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Monday, July 9, 2018

Choosing The Best Rewards For Your Accomplishments

Presented on US Sports Net By HitchFit Online Personal Fitness Training!

Living a healthy and fit life is an accomplishment! Therefore, it’s only proper to celebrate it now and then. Rewards not only ensure you reach a specific point in your goal pursuit, but it also keeps up your motivation, giving you a happy spot in all that hard work. However, many of us make the mistake of choosing rewards that send us back down the path of sluggishness and poor diets. Check out these great ideas for the perfect fitness goal rewards!
  • New Gadgets: If you like to listen to tunes or read books, a new ebook reader or mp3 player is just up your alley! Choose a particular number of days in a row that you keep your health or fitness tasks to reward yourself with this gift. Check out this post for some ideas!
  • Wardrobe: One great reward that is pleasing to the eye, and will keep you motivated, is a new addition to your fitness wardrobe. Splurge on that name brand outfit or pair of sneakers you’ve been eyeing, and keep up the goal-pursuit in style!
  • Massage: After all that hard work, who doesn’t want a massage? Save this one for a special time, a few months into your fitness implementation at least, and treat yourself to a relaxing hour massaging those muscles.
  • Fitness Weekend: Many hotels and resorts offer weekends dedicated to fitness. They often include spa packages, group exercises, and even personal training sessions. Presentations by celebrity trainers are also often available, giving you a great time of education and inspiration. Get inspired, motivated, and pampered with a great getaway.
There are so many other options for rewarding yourself when reaching fitness goals. Whatever you choose, make sure it is something that benefits your desires as well as your quest for healthy living. We love hearing from our readers; and we’d love to hear your idea of the perfect reward below. Looking for inspiration on how to get healthy and happy in your everyday life? Check out our blog, on everything from motivational quotes to fitness modeling, to help make your life a healthy, happy adventure!

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