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Showing posts with label legs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label legs. Show all posts

Monday, June 5, 2017

Wedding Weight Loss Plan

Wedding Weight Loss Plan

Wedding weight loss plan
I am SO proud of today’s rock star transformation Kim! This 49 years young mother of 2 is no stranger to fitness, but after a new job in an office full of junk food and a lack of motivation took it’s toll on her body, she knew it was time for a positive change! When her fiancee proposed that was the new motivation she needed to get back on track! She signed up for our Wedding Weight Loss Plan – Hitch Fit Bridal Boot Camp, and wow, did she do an amazing job!! She enjoyed having a lot of variety with her eating and training. She shed the 20 pounds that she was hoping for, and I can’t wait to see the pix in her wedding dress when she walks down the aisle in June! Congrats Kim!!
Kim’s Stats:
Starting weight: 147.8
Ending weight: 128.2
Starting body fat: 28.87%
Ending body fat: 18%
Wedding Weight Loss Plan - Before and After Photos
Lose Weight for the Wedding - Wedding Weight Loss Plan Before and After
Bridal Bootcamp - Wedding Weight Loss Plan Before and After Photos
Kim’s Story:
I’m a Mom of 2 adult daughters and 49 years old. I’m no stranger to fitness and nutrition I’ve spent the better part of 30 years inside of a gym and spent a good 10 years competing in figure and bikini competitions in my 30’s and 40’s. My last contest was about 3 years ago and was in the best shape of my life at 46 years old.
I started a new job and went from being active at work to a desk job and sitting most of the day. As with many office environments there’s a lot of junk food around and with the stress of a new job, extra junk food, and my desire to train decreased. I wasn’t working out at my normal intensity and as often. Needless to say I put on about 20 lbs over the past 3 years.
My fiancé proposed last October and I did  not like how I looked in the wedding dresses I tried on when shopping.  In December I decided enough is enough. I’m  not going another summer dreading putting on a bikini and wanted to feel better about myself again and look great in my wedding dress. .
I knew I needed to do it different this time. I needed a nutrition plan with variety and I would be able to stick with it. I knew the previous programs I’ve had would not work for me I could not eat fish and asparagus every day.
I knew of Hitch Fit for several years and was familiar with Diana because she was also a competitor and I had contacted her on a few occasions in the past to ask some questions. she’s always been very helpful and knew they would be a good fit for me to reach my goals.
The program was great, I never really wanted to make bad food choices because of the variety and I was able to make a lot of my own choices. I never strayed from the nutrition which is normally very difficult for me. I really liked how the training programs were so much different than what I had done in the past. Loved the giant sets!
My wedding is in June and will very easily be able to maintain my weight up to and long after the wedding. Thanks Diana!

Bridal Bootcamp Weight Loss Plan

We have options for 12 or 16 Week Wedding Weight Loss Plans – Individual or Couples Wedding Weight Loss Plans
Add to Cart Button 12 Weeks

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Bikini Body Plan Changes This Mom and Business Owners’ Life

The US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning team is picking up right where we left off in 2016. On the quest to help 1 Million Athletes and Fitness Warriors live healthier, stronger, and longer.
Our partners at Hitchfit of course closed 2016 out doing what they do best. Helping warriors like the one profiled here meet and exceed their fitness goals. Whose next?

Bikini Body Plan Changes This Mom and Business Owners’ Life

Bikini Body Plan for Moms

Today’s transformation really puts a smile on my face. Desiree lives in the Kansas City area, so she was able to come and work with me in person. She has gone through so much in her 36 years. Part of her struggles included being at 250 pounds 3 different times in her life. Her weight is something she has struggled with her entire life. The first day she came into the gym, she was hopeful, but uncertain. Her weight was at 178 pounds at that time, she just wanted to get to a place where she felt comfortable and confident. She wanted to wear a bikini with confidence. She wanted to see her abs for the first time in her life. She had tried so many things, and nothing seemed to work to get where she wanted to be. I took a look at where she was, and explained that we would be aiming for a little over 20 pound loss to get there, and I assured her it was possible if she was willing to follow the plan. She said, “I’ll do whatever you tell me.” She was ready.

Desiree is a busy mother and business owner. But she was committed to the process. She did her Bikini Body Plan and supplemented that with coming in to the gym to see me twice a week. She was diligent and committed, and we started to see the scale come down and body fat start to reduce. She started to see changes in her body. Some days I’d have her do an exercise in front of the mirror so she could see what I did as far as new definition in her muscles. To see her face light up every time she saw a new muscle pop through was priceless.

In 16 week’s Desiree’s body had totally transformed. She nailed her goals, and got the bikini body that she was aiming for. She shared with me that one of her dreams was to take Bikini pictures on a truck that she could show her husband. Well, we got to do just that for her after pix! Even though it was pretty darn cold out, she got in that bikini and took those pictures she had dreamed of being confident enough to do. It was an amazing day. I’m so proud of this gal, so proud of her diligence and dedication, and so proud of her inspiring success! Congrats Des!!

Before and After Weight Loss - Bikini Body PlanDesiree right after the birth of her daughter when she was at 250 pounds, and at the end of her transformation with Hitch Fit, 100 pounds gone!

Bikini Body Plan - Mom and Business Owner Weight Loss Story

Bikini Body Plan

Desiree’s Stats:

Starting weight at Hitch Fit: 178

Starting body fat: 26%

Ending weight: 154

Ending body fat: 16%

Bikini Body Plan - Before and After Weight Loss photos of Mom

Bikini Body Plan - Weight Loss Before and After Photos of Busy Mom and Business Owner

Bikini Body Plan - Weight Loss Before and After Photos of Busy Mom and Business Owner

Desiree’s Story:

“To me it sounds like the typical story..

I have weighed 250 lbs 3 times in my life.

The first time I lost weight with a “fad diet” but put it right back on. The second time I had hit the turning point in my life. I knew if I didn’t change my eating habits and lifestlye that it would kill me. So I started doing cardio everyday. Within 6 months I weighed 175. I stayed at this weight for years until I got pregnant with my beautiful daughter. Which put me right back at 250 pounds. It took me 6 months of cardio to lose the weight again back to 175.

At this time I had a lot of extra skin that hung from my body. I called a plastic surgeon and thought this is the way to “see the abs” that I feel under my skin. I went threw with lower body lift. And still after that I continued my cardio and still my abs never came. Trying every fat loss pill on the market. They still never came.

I have always watched people At the gym an thought wow how do they look like that. Muscle definition was my new goal. I didn’t care to “lose weight” because I had never been smaller than 175 since I was 13 years old. I did not believe it was possible. I told my husband that I wanted a trainer so he sent me to a football coach!! “Thanks babe” That did not work out AT ALL because the no-carb diet made me crash within two weeks. I have always known it had to be the way I eat. I ate healthy foods but would starve myself if I saw the scale get to 178. I decided that if I got a trainer I wanted it to be someone that looks like they work out. Not someone that is bigger than me telling me what I need to do. I wanted my trainer to “walk the walk”.

I searched diligently online for a female trainer. Even after the first time I met Diana. I was still skeptical. She told me to see my abs I would I have to weigh 154. I said ok but I can’t get to that. I have never weighed that.

Diana put together my nutrition plan. Again I thought NO WAY can I eat that much food in one day. I was used to drinking coffee all day to curb hunger and maybe eat once a day.

16 weeks later. Here I am! Goal weight met! I can see my abs! And I honestly can not believe that I look like this. For the first time in my life I got in a bikini and was proud! This has completely changed my life!

There were some days I would go into the gym and think I do not have time today. Or would be so stressed out from work that I could not even think. So busy running a business and being a mommy.

Diana made me relax every time I was around her. She helped build my strength mentally and physically. God put her in my life at the most needed time. She is such an inspiration to me as a business owner, a trainer, and in her faith! Diana, I hope you know how much your story has touched me & and how much your tools have changed my life. Thank you for everything I am so thankful to have met you! And to Micah…the first day I felt so Intimidated when you said you want to see your abs “start running”. I thought, “Great I can only jog 2 mins at a time. Now I can run 30-45 minutes straight and have been able to since the end of my second week of training. Blame it on the food, blame it on Micah’s words, blame it on NEVER GIVING UP!

Thank you HITCH FIT, you changed my life. “

How to get a Bikini Body

Kansas City Personal Trainer Diana Chaloux - LaCerte of Hitch Fit with client Desiree

If you live in the Kansas City area an are interested in Personal Training with Diana in person at Hitch Fit Gym write to . Not in Kansas City? No Problem!

Check out the Hitch Fit Online Bikini Body Diet and Exercise plan

Bikini Body Plan

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Monday, August 8, 2016

Build Muscle and Get Ripped

United-Games-300x250.pngSchool is fully in session and maybe you or someone you love is away or right at home while studying and preparing for all that life has to offer. Unfortunately it is often a time why fitness takes a back seat to studying and socializing. It is a known fact that healthier students are the more successful ones. Especially after their college years and as they enter the workforce. So share this email with a student that you care about.

Transformation2 copy

Build Muscle and Get Ripped

The total period of the transformation is about 8 months, with 4 months of bulking and 4 months cutting.


Initial Bulk Cutting

Waist 35.3 40 30.75

Biceps 13 16.40 15.15

Weight 173lbs 210 lbs 163lbs

photo 2 (6) copy

Born and raised in India, I was very active throughout my childhood by participating in sports such as Basketball and Cricket. After moving to Canada in 2006, things changed and I was no longer able to keep up with the sports as I got busy with school, work and trying to adopt the new lifestyle. One day my cousin brother took me to his local gym along with him. Being a rookie and very weak, I couldn’t do much at the gym but I absolutely loved lifting whatever I could lift. I came home and started doing some research and created a workout plan for myself. I started working out but didn’t see much results as my diet was nowhere near to what I should be eating. One night I came across a transformation on and read about how Micah created an online plan for him including the workouts and the diet. After doing some more research about Hitchfit, I contacted Micah stating what my goals are and was surprised how quick Micah’s response was to discuss things further. I told Micah I wanted to get ripped but at the same time I don’t want to look skinny ripped. Micah advised me to do a bulking plan first followed by a cutting plan. I trusted Micah and started my first ever bulking plan. It was very hard in the beginning to keep up with all the diet and felt like throwing up sometimes due to the fact I was eating beef for the very first time. After few weeks, people started noticing the difference in my body, which motivated me to work even harder.

After finishing up the bulking phase, it was time to cut the fat and get shredded. But as we all know it’s easier said than done. I got very busy with my university and couldn’t keep up with the diet and workouts anymore and as a result, lost all my gains that I did through bulking. I even stopped contacting Micah as I was embarrassed. It took a lot of motivation but eventually I did the bulking plan for 3 months again and emailed Micah about my new measurements. To my surprise, even though I and Micah were not in contact for a long time, he replied right away congratulating me on finishing the bulking plan. I told him my new goals and Micah readily made changes to my old “Cutting” plan to adjust my new body weight and goals. I followed his advice and his diet plan religiously and got in the best shape of my life. I cannot thank Micah enough! Also I would like to mention, throughout the bulking and cutting phase Micah never insisted on crazy supplements or fat burners or any magic pills. The supplements suggested my Micah were very basic. People always asked what kind of magic pill I am on that I keep shredding and the answer was always the same i.e. good nutrition, good workout routines and cutting down all the negativity that prevents you from getting to your goals. People would laugh and make fun, but I kept going and now those same people ask me for tips.

photo 1 (8) copy

This journey wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my family. My mom and dad were very supportive in any decision I took regardless of the fact how crazy it might sound. (It’s very hard to not eat all the delicious Indian food and go on a diet where I was eating beef every day haha). My transformation motivated some of my close friends, and two of them actually got their custom plans from Micah and are currently working on their transformation. I might be in the best shape of my life, but this is not the end. I am finishing my Engineering degree next month, and thinking about competing very soon. For that I have already started bulking up again so I have enough muscle before I contact Micah for the Competition Prep Plan. Nothing comes easy, you have to work for it and Micah is always there if you are ready to put in the work.

Jasit’s Program Choice-Get Big Get Ripped

Follow this link for Rates, Program Details, to Purchase and get started!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Bikini Plan for Moms!

United-Games-300x250.pngYou know when you really get down to it. The fittest are the ones who realize that it goes beyond looking a certain way or fitting into your clothes, bathing suits, heck even underwear better. It's the realization that true fitness works from the inside out. You will feel better long before you start looking better. As you will find with today's transformation, you can have both. Just in the proper order for a long life of being healthy strong and fit.

Bikini Plan for Moms! 

I’m so proud of today’s transformation feature Randi! Talk about a busy schedule. This lady is a perfect example that if you set your sites on a goal, you can achieve it if you’re willing to make the changes and create the new habits. A mother, a wife, and a business owner, that’s a lot! But getting herself to a healthy place, and a place where she felt more confident and energetic, we knew these things were going to spill into every other facet of her life. She would be better at all the other roles she was playing if she took care of herself. Knowing how busy Randi was going to be, we set a manageable goal of losing 20 pounds in 12 weeks. Once she got started, and got in her rhythm she not only met that goal, she far exceeded it, shedding 30 pounds and 14% body fat in 12 weeks! Randi tackled the Hitch Fit Bikini Plan for Moms to get her great results! Congrats Randi, so proud of you, what an inspiration you are to all the busy moms, wives and business owners out there.

Bikini Plan for Moms

Randi’s Stats: 

Starting weight: 163

Ending weight: 133

Starting body fat: 35.9%

Ending body fat: 21.8%

Bikini Plan - 30 Pound Weight Loss for this Mom

Bikini Plan for Moms - 30 Pound Before and After Weight Loss

Bikini Plan for Moms - 30 Pounds Lost Post Pregnancy for this mom!

Randi’s Story: 

“I have so many things to say, I don’t even know where to start! I found Hitch Fit through word of mouth. I was telling a client of mine that I really felt like I needed a customized meal plan in order to have my weight loss be more successful. She recommended Hitch Fit and I’m so glad I found them and did this for myself! I’ve always been thin or normal….and then I had a baby. Having a baby rocks your body, especially if you have a c-section!!! I have never in my life had to lose weight before, so I had no idea where to begin. I banked on the idea that nursing would shed my extra pounds….wishful thinking! A lot of people told me “give it a year, you’ll bounce back”….and after 7 months I realized that I was going to have to put in some extra effort if I wanted to feel like myself again. That was the part that bothered me the most, I didn’t feel like myself anymore. I refuse to be frumpy and I refuse to let myself go! My body created this beautiful little human, but every time I looked in the mirror, I thought to myself, “and this is what I’m left with?!” Literally everything jiggled and found a new point of origin! Who made the “dad bod” a thing? What about the mom bod?…. Yeah, not a thing; even though we gained the weight, we harvested the human, we shot them out or had them cut out in my case! It doesn’t help that every time you get on social media you see celebrities 5 weeks postpartum who look perfect. Or the girls on Facebook who feel the need to share that they left the hospital in their pre-pregnancy jeans! That’s not real life and it starts to make you feel like maybe you aren’t the normal one! I didn’t want my son to turn one year old and me, wishing I would’ve started a weight loss program the first time I had thought about it. I didn’t want this weight to hold me back from making memories with him, like swimming for the first time. He can’t miss out on life because I don’t feel comfortable in a swimsuit or shorts!

So after he turned 7 months, I decided it was finally time to make myself a priority and rid of this body that clearly didn’t belong to me! I led a pretty healthy lifestyle before I started Hitch Fit, the food I ate wasn’t unhealthy, but I’ve learned it was not what I needed for weight loss success. I constantly felt torn… group of fitness professionals tell you that you don’t need to calorie count or worry about healthy fats etc, as long as the food is clean and whole. The other half says you absolutely need to portion it out even if it’s good for you. Well which one is it? I’ve heard “Your body type doesn’t need extra carbs,” so then I try not to eat any carbs. I felt so lost. Ok, so how do I figure out what MY body needs because diets are not a one size fits all! How many grams of protein, carbs and fats should I be having each day to meet MY goals? And NO I’m not interested in making more work for myself by entering everything that enters my mouth into an app…add that to my list of things to do! Ala’…. Hitch Fit….they take all of the guess work out of it! It’s an amazing thing that Diana and Micah have created here!

I love the accountability and support they offer by checking in weekly, I truly believe it helps you to stay more focused. I love that it’s online so that your journey can be as private as you want it to be. During the transformation phase they recommend keeping the food simple, which means no fancy recipes. At first I was worried, but it was actually relieving not having to come up with healthy recipes every week! I felt like keeping it simple made my life so much easier and made meal prepping pretty quick! I just packed my meals up the night before and took it one day at a time. I did all of my workouts from the convenience of my home with free weights, bands and a treadmill! Finding the free time for workouts was difficult, but like anything in life…you just figure it out!

I’m a business owner who works full time and my husband is in sales. Our schedules can get crazy! We both work evenings and weekends and most work weeks we are just crossing paths. When I signed up for Hitch Fit I simply asked for extra support and for him to step up his dad game so that I could do this for myself. I took the workouts on one week at a time! The proof is in the pics! I exceeded my weight loss goal of 20 pounds in 12 weeks and I ended up losing 30 pounds!!! I feel amazing and healthy! This sounds crazy, but I’m actually proud that I had to work hard for this.

Now that my transformation phase is over, I plan on moving forward with Diana to the maintenance program. I am excited to have continued guidance with new workouts and a new meal plan that fits in with my new body! If you are reading this… I am just an average working mom who is literally trying to do it all! I’m sure you can relate! It’s not going to be easy, but I promise it will be worth it!!!! We are always always stronger than we think we are! So when your alarm goes off for those early morning workouts and your house is sound asleep, just tell yourself… I bet Beyoncé is on her treadmill right now ;).”

Bikini Plan

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For just a one time fee of $25 we guarantee your highlight reel will be seen by over 5000 coaches, recruiters, and administrators. We will promote your highlight reels with all updates until you are signed to your desired college or pro team!
Check out the US Sports Elite Athlete Highlight Reel Center:
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Friday, June 3, 2016

Your Most Neglected Body Part

I can't figure out why, but people universally neglect to train their legs. It's a funny thing, since proper leg training will dramatically deliver total body results.

Walk into any gym and you'll see the bench press taken, the dumbbells being curled-and an empty squat rack in the corner.

Leg exercises are tough, I won't deny that, but the benefits are more than worth the exertion. 

A Case for Your Legs

Your legs are a major muscle group, so it's no surprise that training them will get you big time results. Training your legs will...
  1. Melt fat from your body. As I mentioned above, leg exercises are tough. Your legs are a large part of your body, so each exercise literally moves your whole body. This is precisely why a good leg workout will fire up your metabolism to melt fat away. You'll burn more calories while exercising your legs than any other body part.

    Due to the intense nature of a leg workout, your metabolism becomes elevated for more than 24 hours. That means that for an entire day your body continues to burn extra calories without any extra effort on your part. Who wouldn't love that?
  2. Build strength for everyday life. How often do you use your legs? Most of us depend on our legs constantly throughout the day-so wouldn't it make sense to strengthen our individual mode of transportation? Kind of like putting a super charger on the engine of your car.

    Exercising your legs isn't only about increased strength; you'll also improve your coordination and balance. This means that you'll be able to do and experience things that you otherwise would have missed. You only live once, right?
  3. Uncover natural muscle shape. Let's be honest, toned legs are attractive. I'm not saying that you're legs will bulge with muscles (unless we trained you for that), but I am saying that consistently training your legs will uncover your natural toned shape.

    Many of my clients discover a whole new level of confidence after getting their legs back into shape. Women especially enjoy the freedom to wear shorts or a skirt without feeling embarrassed to show their legs. Wouldn't you love that freedom?

    Oh, and I should tell you that as you strengthen your legs you'll also reduce the risk of injury to your lower back because you'll actually learn to pick things up off the ground the right way.
Best Leg Exercises

Now that I've convinced you to pay more attention to your legs, here are three of the top exercises you should do. Each of these exercises have dozens of different variations, so have fun and always keep your workouts fresh and challenging.
  1. The Lunge: Start with your feet together, take a large step forward and bend your knees down into a lunge position. Exhale as you press yourself back up to a standing position, or continue through with your step into another lunge.
  2. The Squat: Start with your feet shoulder width apart, inhale as you bend your knees, keeping your back straight. Be sure to keep your knees from going past your toes. Exhale as you push back up to a standing position.
  3. The Dead Lift: Grip the barbell with a mixed grip (one palm faces you, one doesn't). Allow the barbell to hang down in front of you as you stand on the platform with your feet shoulder width apart. Lean forward at your waist, keeping your back flat, and bend your knees, bringing the bar down past them. Exhale as you straighten your legs and lift the bar up. When you are standing upright lean back slightly and squeeze the muscles of your lower back. Hold this contraction for a moment. Inhale and slowly return back down to the starting position.
By no stretch of the imagination are these three the ONLY leg exercises out available. And that's the other great thing about training your legs... you have tons of options and variations. 

Want to know more about leg exercises and which ones are the best for you? Are you finally ready to get into the best shape of your life? Let me help. 

Go to ,reply to this email or call me at the number below and we'll schedule a consultation where you and I can assess your goals and I can show you the fastest and safest way to reach them.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Which of These 7 Reasons Motivate You?


Let's face it, most people dislike exercise. Or at least they think they do.

They say it takes up too much time, they don't like to get sweaty, or maybe they're so out-of-shape that exercise hurts.

Or maybe they'd just rather lie on the couch and eat cake.

I think that anyone who says they don't like exercise is really saying that they don't have any motivation.

Motivation is what gets you to stick with an exercise routine—even when it's the last thing you feel like doing.

There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer for motivation, since different things motivate different people. Try the following 7 reasons on for size and discover what motivates you:

Reason #1: Health
The long list of health benefits attributed to exercise should be enough motivation for anyone. Physical activity helps you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. It also helps lower bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure, while improving the amount of good cholesterol in your body.

Additionally, exercise strengthens your bones and muscles, lowers your risk of cancer, decreases stress, helps you battle depression, and even improves your sex life.

Reason #2: Making Progress
When it comes to exercise, many people find it helpful to track their progress so they can see where they started and how far they go over time. Seeing improvements reminds you that your hard work is worth the effort. Perhaps you were only able to walk a mile, now you're able to run two! Maybe you weighed in at 250 pounds, and now you're down to 215! Track your progress using a regular journal, phone app, or fitness website. This is a great way to stay motivated and to remind yourself that while you may not notice your progress, you're making progress every day!

Reason #3: Convenience
Many people don't stick with an exercise routine when it becomes inconvenient for them. Whether you face a schedule change or don't have time to drive to the gym, it's important (and possible) to find a time and place that work best for you and your busy lifestyle. Just remember to be flexible! If you're too tired at the end of the day, try waking up a few minutes early to fit in a workout.

Reason #4: Enjoyment
If exercise is a bore for you, find a way to make it fun. Everyone likes doing things they enjoy. You might hate running but enjoy swimming or riding a bike. Perhaps you don't like being alone and would rather be social. So join a team! Or maybe you don't like the idea of driving all the way to the gym, changing out, and exercising with a crowd. Find out when your local gym is least populated, and hit the weights then. Do what's most fun for you and you'll be less likely to stop.

Reason #5: Goal Achievement
If you're just getting started in the world of exercise, a good place to start is by setting goals. How much weight would you like to lose? How far would you like to run? Working towards a goal is a great motivator. However, don't set up for failure by striving after unrealistic goals. Do this and you'll soon feel overwhelmed and give up altogether. To avoid this, set realistic milestones. When you reach them, enjoy your accomplishment and then set new goals to take your good health even further.

Reason #6: Increased Confidence
If you're out of shape or overweight, it can take a lot of courage to start an exercise routine. Remember to be confident in who you are, no matter what size or shape. Don't compare yourself to the skinny, toned figure strutting her stuff through the gym. Keep your eyes on your goal and don't expect perfection after just a week of exercise. Strive to have your best body—not someone else's.

Reason #7: Rewards
Rewards are a great motivator. In fact, much of what you do in life is motivated by a reward of some kind, whether intrinsic or extrinsic. When it comes to exercise, a good reward probably shouldn't be an ice cream sundae, but it may be that new pair of jeans you've been eyeing, or perhaps a night out with friends. Maybe for you, weight loss and lowered blood pressure are reward enough. Just know that your hard work is paying off and deserves to be rewarded.

It's my passion to help others find their motivation for creating a healthier life for themselves and their families. I'd love to hear from you – go to call (5715015306) or email ( ) today.

Together we will figure out what motivates you!
Athlete/Coach Resources...
Do you care about your BRAIN? EHT Supplement for the Brain, Discovered and Patented at Princeton University Endorsed By Professional Athletes!
The World's Best High School, College, and Pro Athlete's Highlight Reels and Training Videos.
The 91 Exercises Every Athlete Should Know!
Add 10 Inches Or More To Your Vertical Leap-The Jump Manual
BodyByBoyle OnlineShapeShifter Yoga
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Saturday, February 27, 2016

train with me 24/7

Hello Athletes and Warriors! Nate here with another special message!

Look, I know you want to do something to improve your fitness level… I know you want to get in the best shape of your life. In fact I know that if you had the time, you'd be in here working out with me a few times per week. But the reality is you're a busy person. You've got places to go and people to see families to raise and folks to take care of. Not to mention the fact that I train in the Washington D.C. Area and you may be somewhere else in the world, So you need another solution.

And so because of that, I've crafted a personal training program that involves technology, where you can actually login and do your workouts, in the middle of the night, early in the morning, anytime throughout the day, when you're traveling… in between taking your kids to school and picking them up. You do it in the comfort of your own home or in the gym. You select what exercises you want to do, based on the equipment you have. And best of all, each workout is crafted to be completed in only 30 minutes or less.

Oh, and one more thing, it's only 48 cents per day.

I know, that's not a typo… it's only 48 cents per day. But there's oooone more thing that I want to tell you and that one more thing is… You don't have to pay a dime for the first 7 days.
Just fill out the fitness profile form to get started

I want you to try it out. See if it's right for you… drop a few pounds, lose a few dress sizes… …and then you're welcome to hop on board for only 48 cents per day where you get direct personal access to my big brain of workout knowledge.

To your success,
Nate Lewis
US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning

P.S. I bet you have a friend or family member who would love their very own personal trainer for just 48 cents a day. Go ahead and forward this message over to them :)

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