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Showing posts with label workouts for motorsports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workouts for motorsports. Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2017

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning 2 Day Sports Specific Training Programs

I was first introduced to Sports Specific Training by one of my former High School Football Coaches Kevin Rogers  who I continue to credit and thank to this day, for teaching me strength and power basics that I am able to share with you today.
Related image
Check out some of our 2 day training programs and when you are ready to train the right way for your sport, activity, or life click here and fill out the fitness profile form and I will contact you in 24 hours or less with your program recommendations. Keep in mind that these are only a few of the programs that I can custom design and deliver to you anywhere in the world. Online saving money and time over traditional in person training. 

And make no mistake if you can afford and schedule a qualified in person coach, Do It! There is no substitute. However, if a good strength coach or personal trainer is not feasible or affordable, I am here for you and have been since 1999. So let's get to to work!

Sports Specific Workouts

The Sports Specific Programs are designed to give people an exercise program tailored to the demands of their chosen sporting activities. All sports, from Golf to Football, have specific movements and physical demands that can be improved with proper training. The knowledge and experience that goes into each of these sports specific programs is what makes them so effective.

The most important attribute of any quality training program is injury prevention. Knowing how to start a program is the first step. These Sports Specific Programs provide injury prevention by first establishing a strength and conditioning base. The sets, repetitions, exercise prescription, and actual weight of the programs are based off an initial fitness level and specific strength to bodyweight ratio's. With simple feedback, the progression of the program will follow the body’s unique adaptation process to exercise.

Whether the goal is performance enhancement or simply the enjoyment of participation in a favorite activity, these Sports Specific Programs can and will provide great results!

Select a Program

The Golf Programs are designed for those wanting to achieve fitness, and, to improve their perform...
Motocross (Sample Below)
Motocross racers need a program that will help guard them against injuries and give them enough stren...
The Diving Program is a great strength and power maintenance program. In this program there are shou...
The 12-Week Triathlon Programs focus on developing muscular endurance and strength. The program begi...
Walking Strength
The focus of the 12-Week Walking Strength Programs is to develop balanced muscular endurance and stre...

Week 1 - Day 2 (Thursday) of Sample Motorcross ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium
  View Printer Friendly Version

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise

SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Bench Press
15 reps @ 110 lbs,15 reps @ 110 lbs 
Dumbbell Step Up
15 reps @ 25 lbs,10 reps @ 20 lbs 
Machine Leg Curl
15 reps @ 70 lbs,10 reps @ 60 lbs 
Back Extension
11 reps,11 reps 
Cable Close Grip Row (Low Pulley)
15 reps @ 75 lbs,15 reps @ 70 lbs 
Lat Pulldown Close Grip Front
15 reps @ 65 lbs,10 reps @ 60 lbs 
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 15 lbs,10 reps @ 14 lbs 
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 12 lbs,10 reps @ 11 lbs 
Dumbbell Concentration Curl
15 reps @ 20 lbs,10 reps @ 15 lbs 
Dumbbell Hammer Curl
15 reps @ 25 lbs,10 reps @ 25 lbs 
Cable Triceps Pushdown
15 reps @ 65 lbs,10 reps @ 60 lbs 
Reverse Crunches
23 reps,23 reps 
Alternate Heel Touchers
52 reps,52 reps 
Complete Exercise Videos and Descriptions Are Available To Fully Registered Clients. Click Here and Fill out the Fitness Profile Form And Your Coach Will Contact You In 24 Hours Or Less With Your Program Recommendations.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Get Your Revved Up Edge With Your Motorcross Power Program!

NateLewis1.jpgDo you know that Motorcross, Race car driving, and other motor sports require just as much skill, strength, power, agility, and balance as many of our traditional sports that require human horsepower?
Learn why its just plain smart to train to handle these powerful machines and to work with rough terrain and other different conditions.
And I got news for you. These same types of programs can help any athlete or warrior excel on and off the track.
Motocross racers need a program that will help guard them against injuries and give them enough strength and muscular endurance to help them be as competitive as possible. In addition to the strength training exercises, specific plyometric exercises that will help condition the legs for the riggors of landing from jumps and handling whoops have been added to all Motorcross Programs. The 4-Day Motorcross Program is great for the off-season, or for non-racing weeks. The 2-Day Motorcross Programs are perfect for racing weeks. It is recommended to have 48 hours of rest before the next race!

Throughout the length of the Motorcross Program, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts.

View a sample of this program:
Week 1 - Day 1 (Monday) of Motorcross ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium
 View Printer Friendly Version

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes
2 Video
18 reps @ 135 lbs,15 reps @ 150 lbs
3 Video
Machine Leg Curl
15 reps @ 70 lbs,10 reps @ 60 lbs
4 Video
Dumbbell Bench Press
15 reps @ 45 lbs,15 reps @ 40 lbs
5 Video
Dumbbell Military Press
15 reps @ 30 lbs,15 reps @ 25 lbs
6 Video
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise
15 reps @ 12 lbs,10 reps @ 11 lbs
7 Video
Dumbbell Biceps Curl
15 reps @ 25 lbs,10 reps @ 20 lbs
8 Video
Dumbbell Triceps Kickback
15 reps @ 11 lbs,10 reps @ 10 lbs

The starting point of the Motorcross Programs are based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best!

Our trainers are ready to help you excel! Go to US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning and fill out the fitness profile form to get started.

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