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Monday, February 19, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

Have another great story from our group of 70,000 strong sharing results on our products. It's ok to be curious, so go to watch the 4 minute video and take the tour - put in your info and you can review our products and why they work.  Then I will be able to contact you:)

JohnyWhat an amazing group we have here for sharing our stories. Mine begins in March 2016 when I was introduced to these wellness products that would change my life in ways I'm still discovering. But let me back that up a bit:
I've been in the Music Biz now for almost 30 years and I was undiagnosed with severe sleep apnea for most of that. My mother told me that even as a child I snored worse than my father. I also thought that waking up every morning exhausted was normal.
The result of my sleep study was that I stopped breathing 54 times an hour. That was about 10 years ago when I first started my CPAP therapy. I absolutely hated it and have been embarrassed to tell people about it ever since. I felt amazing after only one week on 12in24 So I decided to sleep without my CPAP. Well, I woke up after the best sleep of my life and packed up that horrible machine and it's been in the closet for over a year now.
I now wake up every morning feeling amazing and ready to start my day without it. I am not a medical professional and I am in no way suggesting anyone do what I did. I tried this because having my girlfriend go to bed with Darth Vader is NOT as cool as it sounds.
I just want to thank this group for letting me share my story here. It's become so much easier to tell now that it has a happy ending. And what makes it even happier is that I now represent these products and I'm able to help others with a lot more than just sleeping issues.
I will have a good thought that each and every one of us that is still suffering can find what works for them to enjoy a great nights sleep. By the way, now that I'm getting a hell of a lot more R.E.M. time I'm waking up remembering dreams that sustain my smile for the whole day.

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