Early Sports Specialization: Good or Bad for Athletes?
Is it better for young athletes to play multiple sports or specialize in one? Volt's Head of Sport Science, Joe Eisenmann, PhD, unpacks the research about early specialization and explains why this hot topic is more complex than it might seem. A must-read for parents and coaches!
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Hamstring Talk: Why Are Hamstring Injuries So Common?
Why are hamstring tears and injuries more common than quadriceps injuries—and how can we prevent them? Volt's Coach Christye unpacks 3 reasons why our hamstrings are more prone to injury, and what you can do to help keep them healthy in this 2-part series.
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Cultivating Confidence with NBA Strength Coach, Bill Burgos
Confidence is crucial when working with athletes, especially at an elite level. In this exclusive article, Bill Burgos, President of the National Basketball Strength & Conditioning Association, shares why he thinks confidence is the most important trait a coach can develop.
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#VoltFamily on Social Media
Here's a snapshot of springtime in the Volt Family! |
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