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What Is The Best Pre-Season Football Program?
is the best pre-season football program? Our winners today have put
together some great information and workout splits as you begin
preparing for the fall football season. Check it out and see if it

The Question:
You are a high school or college football player, and it is early June. Your first football team practice is in August, so if you are going to gain muscle, get faster, and get into great shape in order to dominate on the field, now is the time to really kick things into gear with your training and nutrition!
What weight lifting program should you follow? What type of cardio/speed/plyometrics program should you follow? What nutrition guidelines should you follow? What supplements should you take? Are there any special activities you should be doing right now to get the extra competitive advantage?
Should your program change based on what position you are trying out for? For example, should your pre-season program change if you want to be a lineman, compared to being a wide receiver?
Bonus Question: Did you (or do you) play high school, college or pro football? If so, how well did you do? (Yes, now is the time to brag.)
Bonus Question: Who is one NFL player you admire for their great physical condition? Do you know anything about the type of training program that they follow or followed in the past?
Show off your knowledge to the world!
The Winners:
- Super Man View Profile
- TUnit View Profile
- 1st place - 75 in store credit.
- 2nd place - 50 in store credit.
- 3rd place - 25 in store credit.


For most high schoolers, there's nothing better than walking onto a freshly cut field on a Friday right, dressed in pads from head to toe with your school's helmet on, ready for battle, ready for war. All football players dream of that game-saving sack, the tie-breaking field goal or the game-winning catch.
A lot of people; no matter what you're going for, be it high school, college, semi-pro or even pro, dream of standing up on that field in front of hundreds or even thousands of people, but, before that happens, you got to get through summer training first.
That's where I come in. The following program is designed for the average football player of every position, it specializes in strength, speed, power and explosiveness, something that EVERY position needs.

The Split

First thing when designing a training routine, is to define your goal and then determine what best suits your goal.
Well, football is a major contact sport that includes tons of explosiveness, power and speed. How is it possible to train all those in one training week you might ask? Well, it's not as hard as it looks.
In a nut shell, you'll be doing an upper body/lower body split (I'll go more into reps and sets later). The split is designed accordingly. Keep reading..................
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