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Friday, March 2, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

For most people, today is TGIF (Thank God For Friday). For me, I left my 8-5 hr job and now work from home or wherever as a Global Weight Loss Coffee Distributor. Did I mention my weight loss coffee business is Global?  We are in 70 countries! My website translates to those 70 different languages. Wow!  go to 

Chloe's Story:
I am super excited, I have been itching to share my results since week 1!
*2 week results*
>>Personal review – seeing is believing<<
When I was first introduced to our products, strangely enough I knew it was the one seeing as I was already familiar with most of the ingredients and have always known that they are key factors in natural fat burning. I have never doubted that our product would work (let’s say I was 99% sure) TODAY, seeing my results I am now 110% sure that this product truly is a miracle!
>>Personal journal<<
Day 1:
With my first cup of coffee I felt an amazing buzz of energy before I had even finished my cup.
I actually felt like I needed more tasks to do during the day otherwise I got bored! Lol
The best thing is, my body didn’t adapt to this sudden flow of energy, I felt it each time I had my cup of coffee and it was consistent!😊
At the end of week 1:
The scale was very disappointing, it would constantly fluctuate, and I felt like I wasn’t losing any weight, although my bloating had disappeared completely, and I could actually see a bit of definition in my tummy. (I was happy with this but wondering why I wasn’t losing cm’s like some others have in just a week.) Still.. I had loads of energy and felt great. Was this a waste of my time and money? NO!
At the end of week 2:
So as promised in my previous personal review post I took an after picture of myself and am just so blown away by what I saw! Bloating still gone and below are my cm’s lost:
• Waist – 3cm GONE
• Tummy – 4cm GONE
• Arms – Still as stubborn as ever! Lol
• Thigh – 1cm GONE
This is just in 2 weeks with no special diet or extreme exercise.
I feel great, energized, ready to take on anything and in general just feel uplifted.
This is just the start of my new journey, and I am never turning back! 

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