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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tyler Rodriguez College Baseball Recruiting Video-Class of 2021 Presented on US Sports Net By Game Planner Pro!

Tyler Rodriguez is a 2021 baseball player at Sachem High School where he plays Catcher and Pitcher.
Attention Coaches and Recruiters. Contact information for this student-athlete is on the video. US Sports Network has no direct contact with the student-athlete profiled. 


Presented on US Sports Net by Game Planner Pro!
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Strength Training For Baseball from BBcom

The off-season is the time where a season is won or lost. You need to get in shape NOW!

Strength Training  For Baseball

It has been about 3 months since the Washington Nationals stunned the world and defeated the Houston Astros to become the 2019 World Series Champions. With another season in the books attention is quickly focused on the upcoming 2020 season.  
Major League teams have learned the importance of strength training for increased performance on the field. Most teams have elaborate weight rooms in the stadium and employ strength and conditioning coaches. Superstars such as Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Gabe Kapler, Ron Gant, Mark McGwire and Jason Giambi have all benefited from strength training.
The core muscles those of the stomach and back play the biggest role in baseball. Explosion, quickness and power are the other important aspects of baseball. The quicker you are and the more powerful you can become can only help you on the ballfield. This program is broken up into three phases: Hypertrophy phase, Power phase and the In-season Maintenance phase. Each phase has a specific purpose and should be followed.
The Hypertrophy phase provides the muscle stimulation necessary to pack on the muscle mass while the Power phase gets you stronger for the season and the Maintenance phase is designed to keep your strength up during the season so you do not break down when the season heats up! The entire program is outlined below: The Hypertrophy phase should be followed up until you start formally practicing while the Power phase should be followed up to the start of the season and you should follow the Maintenance phase through the entire season. Keep reading.................

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