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Friday, February 23, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

TGIF!  Today I am headed to a casino to a Tattoo Event. No, I am not going to get a tattoo LOL.  This event has 27 tattoo artists and I bet you they all drink coffee and need to or at least know someone that wants to lose weight. I love talking to people and talking to people about my healthy products, so off I go.  Also,put in your info and I will contact you to help you make the right choices for your situation. We don't make any medical claims.

Here is Laurie's results.
I decided it was time for a Before & After picture. It's difficult to put into just a few words what these healthy weight loss functional beverages have done for me in the last 8 months! Thirty-three years ago, I developed an auto-immune disease, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. The medical response was to remove half of my thyroid. I was 24 years old just started my own wholesale beauty supply company. Removing my thyroid and replacing it with a synthetic hormone didn't help me feel much better. So began my journey into the world of alternative health. I started reading books on the endocrine system, immune system, digestive system and discovered that EVERYTHING is connected! I made a vow to never have another part cut out of my physical body again. I battled with weight gain, brain fog and a sluggish metabolism from then on.

Nine years ago, I bought a restaurant/bar and wreaked havoc on my physical body! Too many late nights, too much food, drink and going through menopause found me weighing in at 215 pounds! I did not recognize myself anymore! I hit a wall and stopped drinking alcohol June 4th, 2015. I lost 15 pounds in the next six months, just from not drinking. Three months later, in March of 2016, I began the 12in24 program with Valentus. To say that it has been LIFE CHANGING is an understatement! I've lost an additional 35 pounds and shrunk 2 clothing sizes in 8 months! The inches have literally MELTED off my body, in all the right places! And, I have more mental clarity, energy and focus than I've had for years! I feel Fantastic!
One of the biggest side effects of drinking these healthy functional beverages is having random people continuously coming up to me and telling me how Fantastic and Stunning I look! Wow!  These healthy beverages are like powdered WILLPOWER in a package! Just Add Water and watch your Life change! 

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