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Saturday, April 21, 2018

Yahoo Small Business Presents: Keys To Success: Character on US Sports Net!

Keys To Success: Character
By: Steve Scott


Character is a creative endeavor. You do have a choice when it comes to character.

It is somewhat like an artist creating a sculpture. In my opinion, as a personal development coach, character is not something that just happens by itself. A chisel cannot create a work of art without the hand of an artist guiding it.

You Are The Artist Of Your Character

You create your character by making a conscious decision for a specific outcome. Then you make choices. You make hundreds and hundreds of choices. Your choices are like the brush strokes of an artist. And your choices will turn you gradually into who you are, at any given moment and who you want to be.

If you don’t engage in the decision making process, you will still be somebody. You will still be alive, but may have a personality rather than character.

The Essence of Character

Character is not something you were born with and can’t change, like your fingerprints. In fact, because you weren’t born with it, it is something that you must take responsibility for creating.
Self-employed business owners, successful entrepreneur, solo professionals and individuals interested in creating a better business, life or both understand that the foundation for future success rests on their character. Small business success and small business growth depend upon it.
In my opinion, character isn’t necessarily built by adversity. Nor is it eroded by success. Whether you are running a small business, starting up your own business or work for a company your character is built by how you respond to what happens in your life.
Rich or poor, winning or losing, easy times or hard times….you build character out of certain qualities you must create and diligently nurture within yourself.

Character—It Is Your Legacy

To me, here’s one of the most interesting aspects of character. If you are sincerely committed to making yourself into the person you want to be, you’ll not only create those qualities, but you’ll continually strengthen them.

Jim Rohn says this about character. "Character sustains itself and nurtures itself even as it is being put to work, tested and challenged. And, once character is formed, it will serve as a solid, lasting foundation upon which to build the life you desire."

Your legacy is your character. Your life is a self-portrait. Autograph it with excellence. Excellence in character is what others will remember now and in the future after you have passed their way.

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