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Monday, February 26, 2018

The Truth About Cancer Series- TTAC: Nutrition - Foods, herbs, spices, and supplements

To discover what surprising foods lower your breast cancer risk, watch this video now. In this interview, Dr. Veronique Desaulniers reveals the truth about soy and breast cancer. And destroys the myths about the safest estrogen foods. You’ll learn the three ways this all-natural food works at reducing breast cancer risk. Also, how eating just 5 teaspoons a day of this type of seed lowered cancer markers in patients diagnosed with breast cancer by up to 71%. Find out the 4 things you need to look for in the safest estrogen foods. Hear about the thousand year old history of one healing food that’s still used today to lower breast cancer risk. And the reason why GMOs are so dangerous.

GMO's and Glyphosate, a Disastrous Marriage

By: Dee Everleigh


It has long been known that pesticides and herbicides are toxic for human consumption. Although their use can increase crop production, they are damaging to our bodies, and even to crop plants when sprayed directly on them. In 1996, Monsanto began genetically modifying soybeans, corn, cotton, sugarbeets and other crops for resistance to the herbicide glyphosate, commonly known as Roundup. This allowed growers to spray the herbicide directly onto the entire field without damaging the crop. Unfortunately, this has resulted in crop plants filled with herbicide. Now, this toxin has silently creeped into almost every food product in our grocery store, ultimately damaging the delicate balance of bacteria that lie within our digestive systems.

Glyphosate was discovered by John E. Franz, an organic chemist who synthesized the herbicide while working at Monsanto's Company in 1970. This chemical became, and now remains, the active ingredient in Roundup, a broad-spectrum herbicide used and sold by Monsanto. Today, it is still used in agriculture, and by millions of homeowners to control weeds in their landscapes.

Roundup is applied directly to the leaves of weeds, and works systemically. This means that once it is absorbed by the leaf, it spreads throughout the entire plant system. It kills the plant by interfering with the "shikimate pathway". This seven step pathway is a metabolic route which is vital to the lifecycle of bacteria, fungi, algae, and every living plant. When disrupted, the biosynthesis of necessary folates and aromatic acids such as phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan are halted. As production of these proteins fail, plant death is inevitable.

Initially, Roundup effectively controlled weed growth, however, contact with the crop plant was detrimental. Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum killer, which means it cannot distinguish between crop plants and unwanted weed species. In 1996, Monsanto set out to remedy this problem, by introducing Roundup Ready soybean. This was the first genetically engineered crop that was developed by Monsanto. It was created by introducing a bacterial gene resistant to glyphosate into the DNA of the soybean. This gene was derived from a type of bacteria called Agrobacteria, and now allowed farmers to spray Roundup not only the weeds, but the entire crop without damage.

In consequent years, a variety of other Roundup Ready crops were developed, including cotton, corn, sugarbeets and other crops. Roundup was effective until all susceptible weeds were killed, however, soon resistant weeds began to dominate farmlands across the world. These "superweeds" did not respond to the same dosages that killed their susceptible predecessors, therefore, growers simply increased application rates, to eradicate these superweeds.

The US Department of Agriculture has estimated that Roundup Ready crops have resulted in an additional application of 383 million pounds of herbicides. This increase in the use of glyphosate greatly increases the likelihood of the chemical running off into nearby ecosystems. At these elevated concentrations, glyphosate potentially causes environmental damage, as well as damage to human health.

Monsanto claims that glyphosates are not toxic to humans because human cells do not function by the shikimate pathway. This is true, however, the bacteria in our gut do use this pathway! This means that the glyphosphate residue that we ingest kills the beneficial bacteria in our digestive systems. Pathogenic bacteria are not affected, and as a result they dominate the gut, deplete micronutrients and produce ammonia and formadelhyde by-products, that toxify the system causing inflammation.

In addition, the absence of the production of folates and aromatic compounds cause cell shrinkage, resulting in the leakage of these produced toxins into the blood stream. This results in the development of many diseases including encephalitis, Alzheimer's, diabetes, obesity, cancer and autism to name a few.

The damages and affects of humans ingesting glyphosate (Roundup) require further investigation. At present, there are no regulations that require the labeling of products that contain glyphosate or the incorporation of GMO's. We are the ONLY country that does not require this! Therefore, many people continue to suffer unknowingly, completely unaware of the havoc this herbicide is causing within their bodies.

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