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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

VALENTUS Weight Loss Coffee and Prevail Max Spray Results...

Morning!  Lean Trim Diana Here!

Today I am going to share Harley's 2 stories on our weight loss SlimRoast coffee and our Max spray. I love reading all the stories of people getting healthy not only on our weight loss coffee/cocoa/Trim, but on our other 4 products: Prevail Max Spray, Prevail Immune, Prevail K-9 Spray and Prevail Breakthrough and now Prevail Keto Creamer. you see Valentus means Prevail, so all of our 8 products start with the name Prevail, Prevail SlimRoast, etc. 

The Valentus journey for Harley has been amazing and of course Harley has become a distributor to help other people get healthy. Harley sees the value in our products, what our products can do for people and wants to help others get healthy. Of course, we Don't claim any medical claims, we only tell stories. Please give me your feedback by commenting and go to for more information on our products:)  More than truly amazing!

So Amazing, we are truly Changing Lives One Cup At A Time! Harley was on our Tuesday call telling his results:
Harley - On the 12 in 24 Program - the first 30 lbs. in 3 months, then 18 more lbs. within the year. Hit a couple plateaus. Then lost 12 more. Total time just over a year and a half. Never gaining any back.

Harley November 28, 2017:
Our "Prevail Max" spray. Another one of our products that are helping people. It oxygenates your cells. Here is Harley's pictures & story being on the spray for 10 days now. He is calling it "The Max Effect".  Harley had to have open heart surgery and these are his pictures. The picture below are cells under a microscope before the spray and then after spraying under the tongue. What a difference! 
Harley - "10 days After Open Heart on the (left). 10 days later after using the Max Spray. (Right ). It just gets better every day" !!

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