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Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Global Health News Episode #16 || Dr. Mercola Interview | Avocado Health Benefits

Watch now to find out the latest breaking holistic health news from The Truth About Cancer. You’ll find out how women who have body fat in this area of their body are 50% more likely to develop lung and bowel cancer. You’ll also find out about the ketogenic diet, ideal keto foods, and how keto fights cancer growth. Charlene and Ty also cover fat free food dangers and why the low-fat fad made us sick and fat.

 Also included is an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola. Dr. Mercola shares how electric field problems can cause cancer. He also identifies the deadliest room in your home - and what to do about it. Plus all about fasting health benefits. Dr. Mercola even reveals what types of fasting he does himself.

 When you watch, you’ll learn about a new study showing little-known avocado health benefits. And you’ll see a 10 cent, super-healthy baby food recipe with avocados and another secret ingredient. Save money on expensive baby food! In this video, Charlene and Ty reveal an alarming new development with vaccines.

 Believe it or not, a famous billionaire is (should we change to: may be) behind this “Frankenstein” science experiment that will injure children around the world.

Next, watch a candid interview with “Vaxxed” co-producer Del Bigtree. He explains why America is becoming more and more like Nazi Germany. Find out what we all need to do to take back our informed consent. Plus, discover a natural oil that stops a heart attack in its tracks! Find out about the medical doctors who are using this today to save lives. Watch TTAC’s Global Health News now to find out all the details.

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