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Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Truth About Cancer-Cancer Survivor Story - Barbara Gannon - Mesothelioma Cancer & Stage 2 Her2 Positive Breast Cancer

Barbara Gannon’s cancer survivor story began in September of 2015, when doctors found a suspicious lump on the right side of her breast and a suspicious growth on scar tissue which was from a lung resection in 2008. When the tests came back from the biopsies, she got the surprise of her life. She was diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer, which for most people is terminal. So the next question is, what to do after a cancer diagnosis? After her doctors told her that she didn’t have much longer to live, she decided to find out how to fight cancer without chemotherapy. Feeling guided by God and out of the blue receiving an email from The Truth About Cancer, Barbara decided that she was going to live and tell her cancer survivor story to others of how she was able to beat cancer without chemo by using natural cancer treatments. In this video, you’re going to learn all about exactly what she did after her diagnosis and how The Truth About Cancer has helped her on her cancer journey. Enjoy :-) and thank you for watching and helping us spread life-saving knowledge!
WATCH MORE INCREDIBLE CANCER SURVIVOR STORIES Tina - Monique - Ryan - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you survived a cancer diagnosis and lived to tell about it? We hear so many amazing stories from our readers about how they beat cancer using the very techniques they’ve learned from The Truth About Cancer… and we’d love to hear YOUR story! Sharing these stories brings hope to those who have been diagnosed with or are currently dealing with cancer. So, if you have a personal story to share of your triumph over cancer, please follow this link and tell us all about it: Each week we’ll post a new story on our site from the submissions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- Stay updated on Social: ----------------------------------------- Join TTAC's 900K+ FB fans: Follow us on PINTEREST: Find us on INSTAGRAM: Please support our mission by commenting and sharing with your friends and family below. -------------------------------------------------- About The Truth About Cancer -------------------------------------------------- The Truth About Cancer’s mission is to inform, educate, and eradicate cancer in our modern world. Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are finding natural ways to cure cancer and learning to live healthier lives to prevent cancer from ever touching their bodies. You can take control of your health and educate yourself on true cancer prevention and natural cancer treatments. It could save your life or the life of someone you love.

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