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Why we can worship even when life’s not great
From Decibel.one....
Why we can worship even when life’s not great
Have you ever stood in a worship session at church, your lips mouthing the words to the songs, but your mind distracted by a gazillion problems you’re facing?
Maybe it went something like this: “I’ve had such an awful week. I’m really tired and I just can’t sing.” Or, when you’re really in the pits: “My life is falling apart. My marriage is just beyond saving. It’s been six months and I’m still unemployed. I need help…”
But here’s why we can worship the Lord even when life’s not great: We can trust that His lovingkindness will prevail, and we will triumph and overcome through Him (His Word says so—check out Psalm 117, AMP).
This really happened to David, the beloved psalmist of Israel who was best known for his sweet times of worship. Whether in times of great fear, utter dejection, or deep heartbreak—as David worshipped the Lord, He healed his heart and turned his situations around.
At one of the lowest points of David’s life, when he was hiding in a cave after feigning madness in front of an enemy king to save his own skin, he sang: “I sought the Lord, and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears.” (Psalm 34:4) By the end of Psalm 34, David is so convinced of the Lord’s goodness: “The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.” (Ps. 34:17, NLT)
In fact, about four hundred men in distress, discontent, and debt had gathered to him in that cave. As they saw David visibly restored with hope, they were restored too. They eventually became his mighty men, who did great exploits!
And in David’s old age, when his own son Absalom tried to usurp his throne, he sang these words, likely in tears—“But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head.” (Psalm 3:3–4) He didn’t have the heart to send his troops against his son. But God fought on his behalf—He allowed someone in Absalom’s camp to give him unsound advice, thereby foiling his coup.
It’s not that we worship the Lord to get something from Him—but rather, as we magnify His beauty, great power and compassion for us through anointed songs of worship—our problems can’t help but become smaller, and faith rises in our hearts to believe for our breakthroughs.
Today, we can worship the Lord with words like “What a beautiful Name it is / The name of Jesus” (What A Beautiful Name, Hillsong Worship). Words like, “Oh, my soul / You are not alone / There’s a place where fear has to face the God you know” (Oh My Soul, Casting Crowns) for the fearful times. And words like, “You took my sin / The just for the unjust / You made me yours / Through Your redeeming blood” (Finished, New Creation Worship), when you need to be reminded of the Lord’s finished work.
All these songs (and many more) can be found in Decibel’s very own playlists on Spotify! We hope they’ll encourage you no matter what your journey with the Lord currently looks like. We’ve got songs for the bad days, those that proclaim God’s grace, that speaks of His finished work, and that envelop you with your Abba Father’s love.
We pray that these tunes will help you usher in the sweet presence of the Lord, anytime, anywhere. Share them and this article with a friend! And let us know about your favorite worship song (and why) in the comments 
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