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Friday, February 2, 2018

VALENTUS - 12n24 Weight Loss Program

Lean Trim Diana Here!

12in24 - what does that mean. It means 12 inches or 12 lbs lost in 24 days! Follow this plan and you too can lose weight.  AM, 1 hr before you eat, 1 SlimRoast coffee (Brazilian or Italian), 1 Trim at your bigger meal for the day, 1-5 pm (gets in the gel fat in your gut) and 1 Immune 1 hr before bed (helps your immune system, but the immune also helps you sleep so you get rested which helps weight loss too).  Here is Nicole's results! We make no medical claims, just tell our stories. Amazing!

Nicole - My journey thus far with Valentus coffee and 12in24 plan has been amazing! In just 5 months I have lost 28lbs and 20 inches following 12in24 plan. Drinking 3 functional beverages that all I did added to my already existing busy lifestyle. My coffee before breakfast, Trim before dinner and Immune Boost before bed. No diet, No meal plan, No exercise program. ....just a simple plan. With the help of these all natural products my health has improved tremendously in SO many wayyyys! It's not just about weight loss it's about a healthy way of life. With healthier choices I have tons more energy and a clearer mind. My psoriasis is finally clearing up. Maybe soon I'll be able to go in a swimming pool again!!! My struggles with depression are no longer weighing me down. My monthly cycles are regular, light and painless. This is a HUGE deal for me as it doesn't rob me of life like it used to. No more lower back pain and inflammation. No more migraine headaches. No more emotional eating. Just a happier, healthier ME. It truly is a day at a time, but with the right products your life can change dramatically for the good of your health and well being. Ya just have to be willing to give it a try. I also did this without killing myself at the gym...Hehehe! I didn't exercise ONCE!!! Just went about my everyday life but most importantly I was and am able to do it with more ease thanks to Valentus! If you're thinking about giving it a try think No more "Just Do It!" You'll never know unless you try! I am certainly glad I did. 
Cheers to Good Health!!!

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