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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Baseball Strength & Conditioning (Washington State U) on US Sports Net!

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning System-Baseball

The Baseball Programs have everything needed to maximize the physical tools needed for playing baseball. Rotational power movements, shoulder and lower back injury prevention exercises, forearm strength, it's all here! Playing baseball places specific demands on the body and these programs will help meet these demands!

As will all the Baseball Programs, the sets, repetitions, exercise prescription, and actual weight of the programs are based off an initial fitness level and specific strength to bodyweight ratios. With simple feedback, the progression of the program will follow the body’s unique adaptation process to exercise.
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4 Day Competitive Baseball Program - Fielder4 Day Competitive Baseball Program with Olympics - FielderView a Sample Exercise from this Program Below

OLY - Power Clean View Video
Exercise Description:

It is necessary to use Olympic lifting Bumper plates, and prefered to have a high quality bar with free spinning bearings specifically designed for Olympic lifts. Approach the bar and position your feet slightly inside shoulder width. Place your hands on the bar with a grip that is just outside the width of your hips. Keep your back flat and your shoulders over the bar in the bottom position. Lift the bar off the ground with your legs not your back, until the weight clears your knees. Don't yank the bar off the ground. This will destroy the proper back angle needed to lift safely. This is the first pull phase and it must be done correctly. Any problems here will be magnified and make the other phases of the lift impossible to perform. The second pull phase involves accelerating your hips forward and shrugging your shoulders when the bar reaches the middle to upper portion of your legs. The third phase involves quickly dropping under the bar to catch the weight. Keep the bar close to your body throughout the movement. Finish the lift by standing tall with your elbows pointing forward, your hands open and the bar resting on your fingertips and shoulders. Return the bar to the starting position by rolling the bar off of your shoulders, and allowing the bar to drop to the floor. Take care that the lifting area if free of weights or any other object that the bar could land on or bounce off of. This exercise is the key for power development and for transitioning the strength your build in the weight room onto the playing arena!

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