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Showing posts with label spirit truth bible Jesus Father Son holy spirit Pastor Preacher God Prosperity Grace divorce relationships Creflo Dollar Joseph Prince Kenneth Copeland Jesse Duplantis Joyce meyer Joel Osteen. Show all posts

Sunday, March 23, 2025

The Rock Almighty Visionary Leaders: Lessons from Historical Figures



  • Author Peter Tarhanidisd

Marked by a world that is constant and rapid transformation, the need for visionary leadership is ever more critical. Visionary leaders throughout history have led their followers to achieve remarkable outcomes while leaving enduring legacies. Examples from Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance to Martin Luther King Jr.'s pursuit of civil rights, historical figures embodied leadership qualities that continue to encourage one to act. This article explores the leadership styles and characteristics of select influential leaders, providing actionable insights that leaders of the 21st century can adapt to rise to modern challenges and shape a better future for their organization and its stakeholders.

Visionary leaders are characterized by their ability to articulate a clear, compelling vision of the future and inspire others to pursue it. Traditional leaders focus on maintaining the status quo, visionary leaders challenge conventions, catalyzing innovation and change. According to a 2004 study published in The Leadership Quarterly, visionary leadership is defined by its emphasis on long-term strategic thinking, emotional resonance, and a commitment to making a meaningful impact (Westley & Mintzberg, 1989). The qualities that visionary leaders exhibit—empathy, courage, and persistence—are universal traits observed in history’s most transformative figures. Below are five select historical leaders who demonstrated key traits of visionary leadership.

  1. Mahatma Gandhi driven by his philosophy of “Satyagraha,” a policy of passive political resistance, defined his values that empathy and compassion could outweigh aggressive measures and achieve his desired outcomes. Gandhi’s passive resistance against British rule in India was rooted in his deep empathy for the oppressed and his vision of a unified, independent nation. He famously stated, "Be the change you wish to see in the world," which serves as a call for self-transformation as a foundation for societal change. Gandhi’s approach points out leaders who understand and share the feelings of those they lead can foster trust and loyalty, enabling collective commitment to shared goals.

  2. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill inspired a nation with his unyielding resistance and genius use of rhetoric during World War II. A study by the University of Minnesota on leadership communication noted inspirational speeches that convey hope and resilience can increase confidence, particularly throughout crises (Strohminger & Nichols, 2014). Churchill’s speech, "We shall fight on the beaches," is an example of how his leadership relied on the power of language to motivate a war-weary public to tolerate hardship with resilience and courage. This demonstrates how visionary leaders confront difficult times will focus on clear, powerful communication to inspire and mobilize their teams to action.

  3. Martin Luther King Jr. visionary pursuit of racial equality and his moral courage transformed American civil rights. His famous "I Have a Dream" speech typifies his capacity to render a prevailing vision of a just society. His leadership embraces moral conviction in achieving social change. A study published in American Psychologist emphasizes the role of moral conviction in motivating individuals to engage in transforming behaviors (Van Kleef et al., 2019). Leaders can learn from Dr. King’s legacy the importance of having a clear, values-driven vision. By perpetuating moral principles, leaders inspire a sense of purpose that resounds profoundly with followers.

  4. Eleanor Roosevelt was a champion of human rights and social equality. Her sponsorship redefined the role of a First Lady. She demonstrated compassionate leadership and the impacts it could influence in leading humanitarian effort. Such as her ability shown in development of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights. She established herself as a beacon for humanitarian leadership. She believed that “with great freedom comes great responsibility” highlighted the importance of leaders advocating for social justice. Eleanor Roosevelt’s legacy emphasized leaders who prioritize fairness, equality, and social justice contribute positively to society. Today leaders can prioritize ethical decision making and champion diverse viewpoints.

  5. Steve Jobs was known for his ability to see beyond current trends and predict future needs, bringing innovations like the iPhone to the market. Jobs stated, "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower," noting his certainty of pushing limits. Research on transformational leadership highlights leaders who encourage innovation generate an atmosphere that inspires team creativity and continuous improvement (Bass & Riggio, 2006). Jobs' leadership style reveals visionary leaders anticipate and actively drive change. Leaders who encourage their teams to foster innovation enable a culture of experimentation.

Visionary leadership is psychologically sound and an effective style validated by scientific studies. Research established by Bernard Bass, expresses visionary leaders inspire followers by ideal influence, inspiring motivation, intellectual stimulus, and personalized attention. Visionary leaders provide a sense of purpose, challenge norms, and show an obligation to the well-being of their followers (Bass & Riggio, 2006). These qualities resonate deeply and foster loyalty and performance in followers, leading to organizational success.

Emotional intelligence plays a critical role in visionary leadership. According to Daniel Goleman, a leader’s self-awareness, empathy, and ability to manage relationships are vital for creating a vision that others are willing to follow. Leaders who exhibit high emotional intelligence are better equipped to inspire trust, commitment, and collaboration (Goleman, 1998).

One may consider how historical lessons can be applied pragmatically in today’s modern leadership. Building on these historical lessons, today’s leaders can improve their leadership styles and prepare for future challenges with the following actionable steps:

 Articulate a Compelling Vision. Begin with a clear understanding of your values and long-term goals. Use visioning exercises to crystallize what you want to achieve and communicate this vision to your team in a way that resonates emotionally.

 Cultivate Emotional Intelligence. Practice self-awareness, empathy, and active listening. Developing these skills will enhance your ability to connect with your team, understand their motivations, and foster a supportive environment.

 Encourage Innovation and Embrace Change. Create a culture that values creativity and experimentation. Reward team members who take calculated risks, and celebrate successes and failures as learning opportunities. Regularly encourage out-of-the-box thinking to stimulate innovation.

 Model Integrity and Moral Courage. Reflect on your core beliefs and let them guide your decisions. Lead by example, and be willing to take a stand for ethical practices. Inspire your team by showing that integrity is non-negotiable, even in difficult situations.

 Invest in Resilience and Self-Care. Foster resilience by providing support systems within your team, recognizing achievements, and encouraging a growth mindset. Emphasize the importance of self-care and mental health to maintain peak performance, especially during challenging times.

In studying historical visionary leaders, one common theme emerges: each of them embraced a higher purpose that transcended individual gain, focusing instead on creating meaningful change. Today’s leaders can cultivate resilience, empathy, and innovation to guide their teams through the complexities of the modern world. Leadership requires not only vision but also the courage to act on it. By adopting these traits, leaders can prepare themselves for future challenges and inspire a new generation of visionary thinkers and doers.

Take the first step today by reflecting on your values and defining a vision that aligns with your personal and organizational goals. Embrace the spirit of historical leaders and cultivate a leadership style that drives progress and inspires lasting impact. Your journey as a visionary leader begins now—rise to the challenge and lead with purpose.

Warm Wishes,


Copyright © 2024 Praxis Advisory. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Tarhanidis is a distinguished senior strategy and operations executive, trusted industry advisor, dedicated board member, and a well-respected academic. Influences purposeful action among leaders in advancing healthier firms and society.

Sunday, March 16, 2025




  • Author Chibuike Okoroafor

For every opportunity in life there's always an opposition spiritually or physically to contend with (1Cor 16:9). Therefore, it's paramount for us to wage intense spiritual warfare using scriptural principles as recorded in Ephesians 6:12-18. Any battle you didn't defeat makes you a victim with generational imprints. Don't pass baton of unfinished battles to your children; whatever you don't defeat in your time waits for the next generation; battles (both spiritual and physical) aren't legacies nor inheritance, deal with it, unfinished battles cripples destiny, unfortunately many have been swallowed by battles they don't know how it started, many die foolishly because they fought people their sacrifice are heavier, don't fight who sacrifices more than you spiritually. Choose your battles wisely ! The most painful aspect of life is striving for survival and at the same time fighting unseen and seen forces, even the pride of lions are selective in their fight.

From biblical view points let's x-ray some people who firecely fought and subdued oppositions before their promotion.

1.Isaac couldn't enjoy his father's wells until he defeated the philistines. Gen 26: 18-26

2.Gideon couldn't excel until the altars of his father's house was brought down. Judges 6:25-27

3.Israelites couldn't enjoy liberty until Pharaoh and his cohorts where defeated: Ps 136:15

4.Joseph defeated a mess before his enthronement Gen 39: 7-11

5.Jesus couldn't enjoy his ministry untill Herod died Matt 2:19-20

6.Samson couldn't enjoy his ministry because Delilah took his strength judges 16:19

7.The government of heaven couldn't enjoy peace until Satan was defeated. Rev 12:7-11

Every great destiny will attract the attacks of the enemy and the warfare of destiny must be defeated before the welfare can be delivered. Unfortunately many who couldn't defeat these powers are cut off from the chronicles of life. If you sense greatness in your life; you must be intentionally conscious with associations and relationships( just like in the case of Paul & Barnabas, in Acts 15:37-40) & (Acts 9: 26-27). Relationships must serve a purpose that aid your growth and aligns you for more opportunities. Moreso, be strategic with your battles, David never fought every battle until he hears from God. Great destinies must be aligned to the leading of the holy spirit. Great destinies must understand time is the greatest asset of leverage. Give time to learn and unlearn but know when to thrust into progression because every retrogression in life can be traced on how the last second of your time is used. Oppositions manifest spiritually or physically and doesn't expire until firece contention are launched. If you notice something is fighting you or patterns are repeated continually don't keep quiet; launch a fierce spiritual warfare otherwise silence will become consent for the burial of destinies. There are many veritable ways opportunities could be lost in life and some of these factors are as follows:

  1. Greed & selfishness

  2. Wolverine spirits masquerading under the bloodline fraternities (family strongmen)

  3. Lack of spirituality

  4. Sexual orgies

  5. Dishonesty

  6. Frenemies

  7. Poor decisions

  8. Lack of discernment

  9. Pride and arrogance

  10. Uncontrollable temperament

  11. Disobedience

  12. Demonic radars

  13. Gossiping

God gave David rest from his enemies because he was always intentional in seeking God's face in prayers, whenever there's contention from the enemy, it's an indication as a believer to seek God's guidance. God will always direct us to his will but the enemy will fight to thwart the purpose of God in our lives, promotion and enjoying victorious life is dependent on how you handle your oppositions, so be strategic with your spirituality and do not grow weary because the adversary always prowl to seek whom to afflict with pain, depression etc.

Holds B.Eng in Chemical Engineering, holds diploma in Statistics, Word preacher, Creative writer, business addict, flexible with options

Friday, March 7, 2025

The Rock Almighty Called to be Teachers and Battle For The Soul Of The Nations


  • Author Garfield Gregoire

Millions profess to be Christians and yet they do not understand why God calls a person out of the world to be a Christian; they believe that the purpose of the Christian is just to get saved and make it into heaven. But would you be surprised to know that such belief is not the true teaching of the Bible, because God has called the Christian out of the world for a greater purpose than the selfish way of us trying to save our own skin by making it into God’s kingdom.

A True Christian is Called

People assume or believe that there is somehow a contest going on between God and Satan – whereby God is on a desperate course of trying to wrestle away as many lost souls from Satan and to get them saved, but in truth, this is a myth, a fable, false belief. God has never been in contest with Satan – as God is SUPREMELY in charge over Satan – meaning Satan can do no more than God allows; and this is proven when God commands or tells Satan to not take the life of God’s servant Job; Satan was given permission to afflict Job but could go no further – so as to take the life of Job (Job 2:6).

During his earthly ministry, Jesus never preached or came begging anyone to please accept Him into their heart; He never pleaded with anyone to make him their savior. As matter of fact, Jesus even spoke to great crowds of people in parables; and when his disciples came to him – asking why He spoke to the people in parables, Jesus said: “because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given” (Matt. 13:10,11).

If some high powered Evangelists or preacher of today were speaking to such crowds – even as Jesus did, they are likely to beg or appeal to the crowd to please accept Jesus; to give their hearts to him but Jesus did no such thing; He did not plead with the crowd because they were not being called by God to become a true follower of Christ; and it does not mean they are lost to God or that they will never have a chance to be in God’s kingdom, but it meant that God is not now calling them to be converted at that time – as Jesus had only called his disciples to understand.

In speaking of his disciples, Jesus told them that they did not choose Him but that He chose them (John 15:16). Also, in John 6:44, Jesus said, “No man can come to me, except the Father which sent me draw him …” It is God the Father who has to specially select and call out a human being to become a Christian; becoming a Christian involve a selection process; it is a special calling out of a person from the rest of humanity; this is why Peter urges the true Christian “… to make your calling and election sure …” (2 Peter 1:10). Election means to be selected out from among others. Ephesians 1:4 says: “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world.” Here again it is shows that a person has to be specially called out by God’s selection, and yet the millions who profess to be followers of Christ do not understand this; they think God is desperately trying to get the whole world saved now. Yes, God will have all men to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4), but it is not in God’s plan to save everyone now – as God has only been calling out a few and will seek to save the rest of humanity or the world at a later date.

In comparison to the vast ocean humanity in this world, this few that God has called out is like a bucket of water in this ocean of humanity; it is just a small or tiny drop. This may sound like a shocking thing to say, but it happens to be true – as Jesus described his true followers as a “little flock” (Luke 12:32) - meaning God’s true servants would not be numbering among the millions who profess to know God but would be those few having the very truth of God, and set apart from the false religious beliefs and customs of this world; it was Jesus who prayed that his servants would be sanctified (set apart) by knowing and having the truth (John 17:17).

Most may not understand or have considered that in the Old Testament, humanity – as whole did not know God or had the holy Spirit of God; it was only the few such as Noah Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, the prophets – just to name a few, who really had the Spirit of God and were called out of the world by God; even God’s chosen people Israel, were not spiritually converted and did not have God’s holy Spirit -as they were given ritual ceremonial laws to follow – along with the promise of material blessings if they obeyed God; and even so, they failed to obey God – to the point where God had to punish them by allowing their enemies to come up against them; the Spirit of God was not given to them; God even said, “O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me and keep all my commandments always …” (Deut. 5:29).

Israel knew of God as creator and the one who delivered them out of Egypt, but because they did not have God holy Spirit, they did not know God in an intimate Spiritual way; they did not have spiritual knowledge of God; and this is why the Bible reveals that when Christ comes and bring back the people of Israel to life in a great resurrection, God is going to place his Spirit in them; Ezekiel 37:13,14 says: “And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened up your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves. And shall put my spirit in you …” This is speaking of time after the one thousand years millennial rule of Christ on earth when all Israel, or those who have died, will be resurrected to physical life and then come to know God – by having his holy Spirit; his holy Spirit will now be given to them as they become converted.

And another thing that may sound shocking to people, is that after Adam sinned, God drove the human pair out of the garden of Eden- shutting off his holy Spirit from mankind-which is symbolized by the two angels sent to guard the tree of life – preventing man from taking of the tree or to eat of it; the tree of life represented the Spirit of God or spiritual knowledge – hence, all of humanity – except for those few mentioned above, never had the true knowledge of God; and so, since Adam until Christ came to pay the penalty for the sins of the world, God never made any effort to save humanity or offered salvation to them, but allowed humanity to continue in the sinful ways of Adam and Eve; and even when Christ came to pay the penalty for the sins of mankind, Christ began by first selecting only his disciples to follow him; the disciples were specially chosen or selected to be his student or learners; and for three and a half years, the disciples were taught and trained by Jesus Christ to become qualified teachers to preach the Gospel to the world; they had to be students or learners first; they had to be trained to be qualified teachers; and when they were ready, the Spirit of God came upon them on the day of Pentecost and they preached the Gospel of the kingdom of God – to the point that many were in attendance on that day was led to repentance and conversion; they received the Spirit of God - as Peter said to them: “For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call’ (Acts 2:39). Here is showed that God chose or called those people to conversion; to repent of sin and to have God’s holy Spirit. These people could NOT have received God’s Spirit unless God has specially selected or called them out of the world.

When Adam and Eve sinned against God, the human pair became the children of Satan; Satan had become their ruler; and in a sense, the human pair had been kidnapped or deceived into following Satan’s wrong way of living – to the point that all of humanity (except for those few God called out of the world) has been going Satan’s way – having their minds filled with Satan’s attitude of envy, lust, selfishness, vanity disobedience, and greed; and it was for this very reason Jesus told people of his day that they were of their father the devil (John 8:44).

Those who profess to believe on Christ, do not seem to understand that this world is not God’s world – meaning it is not a world ruled by God, but by Satan; this world is Satan’s world, and he is the “god of this world” (2Nd Corinthians 4:4). God’s world will only come when Jesus Christ comes to remove Satan and take over the kingdoms of this world (Revelation 11:15). This world, because of sin and evil, is like a rickety old building that need to be torn down, and God is going to do that when Christ comes; God is not trying to save all of humanity now – so as to try and repair Satan’s world or to make Satan’s world a better place; and this was why Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world …” (John 18:36). Jesus has yet to come into his kingdom; and because the kingdom is not yet here; we still pray thy kingdom come; we pray for it to come because it has not yet come; and when it comes, it will be the start of an entirely new civilization that is going to burst forth on this planet – as Satan is going to be removed and Christ becomes the new world ruler of earth.

If God had been trying to get everyone saved now, then you would have to admit that Satan would have been winning the battle because humanity has always been going Satan’s way instead of God’s way. People seem to find it more appealing or are more driven to do the wrong over the right way of life; people who love sports would rather be at a basketball or football game rather than to keep the Sabbath holy; to their minds, they think the ways of this world – with all its glitter and sinful ways are more appealing than God’s way.

The Bible even forewarned that evil men are going are going to become worse (2 Timothy 3:13); and knowing this, do you not think if God was in a contest with Satan to get men saved, God does not have the power to wrest these people out of Satan’s grasp? Of course, God has the power to do so, but since God in not in some contest with Satan and God is not now trying to get everyone saved now, God has allowed these things to be the way they are -until Christ comes to set up the ruling government of God over the earth; nothing can happen without God allowing it.

Why Would God Call only a Few Now and not Everyone?

It is possible to imagine someone saying: Why would God only select a few now and not everyone? After all, is God not a God of love – who loves and cares for all people, then why would He just select some and leave others out? Is God being fair in doing such thing?

The Bible says, “For there is no respecter of persons with God” (Romans 2:11). As human beings we are all sinners; all stand guilty before God and no human being is better than the other because “… all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23); and so, those who God has called out of the world are not called because God sees them as being better than other people or that they deserved to be called first, but they are called out only because God chooses to call certain ones out by his own determined will and purpose and not one of us has the right to tell God who He should call and not call; this is NOT our prerogative.

But why are the true Christians called now? What is the reason or purpose for doing this when all the rest of humanity are also in need of God’s grace and mercy?

The Bible says God’s ways are perfect (Psalm 18:30); and you can be sure that God has perfect reason or purpose for calling a few now and the rest of humanity later. But what is that reason?

As previously shown, Jesus chose and taught his disciples, and then commissioned them to preach the gospel to others; and these others who heeded the gospel message – by repenting of sin and being converted, were also called to learn, study and grow in spiritual knowledge and understanding - so as to qualify to be able to teach the truth of the Bible to others; this is why the Bible says, “… be ready always to give an answer to every man that ask you a reason of the hope that is in you …” 1 Peter 3;15). Also 2 Timothy 2:15: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God. A workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. A truly converted Christian is to study and understand the bible not only for their own spiritual growth and development, but also to the purpose of being able to teach the Bible to other people who may question you in regard to your faith, but to also prepare to qualify to be a teacher to the rest of humanity when Christ comes to reign on earth.

When Christ comes to reign on earth and Satan is removed, the vast ocean of humanity who has for so long been deceived by Satan into believing the wrong things and living the opposite way of God’s truth or in spiritual ignorance, are going to have to be re-educated in God’s way of life; they are going to have to be taught God’s truth – as the bible reveals it, and in order for those millions of humans to come into to such knowledge, the saints of God -who has been called in this life, will, under the authority of Jesus Christ, have the responsibility of being teachers to all these millions of people that will be living on earth at that time. When Christ comes, He is not going to snap his fingers and suddenly the masses of humanity is going to come into the knowledge of God and the Bible instantaneously; NO, not at all, these people are going to have to be taught the right way of life; they are going to have to learn and be trained in the knowledge of God – as such learning will require time and patience – lasting throughout the entire 1000 years rule of Christ.

Habakkuk 2:14 says, “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” This earth that has always been in rebellion against God on every sinful level is now going to eventually come into the knowledge of God and will live the way of righteousness and peace. But how do you suppose such worldwide knowledge and understanding shall come? It has to come through a process of teaching the multiple billions the true knowledge of God; people have to be taught the true way of life; they will be taught to put away their false beliefs, customs and practices and come into the true knowledge of the Supreme Creator.

Just as Jesus trained his disciples -as students, who were later qualified to go out and teach others, even so, the true Christians - who will no longer be flesh and blood, but Spirit beings in the kingdom of God, will be responsible for teaching mortal humans the Bible - so they too can learn God’s truth and become qualified teachers themselves; they are to become qualified teachers because at the end of the one thousand years rule of Christ over the earth, there is going to be the resurrection of the countless millions upon millions who have lived and died from the time of Adam until now, and all these seemingly incalculable number of people are going to have to be taught the Bible; they will be students who will be taught about the true God and his purpose – meaning all those people taught by the saints (who are then Spirit beings) at the time of the one thousand years reign of Christ, will also be qualified to now teach those countless millions that are to be resurrected to physical or mortal existence.

“And many nations shall come and say, come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways …” (Micah 4:2). This scripture is about the time when Christ is ruling on earth – during the millennium and the nations are going to be taught God’s ways; and the saints who have been changed from flesh to Spirit, are going to be responsible for educating and teaching the people of all nations; they will be taught the law of God. In a scripture relating to this very time when Christ is ruling on earth, Isaiah 3):20,21 says, “… but thine eyes shall see thy teachers. And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, this is the way, walk ye in it …” The Christians in this life are to be these teachers when Christ comes; and because those true servants of God are Spirit beings in the kingdom, they will be able to appear and disappear at will – as people will hear a voice telling them to walk in the right way – meaning people will be encouraged to refrain from doing evil and to do the right or good things.

The protestants or those in the professing Christian world seem not to understand these things; they think it is just about being saved and getting into heaven or supposedly getting up to the pearly gates and sit upon clouds – playing a harp and forever staring at the face of God - doing nothing, but nothing could be further from the truth; and the truth is that God has called the Christian out of the world to learn or to be a student who must learn and know the Bible like the back of our hands; we are to learn and grow spiritually in this life – developing the holy and righteous character of God; and this kind of character development can involve years of learning, growth or spiritual development of the true Christian. Most may not have considered that conversion is a process of learning and growing in spiritual knowledge; 2 Peter 3:18 says, “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ …” This growing in grace and knowledge involve praying – spending quality time with God in prayer, studying the Bible – to the point that the Christian is ever growing in spiritual knowledge – so we may qualify to be an able teacher to other mortal humans who will be living on earth when Christ reigns; we are not called to just get saved but are called for a definite purpose of assisting Jesus Christ in the re-education of billions of humans - for it is in God’s purpose that they too should come into the knowledge of the truth and be saved. Sadly, the professing Christian world falsely believe that all you have to do is just accept Christ into one’s heart and there is nothing left for you to do but believe.

God has not been calling everyone to salvation now but has set forth a time frame when all people will be saved; I Corinthians 15: 22,23 says: “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order …” Own order mean God has set in motion a definite time frame in which He is going to bring all of humanity to life and bring them into Spiritual knowledge.

How great and wonderful is the wisdom of God who has purposed that true Christians are now called in this life to study, learn and grow in the knowledge of God for the purpose of not only making it into the kingdom of God, but are also called for the purpose of being teachers who will assist Jesus Christ when He comes to educate the rest of humanity - so they too can become teachers to help and teach all the billions of other humans that will come up in the resurrection.

God has promised that those who have applied themselves – faithfully studying, learning – qualifying to be a teacher in God’s kingdom are going to be so highly rewarded for what they have done; some are going to rule over cities and have power over the nations (Rev. 2:26); they are going to be royal rulers in the kingdom sitting on thrones – as they will be rewarded according to their works; according to what they do in this life with the talent or abilities we have been given. Jesus said: “… behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be” (Revelation 22:12). Some are going to receive higher reward and authority than others - as some will have applied themselves more faithfully in the things of God than the other person; and the parable of the pound in Luke 19 prove this is true.

How wrong this religious world has been in assuming the Christian is called to get into heaven or to just get saved. No, God a far more meaningful future and purpose for calling a Christian out of the world; that purpose is for us to be given the tremendous and awesome responsibility of bringing the vast ocean of humanity into the true knowledge of God and his purpose; a Christian is preparing in this life to be an immortal saint who will assist Jesus Christ in the re-education of mankind.

This nation has many religious denominations or groups – with all the various religious foundations and their many ministers who claim to know the bible - while believing they are the ministers of God, and yet, they lack the true understanding of vitally important doctrinal teaching of the Bible – such as the fact that a true Christian is called to be a teacher and not just to get saved. You can go through just about the many cities and towns across the United States and there you are likely to find the many churches – as there is no shortage of religious institution in this land; and yet, these many churches and Pastors do not really understand God’s purpose for creating man; why we were born, or even understand that God is not now trying to get everyone converted, or even the truth that people do not die and go to heaven, and that Jesus came to not only pay the penalty for this sins of mankind, but also came to qualify to remove Satan from the throne of the earth. There is within this nation a lack of vitally true teachings of the Bible, and so we live in nations or world that is devoid of the true knowledge of God; God says, his people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).We live in a deceived religious world – where the minds of all humans of every nation on earth has been deceived by Satan (Revelation 12:9).

I am an old man who has, long ago, came to the realization that this professing Christian world – with all its Mega Churches and various denominations do not proclaim the true teaching of the Bible - as they fail to correctly teach many vitally important doctrinal truths of the Bible.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Rock Almighty Does the world really believe in Religion or see it as a Heritage of Disaster?


  • Author Robin G Howard

If one is to believe all that one researches on the internet regarding religion, terrifying stories of death and destruction are portrayed. We have reached the 21st Century where in many sections of the world humankind still embraces intolerance. Tolerance is over-practiced in most democratic countries to such an extent that an ensuing weakness is exposed. In countries where religion is paramount, tolerance is seen as a weakness. The democratic populations of this world accept that all free thinking individuals have a right to worship as they so desire without discrimination and bias. Some religious rulers see democracy as a threat to their way of life, and such threats are met with violent rhetoric and others with violent actions where debate is not allowed. This is not just confined to the present day but to the many factions in our religious heritage. History is filled with theological disasters that have plagued humanity through three thousand years. These nightmares of reality have been forgotten in the stealthy progress of time. This article sets out some of those anomalies of the religions of man.

What is religion? The dictionary definition is:

  1. Belief in, worship of, or obedience to a supernatural power or powers considered to be divine or to have control of human destiny. 2. Any formal or institutionalized expression of such belief. 3. The attitude and feeling of one who believes in a transcendent controlling power or powers.

Taking this to a basic level, you and you alone choose or create your religion. You believe, you worship and you are obedient to a supernatural source. You can personally follow any religion in the world or create your own. Naturally, many world religions are now established institutions created centuries ago in an unenlightened age. A time when man struggled to find the meaning of life and religions created war to control minds and vast quantities of land. The people were starved of knowledge and kept in their place by doctrine. In the far distant past man worshipped the sun, the moon and other Gods. In Greece and later Rome, people believed their Gods were like adult humans. They would argue, have children play music and party. It was important for them to please their Gods. An unhappy God would bring punishment and death. They even believed that stones or rock contained spirits especially boundary stones. Another belief was that werewolves roamed and attacked herds at night, returning to human form at daybreak. The religions affected politics because they were riddled with superstitions. Epileptic fits were deemed grave and serious at meetings of the senate. In 114BC a vestal virgin was killed by a lightning strike. To allay the anger of the Gods such a bad omen was appeased by burying alive, two couples, one Greek and one Gallic. Roman religion was undermined by Greek philosophy and then came the suggested idea of a single God.

In relation to historical fact, the gray area of Christianity came into being. The birth date of Jesus, a Jewish leader, historically speaking, was uncertain. His birth pinpointed to AD 1 is a judgment made 500 years after the event. The stories told of him circulated from person to person through the ages. Paul of Tarsus famed for his missionary voyages into the empire spread the new religion for non-Jews mainly by word of mouth. The turnabout came in Ad 380 when Christians ruled the empire. The result of the definition of heresy (people who disagreed with official Christianity) was religious suppression and slaughter. In the inquisition brutal torture became the normal procedure and Christian slaughtered Christian and anyone else who did not follow the hazy official doctrine.

The Pontiffs carried on in line like monarchs, with their armies, administration and territory. One Pontiff had six sons and three daughters by several women. Another had three daughters whilst a Cardinal, and was a fierce warrior who wore silver armour and crushed anyone who defied his authority. One Pope was poisoned and clubbed to death whilst another was imprisoned and strangled. Corruption and the selling of spiritual blessings for money led Martin Luther to start the reformation in 1517.

The prophet Mohammed lived around 570-632 and came from a family of traders. Mohammed mediated the religion’s book of revelation the Koran, the beliefs of Islam. He completes a succession of prophets, including Abraham, Moses and Jesus. All refined and restated the message of God. Doing research on the internet from the public domain the dark side of Islam reveals certain areas that cause logic and science to shiver with apprehension. It is a religion that has 123 verses in the Qur’an about killing and fighting for Allah. Mohammed the founder of Islam said, "Invitation first," (an offer to embrace Islam) "If refused, then war". The sword is the key of heaven and hell. Whosoever falls in battle his sins will be forgiven." This gives the notion that dying for Jihad for Allah results in direct entry into paradise. The Popes of the Crusade era made the same promise, a promise of spiritual forgiveness of murder and slaughter.

In Japan in the year 1281 a great Typhoon destroyed an invading Mongol army and became known as the kamikaze or divine wind. In the Second World War the dominant Shinto religion of Japan decreed that the Emperor was a descendant of the Gods and a God in his own right. Thus, the kamikaze pilot came into being with a brainwashing technique that they would earn through death in combat, a free trip to heaven. They had small books in their pockets with self belief text to spur them on. Young men between 16 and 20 were recruited to give their lives. One of the items in the book was: Transcend life and death. When you eliminate all thoughts about life and death, you will be able to totally disregard your earthly life. This will also enable you to concentrate your attention on eradicating the enemy with unwavering determination, meanwhile reinforcing your excellence in flight skills.

The Germans also developed a suicide weapon, Selbstopfer. Flying bombs with a small cockpit on top were being tested. Fortunately the weapon was not used in combat possibly because there was no spiritual or religious following to condone it, but the Nazis were brilliant at propaganda and brainwashing and if the war had continued who knows what would have happened.

Hinduism from the ancient Indians is more spiritually complex. A Hindu may worship more than one God, or just one God, he can be an agnostic or atheist. Ancient Indian texts contain exact scientific calculations. The speed of light, the age of the universe are all in ancient texts. How can this be so to modern scientific calculations? A text on astronomy thought to be compiled in 1000 BC and believed to be handed down from 3000 BC by recital gives the earth’s diameter and distance from the moon. As far as we know it is the only religion on earth which gives a fairly accurate time-scale of the earth and universe, 8.4 billion years.

Buddhism has its origins about 2500 years ago. A man, Siddhartha Gotama, known as the Buddha was enlightened at the age of 35. Buddhism is very spiritual and more of a philosophy or way of life. Wisdom should be sought with compassion. It has the answers to problems of a materialistic nature and nurtures a code of practice. Tolerant of other religions and beliefs and in agreement with the moral teachings of other religions, wars and slaughter of fellow men has never occurred in the name of Buddhism.

Eastern religions express the idea of reincarnation. Formulated in India it spread to, and was later adapted into Chinese Taoism about the 3rd century BC. Platonism states the existence of the soul in a celestial world returning to the human body through sin. In order to return to a state of pure being the soul is purified through reincarnation. The Tibetan book of the dead alleges experiences between two incarnations and mentions a mental body.

From 1517 came various Christian Churches. Historians trace the early Baptist Church to 1609 in Amsterdam and believe John Smyth as the founder. They apposed infant baptism and that baptism should only be performed on believers. He stated that true worship was from the heart and that any reading from a book in worship was an invention of sinful men. He would not allow the reading of the bible during worship saying the translations were the work of man. The Baptist Church formed in 1639 by Roger Williams spread to the North American colonies.

Unitarianism came from Transylvania in 1600 introduced into Britain in 1668 and 1673. It was not fully legal in Britain until 1813.

Jehovah’s Witnesses was founded in the late 19th century as a Bible study group they retranslated the Bible from the teachings of Charles Taze Russell. Their predictions have been sadly wrong. After Russell’s death, Joseph Franklin Rutherford a trial lawyer and prosecutor took over resulting in a leadership battle where he was accused of autocratic behaviour losing one seventh of its membership. The end of times has been predicted from 1914.

The Church of Scientology was founded in 1954 by an American science fiction author named L.Ron Hubbard. He was a blood brother of the Blackfoot Indians at the age of six. After studying nearly all religions, he produced complex and profound beliefs in this modern age. After his death, the church has been quoted as a cult society. Scientologists cannot live or associate with non members even if they are close family. They recruit young seals – dominating young minds. Fixed donations are required; some have called it a pay as you go religion. The church leaders play mind games with people who appose them. The church is believed to be based on a secretive issue called Lord Xenu.


Can a terrorist group exist within the framework of religion? Once again religion is: belief in, worship of, or obedience to a supernatural power or powers considered to be divine or to have control of human destiny. Therefore, a terrorist group would be worshipping a God that instructed bloodlust, murder and slaughter. This would be their interpretation of their beliefs and their God.

Suicide warriors are a dark part of history, brainwashed by other religious people into believing that life is cheap and that they will reap a spiritual reward. It is also strange to realize that always the young are ensnared into this bizarre thinking. Do the leaders or the older members of their organizations strap on bombs and kill as many people as they can? No, otherwise there would be no leaders to brainwash and create the atrocities.

In regard to lord Xenu, I am sure that Ron Hubbard would have done research on Atlantis at some time in his career. I have an open mind as to Atlantis, nothing can be proved or disproved that a race of advanced humans commanded by a warlord existed. In fact it does answer some of the problems we are having today and where the technological advancement of society has come from. In the story from Plato the warlord’s actions cause dissension and many break away from his rule.

In religious teachings there are no physical warriors for God and if there are such leanings, they are from man.

So be careful in what you believe.

This article is from science fiction author Robin G Howard. The new (4th in the series) Jim long space agent book –Divine Fanaticism is released as a paperback edition on Nov.1st. Order from a bookstore or or the author site at

Ezine owners please feel free to distribute the free report and this review to your lists without changing any texts.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Rock Almighty: What Does It Mean to Say That You Are in Christ? And Start Your Day Jesus Style!



I wonder how many Christians don’t know who they are in Christ. Did you know that God sees you in an entirely new way at salvation? Unfortunately, the newly converted Christians and some of those who’ve been saved for a while are still thinking, speaking, and acting steadily according to their former lives. Conversely, when we start attending church, whenever and wherever that might be, we’re usually presented with a format for worship and accountability. This might consist of learning about the doctrines of the faith, becoming aware of the prescribed protocol for giving financially, being asked to participate in various functions such as corporate prayer, Bible study, men’s or women’s breakfast, teaching workshops, etc., or volunteering when needed.

Sadly, in some instances, we’re unaware of all the spiritual blessings that have taken place in our lives at salvation. Instead of learning about these spiritual declarations and embracing them, we’re asked to get busy and do good works for God. Therefore, our acceptance from leadership and the brethren becomes performance based. In contrast, our approval from God is based on grace through faith (repentance of our sins to God the Father and belief in His Son, Jesus Christ, as to who He is and what He has accomplished).

Likewise, shouldn’t our walk that’s in accordance with the teachings of those in church leadership be founded on grace through faith?

This study will bring awareness of who we are in Christ to our attention, which is another way of saying that this is how God sees us and, conversely, how we should see ourselves. When we realize who we’ve become and how precious we are in God’s eyes, striving to please Him, church authority, or our spiritual peers that’s based on achievement will be questioned. And hopefully, we’ll be guided to serve because our motivation is founded on the correct perception of ourselves and others as revealed by God’s Word.

Are you ready to discover the many truths about yourself that can’t be undone by anything you think, say, or do?

This doesn’t mean that grace is a license to sin. It simply means that what grace provides, sin can’t undo or affect. Grace remains grace. The new you will stay the new you.

In most of the following chapters, I’ll present one established irrevocable fact about your new standing in Christ. Are you ready to learn about each one of them? I am. Along with this, certain questions will be asked in some chapters so that you’ll fully understand the certainty of your salvation. Are you ready to begin? Let’s go.


What Does It Mean to Say That You Are in Christ?

Please turn in your Bibles to the book of 1 Corinthians.

1 Corinthians 1:30

But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:

Did you know that it’s of God the Father that you have a spiritual existence? Concerning such [you were] born again by the grace of God in Christ1 (by living in union with Him2). Furthermore, Christ is the source of the following spiritual blessings. Who was made unto us wisdom from God - both righteousness and sanctification and redemption.3

So, what does it mean when Scripture declares that we’re in Christ?

It means that when we believed the gospel, we were placed in union with Him. And because of such we have received the blessings of righteousness (put right with God), sanctification (set apart to belong to God), and redemption (free from the ramifications of sin owed to satisfy the justice of God).

By the way, did you know that all of these blessings and much more have been produced in you through another special member of the Trinity? Do you know the name of who this might be? Well, the following verse will not only tell us so but will reveal to us the purpose of these blessings.

Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

God the Father has blessed (benefitted) us with all spiritual blessings (Spirit-produced blessings; every spiritual enrichment needed for the spiritual life,4 since these benefits have already been bestowed on believers, they [shouldn’t] ask for them but rather appropriate them by faith5) in heavenly (in the heavenlies; to prepare for heaven6) places (not in the original manuscripts) in Christ.

By the way, when we take a closer look at the words of the verb hath blessed, which is in the form of an aorist active participle in Koine Greek, the language by which most of the New Testament was written, here’s what else they reveal to you. The tense tells us what kind of action is expressed by the verb. There are seven tenses: aorist, present, future, perfect, imperfect, future perfect, and pluperfect. Of these, the most common occurrences will be the present tense which denotes continuous action in the present; the perfect tense, which expresses action completed in the past with present results; and the aorist tense, which denotes action occurring at a point in time. In this instance, the tense is aorist which declares that you were blessed at a point in time, i.e., when you believed the gospel.

Something else to keep in mind is the voice. The voice tells us how the subject is related to the action of the verb. There are three voices: active, middle, and passive. The active voice tells us that the subject produces the action. The middle voice indicates that the subject both produces and receives the action. And the passive voice points out that the subject receives the action. In this instance, you received the action of being blessed by God the Father.

Another thing about a verb, even though it’s not mentioned here, is the mood. The mood is how the action of the verb is conceived regarding reality, which can either be actual or possible. There are four moods: indicative, subjunctive, imperative, and optative. The moods that are most often used are the indicative, which tells us that the action of the verb is of certainty or fact, and the subjunctive, which denotes possible action of the verb if certain existing facts take place.

And finally, what we have here is what is called a participle. A participle is a verbal adjective that tells us why someone is doing something or why something is being done. We can surmise why God the Father has blessed you. This is because you responded to the gospel of Christ and have received the originator of these blessings, i.e., the indwelling Spirit.

With that said, we’re almost ready to take a look at the blessings that are Spirit-originated. But before we do, you should be aware of the view of some who proclaim that salvation can be lost. If this is true, then the blessing of the indwelling Spirit, along with additional ones, are conditional. Could this be true? There are three views that espouse this perception. Let’s begin by looking at the first one in the following chapter that has to do with the Mosaic Law.


1Calvin’s CommentariesPc Study Bible version 5, 2006. BIBLESOFT. WEB. 15 September 2022


2Jamieson, Faucet, and Brown Commentary Pc Study Bible version 5, 2005. BIBLESOFT.

WEB. 15 September 2022


3The Pulpit Commentary Pc Study Bible version 5, 2006. BIBLESOFT. WEB. 13 November 2022


4Bible Knowledge Commentary/New Testament Copyright © 1983, 2000 Cook Communications Ministries. BIBLESOFT. WEB. 29 September 2022


5Bible Knowledge Commentary/New Testament.

6Barnes’ Notes. Pc Study Bible version 5, 2006. BIBLESOFT. WEB. 29 September 2022


My name is James Rondinone. I am a husband, father, and spiritual leader.

I grew up in Massachusetts and began my own spiritual journey early on in life.

I attended Bible college, having completed a two-year Christian Leadership Course of Study and graduated as valedictorian (Summa Cum Laude).

Studying and teaching the Word of God has been a passion of mine for over 20 years.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Rock Almighty: How to be Productive According to the Bible and Work Your Butt Off Christian!

Now Streaming On US Sports Radio!


  • Author Matthew Burgon-Parr

Depending on your line of work, you may feel that the business world’s current obsession with ‘increased productivity’ is giving you ‘productivity anxiety’. In economic terms, increased productivity is always seen as a good thing: it creates higher wages, aids economic growth, increases tax revenue and generally raises living standards; but it can also be the cause of stress and anxiety. More importantly, what about our spiritual life? After all, it’s the only thing that matters. Let’s take a look at what the Bible has to say.

The Book of Genesis makes it clear that we have a contract with God to look after His creation; God expects us to be productive.

‘And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.’ Genesis 1:26

When God created the Earth it was waiting in readiness for our labor to make it productive.

Today's playlist:
-Beneath the law - USM
@ Amazon Music -
-Deliverance - The Black Hand
@ Apple Music -
@ Amazon -
-Petra - He Came He Saw He Conquered
@ Apple Music -
@ Amazon -
-PK Mitchell - God Be With You
@ Apple Music -
-P.O.D. - Youth Of The Nation
@ Apple Music -
@ Amazon -
-John Amanchukwu - Black Pastor EXPOSES The REAL Problem with DEI Programs
-Project 86 - My Will Be A Dead Man
@ Apple Music -
@ Amazon Music -
- Narnia - Thank You
@ Apple Music -
@ Amazon Music -
- Ransom - Sin Killer
@ Apple Music -
@ Amazon Music -
- Crusty Moist - "I don't feel like it" | Biblical Motivation For Laziness
- Bride - Inside Ourselves
@ Apple Music -
@ Amazon - 

‘…for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.’ Genesis 2:5

Our world of global commerce and bewildering technological advances may seem very different from the agricultural economy of biblical times, but we are still the stewards of God’s creation, no matter how sophisticated we may feel ourselves to be. God expects us to work to the best of our abilities, to be productive in the service of others, because by doing so we are serving God.

‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.’ Colossians 3:23-24

God rewards productivity but productivity requires application and perseverance; the Old Testament has this advice concerning how to accomplish the best productivity.

‘Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another – or maybe both.’ Ecclesiastes 11:6

Jesus gave us the parable of the talents (Matthew25: 14-30) in which he makes it clear that lack of productivity, choosing to bury one's God-given talents, will be punished. Jesus is reiterating, in parable form, an idea found throughout the Old Testament.

‘Whoever is slack in his work is a brother to him who destroys.’ Proverbs18:9

The crucial point about productivity, however, is that it must always be in the service of others, not for our own aggrandizement. In his letter to Timothy, Saint Paul puts it like this:

‘As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.’ 1 Timothy 6:17-19

At the start of this piece, I mentioned that many of us may feel ‘productivity anxiety’: when we push ourselves too hard, we may reach the point where we are ‘burnt out’; this is not what God requires of us. God wants us to be productive but He also wants us to be happy and to do so we must rest. Observing the Sabbath does not mean that we must never do any work whatsoever on a Sunday but, as Jesus made clear (Matthew12: 9-14) it concerns those times when we stop working to rest and refresh ourselves in the presence of God.

We were put on this earth to work, to be productive. Throughout history, Christians have wrestled with the problem of how to be productive, in the secular world of work, and yet still serve God.