In this video you can see Tomas golf swing. Interested in recruiting this player? Please contact Marina Erice: marina.erice@agmeducacion.com
Presented on US Sports Net By CoachTube and StrengthCoach.com!
Rapidly improve your golf game with detailed instruction from one of America's leading golf teachers. In this comprehensive program, Dr. Gary Wiren provides numerous drills that will help you to develop a consistent and powerful golf swing. The program allows viewers to customize their practice sessions to meet their individual needs. Whether you are a high handicapper or scratch golfer, you will benefit from the extensive drills and concepts in this video. Learn more....
Here is another Golf strength and conditioning resource from StrengthCoach.com!
Training a Golfer Using the TPI Template
A while back I wrote an article for the website on the TPI Level 1 certification and how worthwhile I thought it was especially if you were in the golfers' market or wanted to be in that market. Titlelist has huge name recognition in the golfing community amongst the general recreational golfer as well as teaching professionals.
So for the last 6 months I have been putting the TPI methods to use with golfers and in this article I will talk about and detail some of the programming we did with a local PGA teaching professional to get his body up to par (pun intended!) with his golf swing.
When this teaching professional came to us, he had a host of issues which were apparent even before we did the initial assessment. Poor posture, needed to lose some weight, hitch in his gitty-up (gait issues), and lack of energy to name a few.
As Ray Mac asked on the forum, this particular teaching pro is in his mid-40's with 3 young kids, a dog and the whole picket fence thing. In other words, a typical golf client. Initial Assessment
The basic TPI assessment which consists of 13 tests revealed more detail on some of these issues.
• He had poor pelvic control as indicated by the pelvic tilt test and the pelvic rotation test
• Poor thoracic extension and ankle dorsi-flexion as indicated by the overhead squat test(same test as in the FMS)
• Poor hip hinging and compromised hamstring length as indicated by the toe touch test (both sides were compromised)
• His balance was not optimal as indicated by single leg balance test
• He had weak glutes as indicated by the single leg hip bridge test
• Poor thoracic extension and ankle dorsi-flexion as indicated by the overhead squat test(same test as in the FMS)
• Poor hip hinging and compromised hamstring length as indicated by the toe touch test (both sides were compromised)
• His balance was not optimal as indicated by single leg balance test
• He had weak glutes as indicated by the single leg hip bridge test
In our other tests/assessments, he had above average aerobic fitness but needed more upper body strength as his pushup and inverted row numbers were not up to snuff. He also fell short on our side plank testing so needed some help in that area as well. Get more golf strength and conditioning tips, programs, videos and more! Join StrengthCoach.com today!
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