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Thursday, September 13, 2018

The NFL On US Sports Net Featuring: Aaron Rodgers, Khalil Mack on Golic Jr.’s Top 7 players in NFC North list | Golic & Wingo | ESPN

Mike Golic Jr. responds to Minnesota Vikings CB Xavier Rhodes’ Top 7 Players in the NFC North with a list of his own. [Video Below]

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Training Injured Clients

Michael Boyle
We've all been through this. A client sprains an ankle or hurts their shoulder, sees a doctor and gets told to stay out of the gym for 4-6 weeks to rest the injured area.
As trainers, we get frustrated with the doctor and think “why do they say foolish stuff like this”.
The reality is that unless the client has a serious accident they are at best partially injured. When a client or athlete gets injured I tell them you are generally 25% hurt and 75% healthy. I encourage them to focus on the healthy parts. If it's an arm, you still have another one and, two legs. If it's a leg, you still have two arms and one leg. In any case, training shouldn't stop.
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The big key is how we as trainers react. People tend to trust doctors. If the doctor says “ stay out of the gym and rest”, the assumption is that this is the right thing to do.
You need to approach a situation like this with tact. Saying something like “ the doctor just means to rest the injured area, not to do nothing” usually makes sense to the client. Describe what you think they can do and, then be prepared for the next objection.
The objection will be something like “but, wont I get out of balance?”. “ “If I just work one arm ( or leg), won't that cause more problems?”
This is when you explain the idea of cross transfer. Keep Reading.........

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