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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Joel Osteen Ministries Featuring: Victoria Osteen - Finding The Extraordinary In The Routine

Today I want to remind you that Jesus said, “I came that you may have life, and have it in abundance” (John 10:10). He came so that we could live an abundant live, an extraordinary life, an exceptional life. [This video and more below] God wants you to be extraordinary in your thinking. He wants you to expect more, to strive for more, to go for more because when you’re the very best you can be today, your tomorrow will be better. This is message #776, "Finding The Extraordinary In The Routine", by Victoria Osteen. For more inspirational messages, visit

Who’s on Your Side?

Post by Joel Osteen 

A young lady showed me pictures of what remained of a car she was driving. Someone pulled in front of her on the freeway, she swerved, her car flipped over and rolled three times. It didn't look like there was any way someone could survive. She said, "Joel, I walked away without one scratch or bruise." When the police saw the car, they expected a fatality. They had to use the jaws of life to get her out. One officer said, "You are one very lucky lady." That's not luck, that's the hand of God protecting her.

We've all come through challenges and problems that seemed too big, obstacles that looked insurmountable. We've seen doors open that shouldn't have opened, promotion that we didn't deserve, people who for no reason were good to us. That wasn't luck or just a good break—that was the hand of God pushing back forces of darkness, protecting us, healing us, promoting us. David said, "By this I know the Lord is on my side, He has not let my enemies triumph over me" (Psalm 41:11). When David looked at where he was and thought about all he had been through to get there—King Saul trying to kill him, people betraying him, armies coming together and attacking him—he recognized that God was behind the scenes the whole time, fighting his battles, not letting those enemies defeat him. It gave him a boldness, a confidence, for he knew the Lord was on his side.
All of us have some of these "by this I know"s. That sickness could have been the end, but by the grace of God you're still here, healthy and whole. You can look back and say, "By this I know the Lord is on my side, He didn't let that sickness defeat me." That divorce, that relationship breakup should have left you sour, bitter, lonely. God not only restored you, He brought somebody better than you've imagined. Now you're happy, whole, loving life. You can say, "By this I know the Lord is on my side, He's turned my mourning into dancing."
When you look back at how you raised that child on your own, how you put yourself through college, how you broke that addiction, you realize many people would have given up and missed their destiny. But by the grace of God, here you are. When you know the Lord is on your side, it gives you a confidence, a boldness. You don't fall apart when opposition comes. Your attitude is: "You're messing with the wrong person. I may look ordinary, but I have a secret: the Most High God is on my side."

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