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Sunday, February 16, 2020

The XFL Presented on US Sports Net by BBcom Featuring: L'Damian Washington burns EVERYONE for 6

L'Damian Washington puts on the afterburners and gets in for 6.

Football Strength and Conditioning From
  • Football Diaries: The Lineman Diet
    Since different players obviously play different roles, and lineman should naturally be larger than running backs, for example, I will first discuss how to help your body be the best it can be if you're on the line.
  • Football Diaries: The Lineman Workout
    Over the past couple weeks I have discussed some important dietary considerations for lineman, or anyone who on the football squad who may be trying to gain weight. Of course diet is only half the battle; the other half is training...
  • What Is The Best Pre-Season Football Program?
    What is the best pre-season football program? Our winners today have put together some great information and workout splits as you begin preparing for the fall football season. Check it out and see if it works!
  • Speed Training For Football
    So many coaches and teams are speed training incorrectly. Football is all about speed, power and explosiveness. Here are some examples of speed training that will help your athletes.

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