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Thursday, February 8, 2018

VALENTUS - New Prevail Keto Creamer Shipping Today! YIPPEE!!!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Today is going to be a FANTASTIC day! 3 Reasons!

1. Our New Prevail Keto Creamer is getting ready to ship to everyone that ordered it.
2. I have a booth today at a Business Expo in Northern California and will be attracting and meeting lots and lots of amazing people interested in joining me in my Valentus business!
3. I am grateful for where I am at today in Life and Business and will be helping others prosper.

So, Keto Creamer! 

I am ready to try this "Certified Kosher" creamer in my already awesome SlimRoast weight loss coffee. The results people are having with this creamer is to big for words.
2 - 3 lbs weight loss in ~ 4 days! I will be in hog heaven!  

Questions?Contact me by going to  take the tour, put in your information and I will contact you:)

Prevail Keto Creamer:

Suppress your appetite. Because the body will have existing ketones to use for energy vs eating a big carbohydrate meal because you are feeling hungry

Makes you feel FULL. Body is satisfied ad not craving.

Stops your food cravings so you won’t EAT as much

Helps with Blood Glucose levels because you will have Fatty acids available for the body to use as energy vs. being fed carbohydrates that turn into sugar in order to produce energy

Increases insulin sensitivity. The less your pancreas and liver have to communicate to produce energy, the more sensitive and better working your blood sugar levels will be

Improves blood sugar levels as you will be satisfied with healthy fats!

Improves HDL/LDL levels your cholesterol levels

Improves serotonin, mood and provides the brain with healthy brain energy sources.

It will ENHANCE every single drink product we have including the Energy and Trim drink. You can add the creamer to the coffees, Cocoa, both Trim and Energy drinks. IMO, this creamer actually enhances the taste of the Brazilian and the appetite suppressant factors in the Brazilian and Italian coffee. The creamer makes other Valentus drinks BETTER from both a taste and HEALTH perspectives.