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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

(LA Kings NHL) Black & White Episode 3 - Strength and Conditioning

Volt Athletic Ice Hockey
The Competitive Ice Hockey programs were developed to help with the specific strength and muscular endurance needs of a hockey player. Hockey players also need a program that will help guard them against injuries. In addition to the strength training exercises there are specific plyometric exercises that will help with groin and lateral hip strength. It would be ideal to choose the Ice Hockey Program that has Power Cleans and the other Olympic exercises, but many may be unfamiliar with these exercises. For this reason, they have been removed in the "no Power Cleans" program. Check out the exercise videos to learn about the power clean and power snatch exercises, if interested. Once ready for these explosive exercises just switch the program over!

Throughout the length of the Ice Hockey programs, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts.

The starting point of the workout is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best! Click here to start training today!

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