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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Which Number are You? I am a D2

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Got a doc. appointment so today will be short. When I started on our coffee I was an A1, but I've been adding our Keto Creamer to my coffee for about a month now and some cocoa for that chocolate taste. So Yummie! Now I am a D2!  

Well, the creamer has broken my plateau! I was at 13 lbs. for a couple months, but seeing some inches come off. Since I've added our creamer, the creamer has boosted my fat burning and I've been slowly dropping pounds down to 23 lbs, which is terrific!. But in the last 3 days, I've lost 3 lbs, so I am down 25 lbs.!!! Our company said the creamer would boost our weight loss and it does. I am on Cloud 9 with my weight loss progress. I went from a size 16 pant to now a size 12!!!  Let me help you get results! Take the tour at

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