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Monday, January 15, 2018

Atomic Darts Presents: Lewis v Taylor [SF] 2018 World Championship Darts and Dart Board Games

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Dart Board Games

By: Fiona Jones

The most common dart board design is that of a clock which is circular in shape, has a circle inscribed on it with twenty segments with the numbers one to twenty mentioned on them in a random fashion which actually has an underlying pattern. The bull’s eye is the small black circle in the centre.

The two most common games are 501 and 301.In 501 a player starts with 501 points and has to reduce it to zero. Each player has to throw three darts and whatever he scores is deducted from the initial 501 points. The bull’s eye fetches 50 points, the outer rings 25 each etc. The player who first achieves the zero point is the winner. However the game can end only with a throw that lands in the double or bulls eye.301 is also played in the same way except that it starts with 301 points instead of 501.Another popular dart game is "Around the Clock". Here, each player throws 3 darts and has to throw a dart in every segment beginning right from 1 to 20 and has to finish with the 25 and bull’s-eye. Players must start with 1 and cannot move to the next number till such time a dart has been thrown at the next target .The first player who hits all the targets and finally reaches the bull’s-eye wins the game.

Another common game is the cricket where two players toss a coin to see who would bat and who would be bowling. The batting player starts and tries at all turns scoring as many points as possible. The standard 501 scoring system is used. When the batting player scores more than 40 points in one go, the number of points more than 40 is added to the player's score. Less than 40 the batting player scores nothing. The opposing player is considered to be the bowler and this player only aims the bull’s-eye. The bowler gets 2 wickets if he hits the bull’s-eye and 1 wicket for the 25 scorer ring. Players take turns until the bowling player throws a dart that scores the 10th wicket. After that the roles are interchanged and the other player has an innings of batting to do. This game ends when both players have played two innings each and the player with the higher score wins the match.

 Fiona Jones is an expert author on dart boards, poker tables, poker chip sets and home gaming accessories.

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