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Showing posts with label prevail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prevail. Show all posts

Saturday, March 31, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

Morning! Today is Double Whammy day! Here are two people and their awesome results on our weight loss coffee and other healthy beverages:)

TOM - It's time I share my before and current pictures. We started Oct 2015 on this journey, and now I'm maintaining my weight loss by following the same 12in24 Plan that brought on my lifestyle change.
Having to buy new clothes is a good thing. Back when we started I was wearing 40" waist relaxed jeans and now I'm wearing 32" waist regular jeans. Went from relaxed large shirts to fitted regular shirts.

There has been NO gym or any other work out program used to assist in this change. Just the three products of the 12in24 Plan.
When we started buying the products, our food budget was stretched more then we liked, yet we started. Now, our food budget has dropped by about 2/3 of what we used to spend monthly. Moral of this story, drop weight, get healthy, SAVE MONEY!

MEGAN - Want to keep yall posted on my progress 😍😍
When i started with the weight loss products i was always tired ( took daily naps ) i was bored eating, headaches, had cravings and had no energy to do much! Im in my 20s.....and felt like i shouldnt be tired to this extent lol!!! I even hired a trainer to help me lose, and i didnt even go 😣😣
I am so thankful I have aligned myself with this business! It saved me on so many levels MANY MANY thanks to all of you!!! 
I now dont take naps, i dont take pain medicine, have a huge amouny of energy, and its so amazing to be losing weight and inches.
I drink 1 coffee in the AM. Then once we launched the keto creamer, i now drink 1 coffee with 1 scoop keto in it.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - I've Lost 24 lbs.since End of September 2017 Whoop Whoop!

Lean Trim Diana Her!

Boy am I getting Lean and Trim!!! Yesterday I checked my weight and I was down 23 lbs. This morning I am DOWN ANOTHER POUND, 24 lbs. I LOVE MY PRODUCTS!!!

Remember, I started on 1 coffee a day back at the end of September. By October I was down 13 lbs. Then I was losing some inches but the scales didn't change, so that was still ok. I did the 12 in 24 and lost some inches, then went to 1 coffee in am and 1 cocoa in pm with our Keto Creamer. That's when I started seeing more pounds come off. I now changed it up again and I have 1 coffee with our creamer in the morning, I wait at least 1 hr before I eat, sometimes 2 hrs., and about 1 or 2pm I have another coffee with our creamer. And WOW, 24 lbs down. I'm still not really snacking and the coffee helps me control the choices I make so I am eating more healthy and no sugars, no apple fritters any more LOL! I feel great. I am always in a good mood and just feel great!

Let me help you lose weight and get healthy. Put in your info and I will contact you and help you choose product(s) best for you. Remember we have other products like the immune and max spray that help you get healthy. Again, we don't make any medical claims.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Keep Up Your Immune System

Lean Trim Diana Here!

It's Thursday morning and raining out. We need the rain!  We are still in Winter weather so we all need to keep up our immune system to help our bodies fight off the flue, colds and just be strong. 

Today, I want to talk about our Immune beverage. 1 hr. before bed, take 1 bottle of cold water, 12 to 16 oz., open a packet (stick) of our Immune drink and pour it into the bottle and shake till dissolved. The taste is like cherry. Our Immune will give you that boost your body needs to help fight and keep your immune system strong. As you continue to take our immune, it will also help you sleep. Read how each natural ingredient helps our bodies.

Immune Ingredients Benefits*
Aloe Vera
A plant widely renowned as a miracle plant due to its high volume of Vitamins A, C, E, Folic Acid, B1, B2, B6, B12, High in Amino and Fatty Acids. Aloe Vera was used by ancient Egyptians for sun burn, 2nd degree burns and even as an oral laxative. Depicted in many stone drawings as the “plant of immortality” and used nowadays to treat a wide variety of ailments. Another source of Adaptogen, known to increase the body’s reaction to oxidative stress and to decrease the damage a cell endures with high stress levels. Used even today to aid in digestive health, Aloe Vera is used as an ingredient in many natural laxatives and digestion balancing supplements and is known for its detoxing qualities. Known to help alkalize the body even if applied to the skin, Aloe Vera can be used as a powerful chemical to help stabilize the bodies acids which when are out of balance can cause anything from arthritis, stomach ulcers and even cancer. Helps to boost the immune system with polysaccharides, a main source of dietary fiber which helps the body to metabolize quicker and increase energy reserves. Its reduction in inflammatory treatments is widely renowned and used in almost every country for its near miraculous properties.
A powerful antioxidant known to combat free radicals in the body brought on by air pollution, bad diet and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. Used as a natural mood enhancer because of both its taste (delicious) and its ability to cause your brain to produce mass amounts of endorphins which give you the feeling of “happy” or “content”. Seen as a super food for its use in immune disease and deficiencies treatment and re-energizing qualities to the body’s red blood cells. Supports cardiovascular health by preventing heart disease, varicose veins, blood clots and the buildup of blood in the legs which is one of the main causes of heart attacks in America.
Grape Skin Extract
Heralded for its ability to increase bone strength and health and as a key combatant against bone cancer this extract is used by many for its cognitive regeneration properties and ability to increase brain function.
Panax Ginseng
Most young people these days are beginning to look older and older, in some cases even hitting puberty far earlier than was the norm a generation ago, Panax Ginseng is known to combat the free radicals that give the skin that look of premature aging. Works very well with Goji berry when combined; this root is an immune system boosting super supplement that should be admired by all.
Ganoderma Lucidia
Yet another beefed up aid in the fight against immune deficiencies, Ganoderma Lucidia helps to provide a healthier lifestyle in a world of ever changing and enhancing air and water pollution.
Beta Glucan
Helps to activate the immune system defenses and was used in the past at the first signs of a cold or the flu to either stave off the symptoms or stop them all together.
History remembers that Mangosteen was queen Victoria’s favorite fruit both because of her physicians recommendation to it, and for its strong but delicious taste and texture, (and we all know how long she lived) rich in Antioxidants this fruit has all qualities you want in a super food, its bark, twigs and even rinds are used for a mass multitude of medicinal elixirs. Proven to promote cardiovascular health and aid in overall heart productivity, this fruit has both historical and factual benefits that are the best of both worlds.
Noni Fruit
Gives strong immune support and used during a cold to ease the symptoms and fever that go with it because of its amount of antioxidants this fruit is something that should be eaten as often as you can to stave off immune deficiencies.
 Goji Berry
A wonderful addition to panax ginseng, this berry is yet another in a long line of powerful antioxidants that promote overall health, immunity function and can be used as an energy boost if needed.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - More on Keto Creamer

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Good Morning! While all of you 8-5 people go off to the races, I get to work from home with our wonderful weight loss coffee and other beverages. I love not having to get up at 4am, drive 45 min. to get to my work job and be there by 6:30am. Funny how I still wake up once in a while at 4am, but I just fall back asleep. My Weight Loss Coffee and beverages are allowing me to help people with their health and the bonus part of it is I earn a residual income and bonuses too!

Here is Nancie's results story ( I've attached our Keto brochure:

UPDATE!! Pictures 2/15/18 and 4/17/17! 40# released (4+ just in last 3 Days) plus 45 inches GONE! Although hard to see in pics, my stomach is almost concave from using our Keto Creamer plus SlimRoast Brazilian/Cocoa Combo! I can’t even wear the sports bra any longer and the shorts slide down, kept having to adjust them to take pics! I’m HORRIBLE AT SELFIES, but my husband says I look Amazing in “real life”! I even went bikini shopping!!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

VALENTUS - Prevail Keto Creamer - Benefits

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Lean Trim Diana Here!
Update on my results with our Keto Creamer. Yippee, I lost 1 lb. in 2 days drinking our SlimRoast weight loss coffee and Keto Creamer. Happy Reading!
Ketogenesis is a biological pathway that breaks fats down into form of energy
So, not to get too technical, our creamer is excellent brain fuel and helps you feel full.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

VALENTUS - New Prevail Keto Creamer Shipping Today! YIPPEE!!!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Today is going to be a FANTASTIC day! 3 Reasons!

1. Our New Prevail Keto Creamer is getting ready to ship to everyone that ordered it.
2. I have a booth today at a Business Expo in Northern California and will be attracting and meeting lots and lots of amazing people interested in joining me in my Valentus business!
3. I am grateful for where I am at today in Life and Business and will be helping others prosper.

So, Keto Creamer! 

I am ready to try this "Certified Kosher" creamer in my already awesome SlimRoast weight loss coffee. The results people are having with this creamer is to big for words.
2 - 3 lbs weight loss in ~ 4 days! I will be in hog heaven!  

Questions?Contact me by going to  take the tour, put in your information and I will contact you:)

Prevail Keto Creamer:

Suppress your appetite. Because the body will have existing ketones to use for energy vs eating a big carbohydrate meal because you are feeling hungry

Makes you feel FULL. Body is satisfied ad not craving.

Stops your food cravings so you won’t EAT as much

Helps with Blood Glucose levels because you will have Fatty acids available for the body to use as energy vs. being fed carbohydrates that turn into sugar in order to produce energy

Increases insulin sensitivity. The less your pancreas and liver have to communicate to produce energy, the more sensitive and better working your blood sugar levels will be

Improves blood sugar levels as you will be satisfied with healthy fats!

Improves HDL/LDL levels your cholesterol levels

Improves serotonin, mood and provides the brain with healthy brain energy sources.

It will ENHANCE every single drink product we have including the Energy and Trim drink. You can add the creamer to the coffees, Cocoa, both Trim and Energy drinks. IMO, this creamer actually enhances the taste of the Brazilian and the appetite suppressant factors in the Brazilian and Italian coffee. The creamer makes other Valentus drinks BETTER from both a taste and HEALTH perspectives.

Monday, February 5, 2018

VALENTUS - Boost Your Immune System with Prevail Immune

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Great Monday! I'm a little late posting. I had coffee appointments today!  

Let's talk about our immune system today. Our immune system is pretty amazing and helps protect us. Our immune system can be compromised so we want to keep our system healthy and in tip top shape. 

Valentus again comes to the rescue with our Prevail Immune drink. Our immune drink is great! Mix our immune in a bottle of 8 to 12 oz of cold water 1 hr before bed. Helps you sleep while boosting your immune system. If you are getting or are sick, just heat your water till it's just hot water, not boiling and mix in the immune 3 times a day when sick. Real soothing. Our immune has also helped people with fibromyalgia and eczema and much more even though we do not make any medical claims.  

Questions, contact me

  • Definition of immune system

    The bodily system that protects the body from foreign substances, cells, and tissues by producing the immune response and that includes especially the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, special deposits of lymphoid tissue (as in the gastrointestinal tract and bone marrow), macrophages, lymphocytes including the B cells and T cells, and antibodies.

    Saturday, February 3, 2018

    VALENTUS - 12in24 Weight Loss Program - WOW!

    Lean Trim Diana Here?

    I have another great results story about David! Short and sweet! All I can say is WOW, WOW, WOW!

    Cathy - David has lost 47 pounds so far on our 12 in 24 program!!! This is a beautiful journey and I just want to hug all of the necks of you precious Valentus reps who share this amazing life changing journey with the world!!!!! There are so many out there like my sweet hubs....who have lost their way....and part of their livelihood....because of health issues that resulted in unhealthy weight gain. We have the answer....and now I have my hubs back!!!!
    Lookout Silver Dollar City.....we are coming back again!!!!

    Friday, February 2, 2018

    VALENTUS - 12n24 Weight Loss Program

    Lean Trim Diana Here!

    12in24 - what does that mean. It means 12 inches or 12 lbs lost in 24 days! Follow this plan and you too can lose weight.  AM, 1 hr before you eat, 1 SlimRoast coffee (Brazilian or Italian), 1 Trim at your bigger meal for the day, 1-5 pm (gets in the gel fat in your gut) and 1 Immune 1 hr before bed (helps your immune system, but the immune also helps you sleep so you get rested which helps weight loss too).  Here is Nicole's results! We make no medical claims, just tell our stories. Amazing!

    Nicole - My journey thus far with Valentus coffee and 12in24 plan has been amazing! In just 5 months I have lost 28lbs and 20 inches following 12in24 plan. Drinking 3 functional beverages that all I did added to my already existing busy lifestyle. My coffee before breakfast, Trim before dinner and Immune Boost before bed. No diet, No meal plan, No exercise program. ....just a simple plan. With the help of these all natural products my health has improved tremendously in SO many wayyyys! It's not just about weight loss it's about a healthy way of life. With healthier choices I have tons more energy and a clearer mind. My psoriasis is finally clearing up. Maybe soon I'll be able to go in a swimming pool again!!! My struggles with depression are no longer weighing me down. My monthly cycles are regular, light and painless. This is a HUGE deal for me as it doesn't rob me of life like it used to. No more lower back pain and inflammation. No more migraine headaches. No more emotional eating. Just a happier, healthier ME. It truly is a day at a time, but with the right products your life can change dramatically for the good of your health and well being. Ya just have to be willing to give it a try. I also did this without killing myself at the gym...Hehehe! I didn't exercise ONCE!!! Just went about my everyday life but most importantly I was and am able to do it with more ease thanks to Valentus! If you're thinking about giving it a try think No more "Just Do It!" You'll never know unless you try! I am certainly glad I did. 
    Cheers to Good Health!!!

    Thursday, February 1, 2018

    VALENTUS - Prevail Immune Drink and Benefits

    Lean Trim Diana Here!

    Happy Thursday! One more day till Friday for you working folks. Every day for me can be my Friday as I do my weight loss coffee and beverages from my home:)

    Today I want to touch on our awesome Prevail Immune drink. Taste like cherry and you shake it up in an 10 to 12 oz bottle of cold water. You can also drink it hot if you feel a little under the weather. Feels so good.  Below is a results story on our Immune and a list of ingredients. The 12in24 program Marie refers to is 1 SlimRoast coffee in am, 1 Trim drink at 1-4pm, and 1 immune drink at night 1 hr before bed and lose 12 inches or lbs in 24 days. I will post more on the 12in24 program tomorrow. I am always happy to answer any questions you might have

    This is Marie's awesome story:  

    Hello to you all🙋🏼 I thought I’d share my experience of the immune boost with you all. I've suffered with psoriasis since I was 11 (I’m 35 now) & suffered with sciatica for the past 5 years. I  recently completed the Valentus 12in24 program & during that time I noticed a difference In my psoriasis,  I can see patches of my actual skin emerging. I’ve tried so many lotions & potions to combat this but I've NEVER seen such results in a short time. I also noticed my sciatica that I’m always in pain with went away! For 3 days over the weekend i was gone and completely forgot to take my immune boost & I woke up Saturday morning my skin feeling itchy & my pains had come back. I didn’t think much about it until tonight. I’m sitting here realizing that after starting the immune again Monday night the pains have completely gone again & so has the itching. Now I’m not making any medical claims here at all just sharing what has happened to me.