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Monday, April 23, 2018

How a Milwaukee police department is training cops to be less biased and Our Modern Plight: An Observation Into Our Current State in Time & How It Affects Us All

[Video below]-By its very nature, police work can put officers in the middle of highly-charged situations that sometimes escalate into violence. Now, one department is looking to better train its officers in order to keep such confrontations from getting out of control. Dean Reynolds reports.

Our Modern Plight: An Observation Into Our Current State in Time and How It Affects Us All
By: Joaquin Herrera
As of lately the media has portrayed much chaos, all at an immensely alarming rate, and not just local predicaments, but major events taking place globally.

Everyday you hear news of "Shootings" "Riots" "Attacks" etc. Simply put, its violence affecting vast amounts of people.

From my research and overall observance of not only these current issues, but within the web of it all, the truth has become evident.

The real issue here doesn't lie within our Race, Ethnicity, Police, Presidential Election or anything else the media continuously force- feeds you.

Yes, these are individual concerns; however, they are due to a much greater problem. Once you are aware of this problem, all else will fall into place.

The media's recent portrayal of events is merely a textbook case of:

Divide and Conquer:

The policy of maintaining control over one's subordinates or subjects by encouraging dissent between them.

This strategy is executed by the technique of:

Creating or encouraging divisions among the subjects to prevent alliances that could challenge the sovereign (Continued after message)

When it comes to defending yourself and your family from an attacker there is no such thing as a fair fight!
The coward attacker that blind-sides you in the parking lot doesn’t believe in a fair fight, and neither should you!
That’s why you need to arm yourself with this free, totally legal tool that can drop an attacker in an instant!
Like I said, it’s free!  But you need to get your name down now because there’s a limited supply!
This self-defense tool has been the number #1 selling “Every Day Carry” in America since Feb 2016 and it’s now your chance to get one for free!
I’ve already told my friends and family to get theirs and I urge you to claim one too.


The U.S government is run by a privately owned Central Bank named the Federal Reserve, or Fed; this system creates its own policies, and controls both the Interest rates and entire money supply of the United States.

No, it is not actually Federal nor does it have any reserves.

The Federal Reserve operates in absolute secrecy. As Alan Greenspan, Former Chairman of the Fed, said when asked what should be the proper relationship between the Chairman and the President of the United States,

"... The Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means,... that there is no other agency of government, which can overrule actions that we take. So long as that is in place... then what the relationships are, don't frankly, matter." This corporation was given the ability, to not only create money out of thin air, but to then lend it to the government, with Interest.

Interest that the Government pays by the enforcive means of the Internal Revenue Service and Social Security system. The IRS acts as the collection branch for these payments; our taxes go directly to the Federal Reserve.

Currently, there is no "law" which states we are actually required to pay an Income Tax.

The Fed and IRS were both established in 1913. With the Social Security Act being passed in 1935, wherein all citizens were covertly pledged as collateral to these Central Banks for the debt of the United States.

This debt can only be paid off by borrowing even more money into existence; money that is no longer backed by gold or anything for that matter, the value it has is the value we give it.

This worthless paper currently in circulation is actually a loan from the Fed to you, with Interest.

As Josiah Stamp, prominent banker and economist, once said,

"... If you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit. Money = Debt = Slavery

Activist, Writer, Artist, Creator | Twitter/IG:@Wuhkeen

By its very nature, police work can put officers in the middle of highly-charged situations that sometimes escalate into violence. Now, one department is looking to better train its officers in order to keep such confrontations from getting out of control. Dean Reynolds reports. Subscribe to the "CBS This Morning" Channel HERE: Watch "CBS This Morning" HERE: Watch the latest installment of "Note to Self," only on "CBS This Morning," HERE: Follow "CBS This Morning" on Instagram HERE: Like "CBS This Morning" on Facebook HERE: Follow "CBS This Morning" on Twitter HERE: Follow "CBS This Morning" on Google+ HERE: Get the latest news and best in original reporting from CBS News delivered to your inbox. Subscribe to newsletters HERE: Get your news on the go! Download CBS News mobile apps HERE: Get new episodes of shows you love across devices the next day, stream local news live, and watch full seasons of CBS fan favorites anytime, anywhere with CBS All Access. Try it free! --- Delivered by Charlie Rose, Norah O’Donnell and Gayle King, "CBS This Morning" offers a thoughtful, substantive and insightful source of news and information to a daily audience of 3 million viewers. The Emmy Award-winning broadcast presents a mix of daily news, coverage of developing stories of national and global significance, and interviews with leading figures in politics, business and entertainment. Check local listings for "CBS This Morning" broadcast times.

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