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A sophomore attacker, King scored her 100th career goal in just her second season in a game against Cor Jesu. Against the Chargers, King had six goals, one assist and four ground balls. She had eight goals and three assists in a 16-9 win over Parkway West and racked up six goals and one assist in a 19-9 win over Francis Howell. She is among the area scoring leaders with 86 points on 67 goals and 19 assists. King earned second-team all-conference honors last year as a freshman. She also is a standout field hockey player, finishing with among the area leaders with 18 goals last fall to earn honorable mention all-conference recognition.
Teen Amateur Of The Week: Using The Force!
How Did Your Fitness Journey Begin?Senior year was when my attitude changed from lifting for strength to lifting for size. My mindset geared to bodybuilding and I blew up when my lifting strategies and regimen changed. Since then, I've been working to compete and be the best at what I do.

How Did Your Passion for Fitness Emerge?
It all started by lifting for the lacrosse team. When I saw results, I
got deeper and deeper into the sport. It turned from being a hobby into
the driving force of my life. It's the most challenging and rewarding
activity I've ever done. I want to win Mr. Olympia. The only way to
achieve that is to train harder than everyone else.
What/Who Motivated You to be a Fitness Guru?
My biggest motivation at first came from Arnold, Frank McGrath, and Kai Greene.
Arnold owned the stage and couldn't be beat. His charisma and insight
towards bodybuilding got the ball rolling for me. Frank and Kai live a
simple lifestyle completely dedicated to their passion. They don't
flaunt around like other big shots and are humble. They show their hard
work through actions, not through a lavish lifestyle. Bodybuilding is
truly their lifestyle and they live it every day.
Where Did You Go for Inspiration?
I always went to YouTube to get pumped for a workout. I made a
playlist of the videos that motivated me most. If I start to second
guess myself in the middle of a workout, I always have my training
partner who makes me push through. Most of my inspiration comes from me,
though. I'm using my talents that were gifted to me to better myself
and be the best I can be.
What Are Your Future Fitness Plans?
I'm currently trying to figure out the logistics of the Arnold
Amateur in March. I have yet to pick a show between now and then to
compete in. Further down the line, I hope to compete for bigger titles
like Mr. Olympia and inspire people to follow bodybuilding.
What Is the Most Important Fitness Tip?
Never give up and keep pushing through the tough times. Tons of
people will put you down and say you won't achieve your goals. The only
one who decides if your dreams become reality is you. Don't ever give up
on your dreams.
Who Is Your Favorite Competitor?
Kai Greene's
routines and attitude make bodybuilding a reality for me. His style is
foreign that he catches everyone's attention onstage. His life is
completely dedicated to bodybuilding and he pushes through the
hardships. Frank McGrath's approach to bodybuilding is very similar
because he makes it his life, not just his job. He has been through much
pain and suffering and still pushes. Kai and Frank share a very similar
mentality toward bodybuilding.
How Did Help You Reach Your Goals? helps me reach my goals by offering the best prices on supplements I need to fuel my body so I can be the best working machine possible.
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