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Monday, December 31, 2018

Joseph Prince Recent Messages Featuring: Joseph Prince - The Christmas Story—From Creation To The Cross

The story of Christ being born has been told every Christmas season for generations. Yet behind the familiar nativity scene, God had been planning this epic love story of sending His Son to save mankind from the beginning of time. Beloved, saving you from your sins wasn’t just an afterthought, but at the forefront of His mind! In this Christmas message, you will: • Experience God’s everlasting love as you see His redemption plan unfold. • Say goodbye to fear as you see how God is always one step ahead of the enemy’s attacks. • Be filled with hope as you see how God works everything together for good. This Christmas season, may you catch a fresh revelation of how precious you are to the Lord and how He will never give up on you! Get the full message at: - Subscribe for free official sermon notes at Find us at:

Don't Speak—Shout Your Victory!

Psalm 113:3

Praise God. Praise Him in the morning. Praise Him at noon. Praise Him at night. If you've never praised God in your life, then get started right now. Praise Him for freedom. Praise Him for healing and Calvary. Praise Him for the Name of Jesus.
You ought to be shouting your way to work and shouting your way back home! If there's anything the devil can't stand, it's praise.
If you've taken territory from the devil and he's coming against you to get it back, this is not the time to sit down and whine about how things aren't working out. It's not time to decide that God has taken His hand off your life.
It is time to get into the Word and get yourself re-anchored in God's promises. It is time to keep those promises constantly before your eyes and in your heart. It is time to pray the prayer of faith and take your stand on the basis of His provision. It is time to continue to do the things you know to do.
When Satan starts shaking your mountain, don't retreat and run for cover. Speak to the mountain with the authority you wield in the Name of Jesus Christ. Then, when you're done with that, start to praise and shout the victory.
You don't have to be afraid of Satan. He'll be afraid of you!
Scripture Reading:
Psalm 50
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications    All rights reserved.

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