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Showing posts with label ripped body. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ripped body. Show all posts

Monday, June 5, 2017

Wedding Weight Loss Plan

Wedding Weight Loss Plan

Wedding weight loss plan
I am SO proud of today’s rock star transformation Kim! This 49 years young mother of 2 is no stranger to fitness, but after a new job in an office full of junk food and a lack of motivation took it’s toll on her body, she knew it was time for a positive change! When her fiancee proposed that was the new motivation she needed to get back on track! She signed up for our Wedding Weight Loss Plan – Hitch Fit Bridal Boot Camp, and wow, did she do an amazing job!! She enjoyed having a lot of variety with her eating and training. She shed the 20 pounds that she was hoping for, and I can’t wait to see the pix in her wedding dress when she walks down the aisle in June! Congrats Kim!!
Kim’s Stats:
Starting weight: 147.8
Ending weight: 128.2
Starting body fat: 28.87%
Ending body fat: 18%
Wedding Weight Loss Plan - Before and After Photos
Lose Weight for the Wedding - Wedding Weight Loss Plan Before and After
Bridal Bootcamp - Wedding Weight Loss Plan Before and After Photos
Kim’s Story:
I’m a Mom of 2 adult daughters and 49 years old. I’m no stranger to fitness and nutrition I’ve spent the better part of 30 years inside of a gym and spent a good 10 years competing in figure and bikini competitions in my 30’s and 40’s. My last contest was about 3 years ago and was in the best shape of my life at 46 years old.
I started a new job and went from being active at work to a desk job and sitting most of the day. As with many office environments there’s a lot of junk food around and with the stress of a new job, extra junk food, and my desire to train decreased. I wasn’t working out at my normal intensity and as often. Needless to say I put on about 20 lbs over the past 3 years.
My fiancé proposed last October and I did  not like how I looked in the wedding dresses I tried on when shopping.  In December I decided enough is enough. I’m  not going another summer dreading putting on a bikini and wanted to feel better about myself again and look great in my wedding dress. .
I knew I needed to do it different this time. I needed a nutrition plan with variety and I would be able to stick with it. I knew the previous programs I’ve had would not work for me I could not eat fish and asparagus every day.
I knew of Hitch Fit for several years and was familiar with Diana because she was also a competitor and I had contacted her on a few occasions in the past to ask some questions. she’s always been very helpful and knew they would be a good fit for me to reach my goals.
The program was great, I never really wanted to make bad food choices because of the variety and I was able to make a lot of my own choices. I never strayed from the nutrition which is normally very difficult for me. I really liked how the training programs were so much different than what I had done in the past. Loved the giant sets!
My wedding is in June and will very easily be able to maintain my weight up to and long after the wedding. Thanks Diana!

Bridal Bootcamp Weight Loss Plan

We have options for 12 or 16 Week Wedding Weight Loss Plans – Individual or Couples Wedding Weight Loss Plans
Add to Cart Button 12 Weeks

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Lifting weights is as important to physical fitness as aerobic exercise.

 The big 'duh' but just in case you didn't know, cardio by itself only will not cut it. -Nate
Although aerobic exercise burns far more fat calories, weight lifting or resistance training, increases your lean body mass. Muscle tissue is metabolically active. It uses as much as 45 calories per pound per day to sustain itself. The more muscle tissue you have, the higher your resting metabolism. Even when watching television, the local gym rat burns more calories than their couch potato neighbor. So, while aerobic exercise burns fat during and briefly after a workout, the lean muscle tissue that is gained by lifting weights burns calories around the clock. That's especially important if you want to decrease body fat.
Stronger muscles also enable you to perform daily activities more easily. The result is less fatigue at the end of the day. Well conditioned muscles also reduce your risk to injury.
Strength training is a highly individualized procedure. That's why two equally successful strength athletes may have very different training routines. Nevertheless, in order to increase muscle mass or lean tissue, you need to train with weights a minimum of two to three times per week. US Sports Strength and Conditioning offers customized fitness programs that are tailored to your individual fitness goals.
The American College of Sports Medicine now considers resistance training a necessary component of any sound exercise program. So regardless of what your fitness goal may be, get out there and toss some weight around.

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