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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

EMF, Time-Restricted Eating and Supplements with Dr. Mercola | The Dr. Axe Show | and How The Qlink Can Help You

This week, Dr. Axe is joined by natural health expert, Dr. Mercola. Tune in to learn about how cell phone signals are impacting our health, methods to increase exercise recovery and what he believes are the top five most important supplements to include in our everyday life.

How The Qlink Can Help You
By: Juliette Pickup
In our every day lives we are being affected by forces that we cannot see and these forces are wearing down our health, both mental and physical, on a daily basis. These forces originate from EMFs, Electromagnetic Fields, which are present everywhere, but is concentrated in certain areas, like near power lines. In the home the EMFs are concentrated around power outlets.

The Q-link was created by group of professionals who combined their research to produce a device that would help people to resist the effects of the EMFs. The Qlink is intended to help to build up your bio-field, the field that permeates and extends out of our bodies, and help you to combat the effects of radiation on your health. The Q-link is also intended to help those that live or work within a highly irradiated environment to continue to function at a peak levels.

The Qlink is an attractive, stylish pendant that can be worn any time and should be worn as often as possible to ensure that you receive the greatest benefits from it. This pendant will look good while providing you with a multitude of benefits. That something that looks so good can help you so much seems almost too much to believe, but the Q-link does just that. It is worn by many celebrities and many top performing athletes.

The athletes attest to the fact that the Qlink helps them to perform better than when they are not wearing it and even if you are not a top level athlete this pendant can help you in many ways. The Q-link has 3 chief functions and through the performing of these functions you will be the recipient of many health benefits, both mental and physical.

The chief functions are strengthening you capacity to function within an EMF inundated atmosphere, the bolstering of your resistance and resilience to the effects of stress encountered in the course of daily life and the third function is the increasing of your energy and the enhancing of your mental performance especially in times where you are submitted to large amounts of stress and tension to help you cope with the addition pressure.

The Qlink provides you with a myriad of benefits, including protection from the EMF radiation that is so prevalent these days, the enhancement of mental alertness and lucidity, the aid in balancing your emotion to help achieve the mental alertness and lucidity, helping you to achieve deep and refreshing sleep on a regular basis, as well as an improvement in athletic performance.

The more you wear your Q-link, the more emphatic the benefits will be that you receive. Your Qlink should be worn as often as possible, including while you sleep at night. If you wear it at all time then you will be helping to enforce your bio-field in a major and this will help to combat the lethargy, ailments and weariness that you feel when your bio-field has deteriorated.

All Qlink information has been researched and written by Juliette Pickup

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