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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Albuquerque Police Department Academy Strength Training Week 4 Day 3 is out shooting video at the Albuquerque Police Academy with 107th cadet class. The APD Academy cadets are on day 24 of 182. The cadets are in the APD Academy gymnasium working on strength training. Take a look at the employment benefits being offered by The City of Albuquerque to Albuquerque Police Department officers by visiting the APD Academy website: Below is list of some of the basic requirements one must meet prior to becoming an Albuquerque Police Officer.

Tactical Workouts - Revolutionary Tactical Strength And Conditioning Program Provides A Simple Training Blueprint To Help Cops, Soldiers, And Prepared Citizens Gain Tactical Muscle

1) Must be 21 years of age by graduation from the Academy. 2) Must have a valid driver's license. 3) Must be a United States citizen. 4) Must have 60 hours from an accredited college (minimum 2.0 GPA) 5) College credit requirement will be waived if you have 3 years of active military service and an honorable discharge (General Discharge will be considered case by case), as stipulated on your DD-214. 6) College credit may be waived if you have 3 years Law Enforcement experience from the date of initial certification. 7) Must not have committed a misdemeanor within the last 3 years. 8) Must not have used an illegal drug (i.e. LSD) within the last 3 years. 9) Must not have used marijuana within the last 3 years. 10) An applicant cannot have been convicted of a Domestic Violence Act. 11) Must not have committed a DWI within the last 5 years whether from an administrative sanction by a Motor Vehicle Department, a criminal conviction or a military disciplinary action. 12) Must not have committed multiple DWIs within the last 10 years whether from an administrative sanction by a Motor Vehicle Department, a criminal conviction or a military disciplinary action. 13) No felony convictions

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