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Monday, April 23, 2018

Kenneth Copeland Ministries Featuring: Receive the Power to be Debt Free! and Oppose the Devil

The Lord has brought to the forefront that it's time to wage war on debt. The power to receive wealth and be debt free is in you right now! THE BLESSING of Abraham is in you and at work on your behalf. By faith, we must make a quality decision to be debt free, receive it, and release that power, in Jesus Name. It's God's will for you to be debt free! Watch this video to stir up your faith as Brother Copeland shares about your covenant right as a child of God.

Oppose the Devil

Gloria Copeland
James 4:7
If you’ve been crying and asking God to run the devil out of your life, stop! The Bible says you’re the one who’s supposed to overcome the devil.
How? By resisting him. By rebelling against him when he tells you to do something and doing what God says instead! When Satan tells you some lie, contradict him with the Word of God. Oppose him. This verse says when you do that, he’ll flee from you. He’ll “run as in terror.”
That means everywhere you go, as you walk in faith and oppose the devil, darkness is pushed back.
So start pushing back that darkness. You can do it! The life of God is within you. Jesus Himself is living inside you. Everywhere you go, He goes. Every problem that rises up against you, every evil spirit that tries to influence your life, is coming up against God when it comes up against you.
All you need to do is become conscious of that. Begin now living your life moment by moment, knowing that the light of God is in you. The Word of God is in you. The Spirit of God is in you.
Live knowing that Jesus, the Son of God, is in you. Then watch the devil run!
Scripture Reading:
Ephesians 6:10-18
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications    All rights reserved.

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