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Friday, July 13, 2018

Busy Working Mom 50 Pound Weight Loss Journey!

Busy, busy, busy. That’s one way to describe the life of my rock star transformation Lacey! She’s a wife, a mom of two adorable kiddos, and has a full time career. After a 2017 trip to Disney World with her family, she felt exhausted and nearly sick just trying to walk around the park throughout the day. An unhealthy body was preventing her from really being able to enjoy that time. She knew that it was time for a change, she wanted this for herself, and to set her family on a healthy track for the future too! Lacey lives in the Kansas City area, so I actually had the chance to work with her in person! Lacey got her husband Andy on-board right away too. He worked with my hubby Micah for his transformation process (and lost 86 pounds!!), making it a way for them to get fit as a family and support one another. Lacey embraced the Hitch Fit process, embraced this as a lifestyle change and a new normal. Throughout her transformation journey, she had trips, many work events, stuff with kiddos, you name it..but these were all great opportunities to practice healthy habits even when the routine was a little off. Lacey transformed her body, she dropped OVER 50 pounds and 23% body fat! But what was the best thing to see? How this process has completely changed their family.  The girls are all about making healthy choices since that’s what they see mommy and daddy doing. Andy and Lacey shed 140 pounds combined!! And as you might have guessed, their family trip in 2018 was quite different as both Andy and Lacey are strong, healthy and fit, check out the vacation comparison pix in the feature below!
Way to go Lacey, I loved working with you and being your guide through this process. You are an inspiration to so many!!

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