raise blood pressure and cause ulcer-like symptoms, such as heartburn or abdominal pain. Remember, the belt is designed to help support the lower back, not act as a girdle.

Get your program on the right track today! Train online with me saving money, time, and your program's success! Click here fill out the fitness profile form to get started.
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Monday, December 5, 2016

10 Minutes At Home Ab Workout - 6-Pack Training

Good Morning Athletes and Warriors!
Seems as though as we wind down 2016 and tool up for a great 2017, that the holidays for many are all about making your ab muscles disappear. And spending January and on looking for them again.
Let's stop this vicious cycle by first as I always say, making fitness a lifestyle for a lifetime. Then and only then will the particular methods of exercise have the long lasting effect of a healthier leaner body that we are looking for.
With that in mind let's get after that six pack with the help of our friends at BPISports!

(Video)10 Minutes At Home Ab Workout - 6-Pack Trainingmaxresdefault-36.jpg

Are you looking for a fast and effective ab workout routine to lose belly fat and get lean 6-pack abs?

Now despite all the myths you may have heard you don’t have to do 1,000’s of reps to get great abs – in fact all 3 of the exercises we’re going to do today require only 15 repetitions per set and the whole workout will only take about 10 minutes to finish. You only need to do this routine twice a week to get the maximum benefits.

To do this exercise correctly, we’re going to eliminate the first part of that motion where it was all hip flexors – so starting with the thighs perpendicular to the floor and a 90 degree bend in the legs. To maximize the contraction we are going to bring our head up off the floor – make sure not to pull on the back of your head or neck. From here we are going to slowly and in a controlled movement lift our pelvis off the floor in a reverse crunch motion. Focus on bringing your knees closer to your head versus up toward the ceiling. Slowly lower back to the starting position and repeat for 15 reps, and 3 sets of this, but not back to back.

First, I take a small towel and put it down on a smooth floor. I put my feet on the towel in a push-up position. Starting with my back straight and my abs tight I tuck my pelvis and pull my feet up by contracting my abs. Squeeze your abs at this point and then slide your feet back out to starting position before repeating. As you can see we get a nice curvature of the low spine, bringing the lower part of our ribs closer to our pelvis – the two insertion points of our rectus abdominis. This means we’re getting a nice full contraction. We’re going to do this for 15 reps. We’ll do this for 3 total sets but not back to back. From here we’re going to jump into our next exercise.

To correctly perform a simple crunch, we need a fuller range of motion by bringing our head toward our knees, not the ceiling. When we do this you can see we get that curvature we’re looking for. Make sure to start the move slowly, not using momentum and not pulling on your neck or head - squeeze it at the top before slowly lowering back down. Make sure to go as high as you can – just before your low back comes off the ground – if it comes off the ground then you’re doing an old fashioned sit-up – which is an effective exercise if it weren’t for the stress on the low back. We’re going to do this exercise for 15 reps.

NOTE: All VIEWERS are advised to consult their physician before beginning any exercise and nutrition program. BPI and the contributors do not accept any responsibility for injury sustained as a result of following the advice or suggestions contained within the content of this VIDEO.

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Friday, December 2, 2016

Lifetime Fitness Plan

Hello Athletes and Warriors!
The solution to never having to have a fitness New Year's resolution is to have as the title suggest a "Lifetime Fitness Plan"
We all have our immediate fitness goals, but I would like for you to consider not only the next 6 months. Consider the possibility of fitness progress for the next 6 years. 16 years, 26 years! The one thing that I will never know or want to know as your strength and conditioning coach is where your limits are.
No one has that right. So relax, get to work and enjoy a lifetime of fitness and you will never have to fall victim to another fitness fad again!
Enjoy today's transformation.

Lifetime Fitness Plan

Online Personal Training Client 4 Years Later

Lifetime Fitness Plan - Online Personal Training Client 4 Years Later

Best Online Personal Training Plans

We talk so much about Hitch Fit being about a healthy lifestyle change, a Lifetime Fitness Plan that can be utilized at any time in the future. We encourage clients to develop and embrace new eating and exercise habits for life since that is the only key to long term success! Not every client completes transformation in 12 or 16 weeks, there are a lot of things in life that can come up. And guess what, that is o.k.! Since the goal is a lifestyle change, this isn’t a journey that just ends in 12 weeks time. And if it takes longer than 12 weeks to get to that healthy and balanced place in your life, that’s also o.k. (and guess what, very normal for a lot of people!!). We always encourage clients who fall off track or back into old habits, or who have curve balls of life thrown at them, to just get back on track as soon as they can, and just keep moving forward. There’s nothing that can be done about yesterdays choices, but there IS something that can be done about today’s!

In light of this, I was so delighted to receive a message from a Hitch Fit Online Personal Training client who signed up for her program back in 2012. She did incredible for her first 10 weeks and made wonderful progress. But the pressures of school and exams and other life issues caught up with her and she found herself sliding backwards. BUT, the beauty of this was that she was now equipped with the knowledge and skills to know what to do to get herself back to a healthy place. Using her Hitch Fit plan, it may have taken a bit longer to get where she wanted to be, but ultimately, when she was really ready, she got there! Amazing job Ashley, you are what Hitch Fit is all about.

Message from Ashley:

“I wanted to update you! Back in 2012 I began my workout program from you. I was 19 and in first year of university. I struggled making the changes needed to really make progress and find balance to get to my maintenance phase!

I wanted to share my transformation with you and let you know how thankful I am for everything you taught me! This truly is an enjoyable lifestyle and I couldn’t be happier to have found you and Micah.. Such motivating people!


Before and After Weight Loss Photos - Fit for Life Plan
Before and After Weight Loss Story - Lifetime Fitness Plan

Before and After Weight Loss Story - Lifetime Fitness Plan

Ashley’s Story:

“In 2012, I moved across the country leaving all my familiar surroundings behind. I was starting my first year of University and moved into residents to get the full University experience. Along with this experience came many things, a breakdown in my long-term relationship and a steady weight gain. I traded in going to the gym and making healthy choices for unhealthy foods and alcohol. I was so unhappy. It was right before Christmas break that I realized that I had hit rock bottom. I needed something. I began looking online to try and find help and guidance for an online personal trainer to get me back on track. This is when I found Diana & Micah at Hitch Fit. I sent my email and soon after Diana sent me my new program! I felt so many emotions. I was overwhelmed with excitement and was eager to get started! She provided me with endless information about how to be successful. It was soon after that I realized this was going to be important to me for the rest of my life. I knew from the beginning it wasn’t going to be easy. I was making my meal plan work with cafeteria food and making some of my meals in our community kitchen. It was added stress of “I wonder if the cafeteria food will fit my meal plan tonight” but I made it work. Getting workouts in plus cooking on top of my first year course load wasn’t easy. A lot of sacrifices were made and I got a lot of comments like “how do you do it .. you’re crazy”. For 10 weeks I shared my results with Diana weekly and I had lost many inches and dropped my body fat %. At that point I had “quit”. It was exam season and I fell for the sugary treats and late night pizza. My unhealthy relationship with food was overpowering.

It was a long summer of trying and failing and eventually hitting my heaviest weight of 185 in October 2013. I was once again striving to try and find BALANCE in my life using the nutrition and mental strategies that Diana taught me back in 2012. At this point, when none of my clothes fit I knew I needed change. I worked endlessly finding just the balance that I had been looking for. It may have taken me longer than I had planned but I am so happy to say that I have finally achieved what I had always been striving for. I feel strong, healthy, fit and most importantly HAPPY! Hitch Fit gave me so much confidence and the mindset that when you really want something there is a way to get there. Nothing worth having comes easy and nothing happens overnight but here I am almost 4 years later still using Hitch Fit. This is a lifestyle and I am so happy to have made it mine! Thank you so much to Diana & Micah!!”

Online Weight Loss Plan

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Monday, November 28, 2016

Hurry! US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning Black Friday-Cyber Monday Sale Ends Tonight!

Good Evening Athlete and Warriors!
Just a quick reminder that our Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale ends tonight at midnight EST.
If you have been "thinking" about getting in better condition, performing better at your favorite sport, or looking to feel and look better now is the time to commit to your customized program that I am eager to design and deliver for you!

The full story is re-told below. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need help in getting started.

Hey I understand the opportunities that Black Friday/Cyber Monday represent for a small business such as US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning, but what I will not fall into is a bunch of unnecessary hype and jive.
mwp_virtual_trainer.jpg NateLewis1.jpgNate-and-Michelle-Miller-Transformation-1997.jpgDiego-and-Nate-Senior-Night-2015.jpg

It' s simple I want to commit to giving you a full comprehensive, customized workout program that you can take anywhere you like to workout out and execute your fitness program that is as close as having me right there with your training step by step, like I have with many hundreds of my in-person clients for over 30 years. Without the logistics and expense that this traditional training brings.

So with that in mind, we are giving you our yearly, or annual membership at 1/2 off the regular yearly price. Its regularly $140 per year but today until 11:59pm EST Cyber Monday 11/28/2016 its only $70 per year.

This is you last excuse and I am glad you are smart enough now to not fall into the "New Years resolution" black hole of failure ever again. You know there will never be a better time than now to start. You know there will be ups and downs in your program, but now you are ready to commit to consistency. Not perfection but you will be ever moving forward in you fitness program. And I am proud and humbled to have the opportunity to guide you every step of the way. The first step is now for you to commit to a new you. Click here and choose:

US Sports Online S&C Black Friday Sale 1/2 OffPrice:
$ 70
for 1 Year
1/2 price off of our annual membership (See annual membership details near the top of the sign up page) Sale is on now until Monday November 28, 2016 at midnight.

Let's ring in the new year with a newer and more improved body. Thank you for the courage to move forward.
-Coach Nate
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