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Friday, July 11, 2014

Fat Loss/Weight Loss Programs from US Sports Strength and Conditioning.

Dear Friend,
Here are US Sports Strength and Conditioning's programs geared towards weight loss. If you have been struggling to lose fat, follow these programs, and watch the fat melt off of you in no time!
Get Lean Workouts

The Get Lean Programs were designed to have higher repetitions. This higher volume causes a greater amount of calories to be burned. Higher repetitions during weight training helps maximize the body’s metabolism to create a caloric burning effect long after the workout is completed. There are also individualized cardio workouts that are based on V02 max and age predicted max heart rate.

Throughout the length of the Get Lean Programs, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workout. This variation provides a more consistent "programmed response" to exercise which will help to avoid those depressing plateau's in progress.

The regular Get Lean Programs are designed so that each muscle is trained twice per week to give the body a much leaner look and stronger, healthier muscles. The Get Lean EXPRESS Programs offer a shorter workout for those busier times when you simply can't spend as much time in the gym. They are also great for those who physically respond better to a program with less overall volume. Give these programs a try and prepare to feel the burn!

Select a Program

Get Lean Dumbbell Oriented
 Get Lean Dumbbell Oriented EXPRESS
 Get Lean EXPRESS!
3 Day Get Lean with 2 Days of Cardio
Metabolism Booster Workouts

The Metabolism Booster Programs were designed to create an elevated caloric burning rate both during and AFTER a workout. Studies have shown that combining cardiovascular interval training with weight training will enhance the rate at which the body burns calories for up to 10 hours after an exercise session. There are short bouts of aerobic exercise strategically placed within a workout. This makes the program more exciting because there is constant movement and there is no "down time". Just choose between the standard Metabolism Booster Programs, Dumbbell Oriented Metabolism Booster Programs, or focus on a specific area of the body. The Metabolism Booster Program for the entire body will address all body parts, or look into the Metabolism Booster Program in which the exercises are put together so training on consecutive days can occur without running into overtraining problems.

Throughout the length of the Metabolism Booster Programs, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts.

The starting point of the Program is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise.

Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best! Have fun and get healthy!

Select a Program

Consecutive Metabolism Booster
Full Body Metabolism Booster
Full Body Metabolism Booster - Dumbbell Oriented
Lower Body Metabolism Booster
 Upper Body Metabolism Booster

The Women's Fitness Programs are designed to bring about a toning and shaping effect to the body by using lighter weights and higher repetitions. There is also a greater emphasis on the parts of the body that many females want to work on: hips, legs, buttocks, back of the arms etc.

One of the fundamentals in weight training is to not train the same bodypart on consecutive days. So, for these 3 Day Programs, take a day off in between each training session. However, the Consecutive Training Day Programs allow for grouping 3 training days any way one likes, depending on schedule.

The starting point of the workout is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise.

Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel best! To maximize the reduction of body fat, it is recommended to involve some cardiovascular exercise in the weekly exercise routine. Just choose one of the programs that has the cardio built right in. Have fun and get into the shape of your life!

Select a Program

Women's Leg Emphasis
Women's Entire Body Shaping
 Women's Entire Body Shaping - Consecutive Training Days
 Women's Entire Body Shaping Program with Same Day Cardio!
 Women's No Equipment Program
 There is no better time than now to start your journey to excellence!
Click here to get your program today. FREE for the first 7 days then only $9.99 per month!

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