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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Jesse Duplantis — How to Have A Spiritual, Physical, and Financial Breakthrough and 4 Ways to Bring Back (or Spark) the LOVE Once Held for Church

[Video below]-How to Have A Spiritual, Physical, and Financial Breakthrough by Jesse Duplantis - video upload powered by

 4 Ways to Bring Back (or Spark) the LOVE Once Held for Church

By: Janice Johnson


Be credible. It all starts with credibility. A long time ago credibility was based on how many degrees you had on your wall and how many letters followed your name. That’s not the case today – Web 2.0 has changed everything and if you want to succeed in reaching more people with your message or THE message you’ll need to know and embrace these 4 steps to creating credibility in the eyes of those you’re called to reach.

1.Remarkable Results. Work for excellence. Our work should not be half-hearted or bootleg. Credibility’s main foundation is our ability to create and provide excellent products, services and experiences!

2.Create. Credibility is best built through extraordinary experiences. Your ministry is not known (or valued) because of your logo, letterhead, liturgy, landing page, or landscape rather it’s the experience your ministry creates for the audience you serve that matters most.

3.Capture. You’ve created the experience—now what? Capture it! What good is an experience if no one knows it ever occurred? Here are a few ways to capture experiences:

a. Personal testimonials

b. Photos

c. Audios

d. Videos

4. Share. It’s impossible to increase your "credibility factor" or influence more lives without sharing the good news. However, there is a sharing rule—only share the results, experiences, breakthroughs—you know the "good stuff". You know the "I once was blind now I see" kind of stories. Do not share your degree, pedigree, building size, new ring or new suit. No one cares!

Bringing back the love—or even creating a "like" for the church begins with establishing credibility. Embracing the above principles will help you not only allow you to gain credibility—I let you in on a secret—they will help you expand your reach!

Your expansion next steps:

• What results does your ministry bring to the lives of those you serve?
• How do you currently capture those results?
• What have you been sharing about your ministry?

 Janice Johnson, the Ministry Marketing Mentor, is committed to helping Pastors and Christian leaders impact lives, influence communities, and increase your income without compromising your message. To download your F.R.E.E. Ministry Makeover Kit, visit

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