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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

CoachTube Basketball Featuring: Jerry Krause & Don Meyer teach the most important dribble, the Pullback Crossover

[Video below]-Don Meyer & Jerry Krause give the best basketball skills and drills for defense. See their entire course here:

About this Course:
Defense, Defense and more Defense!

Featuring Don Meyer, one of the winningest coaches in the nation, and Jerry Krause, widely respected as one of the best teachers in the game and THE expert on basketball basics, Individual Defense presents a detailed overview of the fundamentals and techniques attendant to sound defense. Appropriate for coaches and players at all competitive levels, these instructional videos explain and demonstrate the principles and skills involved in effective defense. 

Among the topics covered:
  • Attacking the offense
  • Denying the ball
  • Pressuring the ball
  • Taking away the opponent’s strength
  • Communicating
  • Post defense
  • Taking the charge
  • Closing out
  • Defending on and off the ball
  • Developmental drills

JerryKrauseJerry KrauseNBA Basketball Scout/GM for Baltimore Bullets & Chicago Bulls
Jerry Krause is the director of men’s basketball operations at Gonzaga University. Highly regarded as an exceptional teacher of the fundamentals of basketball, Krause has authored 13 instructional coaching books on basketball. For more than two decades, he has been extensively involved professionally in the activities of the coaching/rules organizations of both the NCAA and the NAIA. In his renowned career, he has been honored numerous times for his efforts as a coach, educator, and administrator.

Don Meyer is the head men’s basketball coach at Northern State University. Prior to assuming his present position in 1999, Meyer spent 24 years coaching David Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN. At David Lipscomb, he reached the 700-win plateau faster than any coach in the history of college basketball. One of the most respected individuals in the intercollegiate coaching ranks; he is an accomplished author and speaker and is featured on the all-time, best-selling series of instructional videos.

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