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Showing posts with label flat belly ripped abs workout workouts that burn fat nutrition exercise programs fitness programs Hitchfit Jillian Michaels crossfit workout fat burning workout plans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flat belly ripped abs workout workouts that burn fat nutrition exercise programs fitness programs Hitchfit Jillian Michaels crossfit workout fat burning workout plans. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2024

US Sports Partner Spotlight: HitchFit Online Personal Training

We work with clients globally, so no matter where you live, we can help you achieve your fitness goals! We work with clients of all  different fitness levels, from those who are complete beginners and have never worked out in their lives, all the way to those who are advanced. We work with all ages, both male and female, and people with all different fitness goals. We have clients who have over 100 pounds to lose, and are here because they need to change their habits in order to save their lives, all the way to clients who are in good shape and looking to be in GREAT shape, or compete in a physique competition. We make programs for clients who are training at the gym, as well as clients who are going to be working out at home.
Are You Ready To Start Your Transformation? Click Here!

US Sports Radio affiliate partner

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

12 CRAZY Facts About Meat!

In today's video, Dr. Shawn Baker is discussing 12 crazy nutrition facts about meat/carnivore!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

US Sports Affiliate Partner Spotlight: Hitchfit!


Fitness Model Abs at 59

fit and fabulous over age 50

Fitness Model Abs at 59. After going through her first Hitch Fit transformation a couple years ago, Piper is BACK! This time, the goal was getting into amazing shape for her 60th birthday (which is coming up soon!). She wanted to build muscle, get body fat even lower, and get in the best shape of her life.
Mission accomplished! Piper got in absolutely amazing shape, and even gained the confidence to do a bikini photo shoot on the beach in Mexico at our Hitch Fit/Rockbody Retreat in May 2022!

Amazing and inspiring job Piper! You are such a great example to women in general, and especially to women in their 50’s and 60’s who think that incredible changes can’t happen to their health and body. Those six pack abs…wow!!
Piper’s Before and After Fitness Stats: 
Starting weight: 135
Ending weight: 123
Starting body fat: 28.85%
Ending body fat: 18.73%

bikini body at age 60

Piper’s Before and After Get Fit for 60 Photos: 

fitness model abs at 59

get in shape for 60

fit over 60 before and after

get in shape for 60

Piper’s Fitness Model Abs at 59 Story:

Get Fit for 60

“I was so happy with my first transformation and all that I accomplished, which is what prompted me to do a second transformation and take it to an even higher level of fitness.
Wow – looking at the after pictures from my first transformation, I am really happy to say, I love seeing more muscle and definition in my body!
I have not seen this since high school and truly never in my life because I didn’t have weightlifting or a better lifestyle (food and similar) back then.
My competitive side wishes I would have had this knowledge so I could have been better in sports!!  I could have been faster and stronger.  Now I get to be able to keep up with my children and grandchildren and go on more vacations with my husband!!
I started a second transformation because I wanted to build more muscle and get in the best shape of my life.  Primarily because I want to live a healthy and long lifestyle, but I also want to feel and look good for my 60th birthday that is happening in a few short months.
Now I have to come up with a goal for my 70th!  My grandmother learned to drive a car when she was 50 and learned to stand on her head when she was 60, so I have to keep up the tradition.  Maybe a 5k when I am 100?!!!
I said this back in 2019 when I finished my first transformation, and will say it again.  I learned how to eat right and how to work out correctly. This has had the most profound impact on my life.
Starving yourself and running twice a day every day is just not healthy.   But I thought I was eating good things and just needed to eat less and do more cardio since I was getting older.  I figured I was older and life just changes and you accept that, right?!   No way!  You don’t have to.  It isn’t a light switch and you have to work at it, but aren’t you the best investment you can make?
Your health, your emotional and mental state are lifted and you look at life differently.  It is truly worth it, I promise!
I don’t hide from pictures anymore at all costs.  I also thought my bikini and shorts days were over.  So not true!  I am proud of myself for losing 40 pounds of fat and gaining 6 pounds of muscle. (June 2019 – June 2022)  I am happy with the skin I am in!

fit women at 60

I even had my first fitness photo shoot at the recent Hitch Fit and Rockbody retreat in Mexico! Never in a million years would I have ever dreamed of having the confidence to do that!  I was terrified, I won’t lie and definitely could not have done that without Diana and Stephen (the photographer) by my side to help me. But I did it!
My husband (Jim) and I were recently talking about how blessed we are to have Micah and Diana in the Kansas City area. They are so amazingly talented, knowledgeable and truthfully artists with helping people learn to live a fit and healthy lifestyle.  Just as important, they care about their clients and it shows every single day in all that they do.
Our lives have been forever changed in the most positive of ways with all that we have learned from them.  We are able to live life to the fullest and experience things we would have never dreamed possible. And for decades longer!!  They have become close friends and family.
Through our transformation journeys we have gained in every aspect of our lives including happiness, health, spirituality, friendship and have expanded our family.  We love our Hitch Fit and Rockbody Retreats family.  We are so looking forward to joining the retreat again in Mexico next year!”

fit couple over 50

Program Choice: Fitness Model

Live Streams and Breaking Sports News!

Saturday, August 27, 2022

HitchFit Lose Weight Improve Health and Confidence


online plan to lose 15 pounds

Lose weight improve health and confidence. Megan got herself on a healthy track during the Covid pandemic. After losing 40 pounds on her own, she was stuck and needed guidance on how to continue making progress.
She signed up for a 12 Week Lose Weight Feel Great plan, and working with Hitch Fit Coach Diana, continued her journey to shed over 13 more pounds of fat, and even better, got her blood pressure to a healthy place!

Megan’s Before and After Weight Loss Stats:
Starting weight: 154.3
Ending weight: 141
Starting body fat: 38.27%
Ending body fat: 25.92%
Starting waist measurement: 36 in
Ending waist measurement: 27.5 in
Starting hip measurement: 39 in
Ending hip measurement: 37 in
Megan’s Before and After Weight Loss Photos: 

how to lose 15 pounds

lose weight improve health and confidence

lose 15 pounds before and after

Megan’s Story and Hitch Fit Online Personal Training Review:
“I found Hitch Fit through a mutual acquaintance who introduced the program for me!
During the COVID-19 pandemic I decided to make some big lifestyle changes and ended up losing 40 pounds.
I still had about 15 or so pounds I wanted to lose when I met Diana and still wasn’t feeling my best physically.

Lose the last 15 pounds to improve health and confidence

I had plateaued and wasn’t making anymore progress no matter how hard I tried. I also had been diagnosed with high blood pressure about a year prior, and after losing quite a bit of weight, my blood pressure was still high.
After completing my 12 week program I am feeling mentally and physically great!
My blood pressure is lower than ever and I am hoping to be able to go off my medication at my next doctor’s appointment.
This process helped me not to care so much about what my body looks like, but reminded me of the importance of keeping myself healthy physically and mentally.
There were moments where the scale wasn’t moving or I was feeling defeated, but Diana kept reminding me how important it is to tell myself I CAN do this.
Changing my mindset changed everything for me and helped me to continue to make progress.
I still have more progress I want to continue to make, and Diana helped me to establish the basics and create new healthy habits. I feel like this is only the beginning for me and am excited to see where this takes me!

Program Choice: Lose Weight

Best Online Weight Loss Plan

Add to Cart Button 12 Weeks

Add to Cart 16-Weeks

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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

10 secrets that will keep your family fit and The StrengthCast Powershow. Don't Skip It!


  • Author Erik Geerling
It's no secret that many parents and their children are overweight. These 10 simple "secrets" can help you change your family's lifestyle so you can all get fit and healthy.

  1. Eat whole grains

Processed and refined grains, such as white bread, white rice, cereals, pasta, and other foods made with white flour, have a high glycemic index, low fibre, and fewer vitamins and minerals than foods made with whole grains. Making the switch to whole grains, including whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, and grains made with whole grains, is an easy and healthy way to make your family's diet more nutritious. (Continued below.....)

 On this week's StrengthCast PowerShow:

Part one: 5 Energy Boosting Pre-Workout Foods BBcom.
Coach Jessica Isaacs breaks down 5 Energy Boosting Pre-Workout Foods ⚡️🍌
Goals for Pre-Workout Fueling:
1️⃣ Maximize energy availability
2️⃣ Minimize stomach upset
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Part two:
Power skips are a very useful ballistic activity for improving lower body power, jumping mechanics, triple extension efficiency and posterior chain connectivity. During the skip, the participant must explosively push off the plant leg to jump as high as possible - while driving the opposite leg into significant hip and knee flexion. Meanwhile, the arms travel contra-laterally to assist vertical acceleration. Upon landing, the action is repeated using the opposite leg to drive off of the ground following a rapid transition step. From the NCSF

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National Council on Strength and Fitness - -

  1.  (....Continued......)Limit soft drinks and fruit drinks

Soft drinks and fruit drinks have low nutritional value and a lot of calories. At about 150 calories per 12-ounce serving, your kids will gain an extra pound about every 3 weeks if they drink just one can of soda every day.

Cutting back or eliminating soda, fruit drinks, and even fruit juice can be a great way to get rid of a lot of extra calories and leave room for your kids to eat more nutritious foods.

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Most kids don't eat enough fruits and vegetables, and that usually means eating different, less nutritious foods. With a high fibre content and many vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. And because they are high in water, eating fruits and vegetables can help you feel full and fulfilled so you don't overeat.

  1. Eat more foods with calcium

A common mistake people make when trying to lose weight is to stop drinking milk, eating cheese and yoghurt. Calcium is important for building healthy bones and for losing weight. You should encourage your children to drink low-fat milk, eat portioned amounts of cheese and yoghurt to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

  1. Be more active

Everyone knows that part of the cause of the current obesity epidemic is that people are much less active than they used to be. Involving children in organized activities, which can be a team or individual sports, and reducing time in front of the TV, computer, and playing video games, will burn calories and improve fitness. Family activities are also a great way to be more physically active. Even simple things like walking across a parking lot, using stairs, and going on short family walks or bike rides can make a big difference.

  1. Know where calories come from

While you don't necessarily need to count calories daily, you can keep a journal of what your family eats for a few days so you can see where the extra calories are coming from. Are your kids overweight because of the calories they get from a bedtime snack or those two glasses of Kool-Aid or soda they drink? Or maybe because his portion sizes are too big?

Knowing where your kids' calories are coming from will help you know where to make changes and how to cut back, especially on foods that are high in empty calories.

  1. Learn about carbohydrates

Carbohydrates get a bad rap, especially with all advocates of high-protein diets, such as the Atkins and South Beach Diet. Not all carbohydrates are created equal. While it's a good idea to avoid refined foods such as white bread, foods made with white flour, and foods and drinks sweetened with sugar, other carbohydrates should be part of a balanced diet.

Instead of avoiding all carbs, just learn how to choose foods with "good" carbs, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains.

  1. More information about fats

Like carbohydrates, there are "good" and "bad" fats. Instead of making the mistake of trying to stick to a low-fat diet and simply replacing other foods that often have the same number of calories, eat foods that contain "good" fat. This includes foods with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. On the other hand, you should avoid saturated and trans fats.

  1. Choose healthy meals when dining out

Even if your family is eating healthy at home, if you eat super-sized fast-food meals a few times a week, they are likely still at risk of becoming overweight. If you eat out a lot, check out the nutrition facts from the restaurant's menu and watch your portion sizes. Calories and fat add up quickly when you eat out!

  1. Stay Motivated!

Most people know what to do to be healthier but eating healthy and exercising is not easy. Education about the specifics of a healthy diet, involving and documenting the whole family

It's no secret that many parents and their children are overweight. These 10 simple ‘secrets’ can help you change your family's lifestyle so that you can all become fit and healthy.

Live Streams and Breaking Sports News

Friday, March 19, 2021

The StrengthCast PowerShow Another Home Gym Revolution Workout and A Beginners Guide To Kettlebells

 A Beginners Guide To Kettlebells

  • Author Ken Liu

We've written a small article about Kettlebell training and a brief FAQ on what to buy.

There has been a great deal written about kettlebell history so we won't go over it all again. What we'll do here is go over some of the benefits of kettlebell training cutting out the excessive and over the top claims that many websites espouse. (Continued below......)

Building muscle doesn't have to happen in a gym or under an iron bar loaded with plates. It can happen with almost no equipment, in your garage, back room, or right next to your bed.
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(....Continued......)What a kettlebell can do for you

Kettlebell swings, cleans and snatches work the posterior chain hard and your abs won't be getting an easy ride either. This type of compound movement is great for athletics training, forcing the body to work as an integrated unit. The combination of strength and cardio will be a shock to the system as a ten minute workout with a kettlebell will get your cardiovascular system working overtime and a monstrous strength workout simultaneously. You will develop a steel grip as your hands gets fried from the effort of holding onto a heavy weight that is thrown about at high speeds.

Finally, if you think that core training comprises of rolling about on a swiss ball you're in for a rude shock as your abs, obliques and lower back get tortured from exercises like windmills and Turkish get ups. Go scare the mullets in the gym and impress the fitness bunnies.

What a kettlebell won't do for you

It won't replace barbells, bodyweight or a multitude of other forms of training. Don't get me wrong. We love kettlebells, after all, we love them enough to name our company after them! However, unless you're training solely for kettlebell sport, they should only be part of your training regime. If you want to improve sports performance with kettlebells they should be a supplementary exercise. Your sports training should come first. If you want to pull a bar bending deadlift, work on your powerlifts. You get the idea.

It won't turn you into a superhuman. I'm sorry but that just won't happen. Bullets won't bounce off you, faster than a speeding bullet? Unlikely. Flying? Not unless you check your kettlebells in as hand luggage. Allergies to glowing green rocks? Anything that glows green should be avoided by everybody, not just the last son of Krypton!

Should I get a plate loader or a fixed weight bell?

We'll try to give you impartial advice on what type of kettlebell to buy. Plate loaded kettlebells invariably feel different to a fixed weight one but this only affects those that are used to one or the other. If you're new to KB training it shouldn't make a difference.

The advantages of fixed weight kettlebells

Rugged. Its a basic principle in life that the less moving parts something has the lower the risk that it will go wrong. You can't get more sturdy than a solid lump of metal! With the kettlebell handle there are a fair number of parts that can get lost or if abused, can get broken.

Progressive overload through more challenging exercises. Most people complain that kettlebells weight jumps are difficult to manage. The answer to this is to train with more difficult exercises. The 16kg is getting too light for you whilst shoulder pressing? No problems, work on a slow press, 2 up 1 down press, the Sots Press...there are many ways of making exercises more challenging.

Better for training in a group environment. One of the times where it is better to have fixed weight bells is in a group training environment. No need to find plates and confgure bells. Just grab the bells and train.

Less time consuming. A set of bells is better for drop sets. No time is taken up dismantling your bell and changing the weight.

Its more of a challenge. The argument that some use for plate loaded bells is that it allows for incremental progression. That's true but then the other side of the argument is that fixed bells develop a certain degree of courage. It takes bottle to go from the 16kg to the 24kg and it takes a lot of guts to go from the 24kg to the 32kg.

The advantages of plate loaded kettlebells

Progressive training. You can make a kettlebell at the weight you require. This is the main appeal of a plate loaded kettlebell. With the right weight plates you can create a kettlebell of the weight to suit you.

Cheaper. A kettlebell handle is a fair bit cheaper than a kettlebell. However, you will need a stack of weight plates!

Less space consuming. The handle when stripped down weighs about a kilo. Easy to hide when the better half starts complaining!

Portable. Take it to the gym with you, take it travelling, these handles are a lot easier on the go compared with fixed weight kettlebells.

The argument here is settled by your personality type. If you're more comfortable with steady progression then the plate loaders are for you. If you like to live life on the edge, then fixed weight training is for you. No temptation to take it step by step for you!

London Kettlebells, the UK's leading kettlebell

authority, for the ultimate in fitness, strength

and conditioning training. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

BBcom Featuring: Total-Body Power and Endurance Workout | Mike Hildebrandt

Use this plan to take your fitness to an elite level using max-rep circuits and high-intensity intervals. ► Try the Transformation Training Program: 
► BodyFit Training Programs: 
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| Your Transformation Stars Here: Volume 3 |
 Complete your transformation with the final installment of simple yet effective workouts to advance your fitness to its highest level yet. Use this plan to take your fitness to an elite level using max-rep circuits and high-intensity intervals. This is the highest level of your transformation program to work every muscle in your body and transform your physique!

 | Simple, Solid, Training for Everyone | Each workout is easy to follow and utilizes movements you'll recognize from Volume 1 and Volume 2, plus advanced bodyweight exercises to take your functional fitness to its highest level yet! Some of the training is gym dependent, but you'll get ideas about how to work around equipment hurdles! 

 | Transform Your Body | This program builds elite strength and endurance while burning calories to complete your total-body transformation. Build more endurance, strength, and power as you advance through the final stage of Your Transformation to reach new levels of fitness.

 | Built-In Progression | As Part 3 of a 3-part series, this program is the final step in a complete body and fitness transformation. Use this final six-week program to build on the work you've done in Volumes 1 and 2, finish this 18-week journey, then start the next journey!

Friday, August 30, 2019

BBcom Featuring: 30 Minute Full Body Fat Burning Workout | Marie Madore

If you're stuck on a training plateau or simply looking for something new to break up a stale routine, We have just the thing. 

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30 Minute Full Body Fat Burning Workout 
1. Lat push Downs: 12 Reps (0:30) 
2. Seated Rope Pull Down Combo: 12 Reps (0:45) 
3. Standing DB Curls: 12 Reps (1:10) 
4. KB Squat to RDL: 12 Reps (1:18) 
5. Squat to Shoulder Press: 12 Reps (1:35) 
6. Planks: 3 sets of 30 Sec (1:50) 
7. Rotated plank: 3 sets of 30 Sec (1:55) 
8. Shoulder Tap Planks: 3 sets of 30 sec (1:58) Repeat 2 - 3 more times. 

You should always be looking for ways to push yourself, to become better. Whether you train for strength, speed, or endurance. When it comes to fitness, you should want it all. 

 But my training is more than just a physical outlet for athletic abilities—it's a way for you to train your mind to overcome obstacles. It's about being strong enough to crush you responsibilities.

 You too can learn to overcome those hard times in your life by pouring it into your training. If you'd like to use this workout as a base for your own program, do it three times per week for the next four weeks. Or, if you just need a muscle-building boost, throw this routine into your current plan once per week.