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Friday, April 27, 2018

Dr Myles Munroe - Why The King Died For The Kings

About BFMI

The Late Dr. Myles Munroe Sr. and Pastor Ruth Munroe
(Founder, President and First Senior Pastors of BFMI)

Bahamas Faith Ministries International is a global organization that serves to restore a sense of divine identity, heritage, purpose, potential and destiny to every individual. The ministry was founded by the Late Dr. Myles Munroe who was the visionaire and first president and senior pastor of Bahamas Faith Ministries International. The Late Dr. Richard Pinder was also a founding member of Bahamas Faith Ministries International and served as the first fellowship pastor and vice president of Bahamas Faith Ministries International.


The Late Dr. Richard Pinder (Co-Founder, Senior vice President and First Fellowship Pastor of BFMI)



Third World, developing nations and people everywhere who are products of oppression.


BFMI is committed to establishing a LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION dedicated to setting a PRECEDENT, raising a STANDARD, and producing a MODEL of excellence in personal, community and national leadership based on Kingdom values.

Scriptural Mandate

  • Hosea 4:6-7: "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children."–NIV
  • Acts 26:17-18: "I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus Christ."

The Organizational Structure of Bahamas Faith Ministries Int'l –

Three Major Constituents:
  • BFMI Enterprise, Companies, Corporate Divisions & Departments
  • International Third World Leadership Association
  • BFMI Church Fellowship Divisions & Ministry Departments

BFMI Enterprise Constituency

Three Companies
  • 1. The Diplomat Development Company
  • 2. The Diplomat Center for Education
  • 3. The U. S. Miami Office Inc.
Eight DivisionsSeven Departments
1Diplomat Marketing & Sales1Retail Management
2Diplomat Media & Communications2Facilities Development & Maintenance Management
3Creative Designs & Graphics3IT - Information & Technology
4Customer Services4Security Department
5Local Conference & Connvention, Seminars5Transportation Department
6Leading Edge Leadership6Central Finance & Accounts
7Publishing Division7Hospitality & Protocol
8Diplomat Distributions
International Third World Leaders Association Inc. (Affiliated with BFMI)
Church Fellowship Structure Constituency
FMIF Ministry DivisionsSupport Ministry Departments
1Men's Division1Fine Arts Department
2Women's Division2Counseling Department
3Youth Division3Training & Education Department
4Pastoral Care Division4Membership Managements Department
5Worship Division5Prayer & Inercessory Department
6Mission Division6Hospitality Department
7Singles Division7Sports & Recreations
8Child Care Division8Ministry of Helps Department
9Senior's Division9Public Relations Department
10Training & Development10Evangelism/Community Outreach
11Marriage & Family11Foreign/Local Missions
12Financial Stewardship & Asst. Division12Young Adults/Singles Department
13Health & Nutrition Division13Visitation & Support Ministry Department
14Care & Social Services Division14Discipleship Ministry Department
15Intercessory spiritual Support Division15Social Services Department
16Hospitality/Protocol Services Division16Kingdom Care Ministry
17Media Department - (Fellowship)
18Youth Department

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